Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 953: Thrush love amidst the chirping of cicadas!

After flying out of Huangzhou Continent, Luo Li received a spiritual message from the Hunyuan Sect monks and saw the reinforcements arriving!

These are twenty-five people headed by Zhenzun Yuchen, among them Zhenzun Suhua is also there. She is the number one in the Hunyuan Sect's flying escape. With her here, this demonic formation is the fastest!

These people came to rescue Luo Li as quickly as possible!

If you meet them, you can form a Dao Demon Formation. Even if you return to the void, you can still fight, and you will be safe and worry-free!

Luo Li was completely relieved, and everyone returned to Hunyuan Sect with the sarcophagus.

Along the way, they met other reinforcements from the Hunyuan Sect one after another. They all made peace, ran amok, and returned to the Hunyuan Sect safely.

When they arrived at Hunyuan Sect, Luo Li opened the coffin and let Yu Xiaoxiao see the five illusions of Hunyuan Sect!

Then Luo Li said: "We are home!"

Suddenly Yu Xiaoxiao burst into tears, and everyone cried when she heard it.

Two hundred years ago, a fellow sect member disappeared and returned today. The Hunyuan Sect will never give up on a disciple and penetrates into the hearts of everyone!

Luo Li single-handedly destroyed the corpse of the evil spirit, traveled millions of miles to support the coffin, and managed to escape the pursuit of the Undead Sect with his fellow sect members. Suddenly, this deed spread throughout the Hunyuan Sect!

Countless people gave thumbs up and said, "Well done Luo Li!"

Then spread it outwards and spread it all over the world!

However, this matter involves sacrificing gods and demons from outside the realm and attracting the Demon Emperor into the realm. If the evidence of the crime is confirmed, the monks all over the world will jointly prosecute him.

The Immortal Sect immediately spent a large sum of money to bribe the Unspoken Sect, confusing right and wrong!

It turns out that in order to cherish the ancient corpse, Luo Li killed the seventeen Yuan Yings of the Corpse Demon Sect, and the Corpse Demon Sect passed on for 16,000 years!

He also defeated the reinforcements of the Immortal Sect. Kill the twelve Nascent Souls with a splash of green and bright red, then smash the Heavenly Desire Palace, beat Zhenzun Boyan to death, kill the thirty-seven Nascent Souls of the side sect, attack the Qingdi Sect, kill Qi Jiuhen, and then destroy the thirty-one Yuans infant!

One person broke through three side doors, destroyed two side doors, killed nearly a hundred Nascent Souls, and destroyed two great gods!

It seems that Luo Li does all kinds of evil. For treasure. Kill the three major side doors!

But the Hunyuan Sect has troubles that cannot be told!

The Immortal Sect's refining of the nineteen gods and demons was carried out in the Corpse Demon Sect. One of the purposes was to expose the matter. You can shirk responsibility. Because the Corpse Sha Sect was founded by traitors from the Immortal Sect. The target of the Immortal Sect's crusade.

Yu Xiaoxiao is the carrier for the Demon King from the outer realm to enter the realm. According to the rules of the world of immortality, it should be destroyed, so Luo Li's support for the coffin is worthless. In order for Yu Xiaoxiao to continue to survive, she had no choice but to suffer the loss of being dumb and not to publicize this matter to the outside world.

This crime can only be borne by Luo Li!

At this point, in the world of immortality, Luo Li has become a monstrous villain, a family-killing butcher who commits all kinds of evil!

That reputation of disaster is completely fixed!

But this is just a false name, and few people will really care! The so-called good and evil are just a joke. Many people saw that it was Luo Li who killed the Avatar, destroyed the side door, and gradually promoted Luo Li to his position!

Three months later, the four most important changes in Hunyuan Sect became Shenmu the wisest, Tianya the most ruthless, Fengshuang the most dangerous, Huchan the fiercest, and Luo Li the strongest!

So far, Luo Li has become famous all over the world again, and no one knows about it!

After returning to Hunyuan Sect, Yu Xiaoxiao was taken away by the Three Great Returners for treatment.

And Luo Li returned to Tianqing Peak, his mission completely completed.

Nie Qian did not leave, but stayed at Qingfeng on this day. He couldn't finish the work, so he drove people away and killed the donkey, right?

On this day, Nie Qian suddenly found Luo Li, with a sad face and said:

"Brother Luo Li, I have to leave."

Luo Li nodded and said, "What, something happened?"

Nie Qian said:

"A few days ago, a disciple of my Pirate Sect offended the Demon Sword Demon Sect!

I have to go over and support our bandit sect disciples! "

Luo Li said: "I'll go with you, and I'll help you with this scene!"

Nie Qian said hurriedly: "No, no! I'll leave tomorrow!

If you go, it will be a bad thing, I can handle it! "

Luo Li said: "Okay, if you want to use me, just call me!

In addition, if it is difficult to find a place in the Netherworld Sect, you pirates can come to our Hunyuan Sect, and our Hunyuan Sect can protect you! "

In the last incident, the Thieves Sect showed their strength by showing their strength. The three great returners agreed to Luo Li's suggestion!

Nie Qian said: "Thank you!"

Luo Li said: "You leave tomorrow. Tonight, I will see you off."

Before leaving, Luo Li invited Nie Qian to have dinner.

After dinner, we strolled in the mountains and fields. Among the sky-high peaks, the scenery was beautiful. Beside the island and by the Lotus Lake, we looked at the blossoming lotus flowers. From now on, the two of us were about to part ways, and maybe we would not see each other again for many years!

In the past six months, the two have been inseparable and have lived and died together. Their relationship is extremely close!

Parting was painful. Although the two of them deliberately did not think about this parting, it made people feel even more depressed.

The two of them were sitting on a big tree in the moonlight, drinking with each other.

After drinking a bottle of fairy wine, he threw the bottle far away into the lake to see who could throw it farthest.

The moonlight is hazy, wine is not intoxicating, people are intoxicated themselves.

Looking at Nie Qian who was about to leave, looking at her fiery red eyes looking at him, looking at this delicate woman with light colored makeup, fair face, and rosy mouth, Luo Li couldn't help but kiss her.

This kiss is like burning fire. The two of them have become familiar with each other these days. They know what the other person is thinking without speaking. The confidante is here at the time of parting, under the moonlight, in the beautiful scenery, in this lotus flower. By the lake, everything goes as it should.

Passionate kissing and caressing, gradually burning with passion, gently undressing.

But Luo's shirt was tightly locked and he had no patience anymore. He tore it apart with force, revealing his delicate body like a sheep.

Then Luo Li pushed Nie Qianru down, kissing and caressing her gently.

Then enter, exert force, and with a groan of pain, the pain soon disappears, and then it brings endless happiness. There is me in you, and you in me, in the nature of this world, at the lotus lake, at this Amidst the chirping of cicadas, the beauty of spring is endless.

Once, twice, three times, again and again the two of them were suspended in the excitement of passion, forgetting the immediate parting, forgetting everything in the past, and forgetting the worries and sorrows. It's just the two of them here.

The next day, Luo Li woke up and found that Nie Qian had left, leaving behind a trace of Luo Hong, and left quietly without leaving a word!

Luo Li sighed, it was the hardest thing to bear the kindness of his daughter!

Nie Qian left and everything returned to normal. Luo Li continued to practice and guard the Ancestral Hall.

In the six months since Luo Li left. The qualifications to practice in the Ancestral Master Hall. Luo Li gave it to Qizhu and Tiandu, making them both happy.

Now that Luo Li is back, it's his turn to start enjoying the benefits of practicing in the Ancestral Master Hall.

Sometimes, ten days a month is enough. At that time, many disciples came to practice. It only takes three to five days. But for Luo Li, it was all in vain!

While practicing here, Luo Li quickly mastered the four super-level spells of Ten Thousand Hell Flames that he had not yet mastered. All practice together, then concentrate your energy and start practicing all over the world!

While practicing the spell, Luo Li calmed down and began to refine the Daze Dragon Tiger Pill. This is the spirit energy of heaven and earth taken from the Heaven and Earth by the Returning Void Realm. It can be transformed by refining the void. The Nascent Soul monk can eat one pill and upgrade to the first level, and No toxicity and priceless!

This elixir is extremely effective. Every twelve days, Luo Li refines one, and then his level increases by one level!

Twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four...

Soon Luo Li reached the 30th level and began to attack the third level!

After using three Daze Dragon and Tiger Pills, Luo Li broke through the third level and entered the 30th level!

Looking at the last Daze Dragon Tiger Pill, Luo Li sighed and took it slowly, reaching the thirty-first level!

So far, I have taken all the Daze Longhu Pills. This pill is really good!

After taking the seven great medicines that he refined, Master Hu Chan had a solid foundation. Even without taking the Daze Longhu Pill, his body soared, reaching the seventy-first level in no time, and he had full stamina!

The two senior brothers Qizhu Tiandu have also made gains in their cultivation in the past six months, but they were left far behind by Luo Li.

At this time, the wonderful effects of the seven great medicines were revealed. In fact, as early as half a year ago, Luo Li and Zhenjun Huchan taught the cultivation method of the seven great medicines to Tiandu Qizhu, but neither of them was good at practicing it. Make seven great medicines!

Each of these seven great medicines is equivalent to a spiritual creature from heaven and earth. True Monarch Huchan is the head of the Hunyuan Sect, so he has plenty of oil and water, so he will naturally have no shortage of them.

Luoli has Taichufang City, which also has countless spiritual objects, but Tiandu Qizhu has two. Although there are some heaven and earth spiritual objects, they are far less than Luoli Huchan!

This means that individuals have their own destiny!

Luo Li continued to practice and returned to Hunyuan Sect for half a year. Suddenly one day, he heard someone calling him!

"Luo Li, Luo Li, Luo Li..."

This call is surprisingly a great divine telepathy that penetrates the sky and the earth!

Luo Li frowned, right? Is it the new generation of flower gods from the Fragrant Jieyu Sect, coming to visit?

Luo Li took a deep breath. No matter who he was, he immediately flew over to check.

That cry came from Xuanzhou Continent, right above Naqin Lake!

Luo Li came here and saw a person from a distance, listening to the sound of water in Naqin Lake.

Luo Li immediately flew over, looked at the man, and was stunned!

The new generation flower god of Fenfang Jieyu Sect is not at all, but he is actually the sword god Ye Zhenyi!

He sat in the pavilion and listened to the sound of water.

Looking at Ye Zhenyi who looked extremely tired and tired, Luo Li immediately flew over carefully and said, "I have seen Senior Sword God!"

Ye Zhen glanced at Luo Li and said, "Juehuo! Juehu! Your name is very loud!"

Luo Li smiled and said: "It's all their nonsense! I wonder what the seniors are doing here?"

Ye Zhenyi said: "We failed in our pursuit of the out-of-bounds immortal!

This out-of-bounds immortal, disrupting the world of God in me, killing all butchers, and killing human monks, has been hunted by us for three hundred years. In the end, the immortal completely escaped our pursuit!

To be precise, he reached an agreement with many of us pursuers and made them give up the pursuit!

I’m here to tell you, be careful!

He may leak the news that you have the Immortal Killing Sword. You have been in the limelight these two times, destroying the God of Transformation, slaughtering the side sect, and breaking the continent. Many people will think that this is the power of the Immortal Killing Sword, so you have to be careful, there will be some greed. Return to the void, use you as the prey, and seize the Immortal Killing Sword! "

It turns out that the Sword God came here specifically to warn!

Luo Li felt warm in his heart and said, "I understand, thank you very much!"

The Sword God glanced at Luo Li and said: "It's good that you know. Don't let the news come that day that you will be killed. Be careful and do the best!"

After saying this, the Sword God will leave!

Luo Li suddenly said: "Wait a minute, senior, you have been chasing immortals for a while. You must not have read the recent magical secrets!"

After speaking, Luo Li took out a few books and handed them to the Sword God respectfully!

The sword god was stunned and said: "The latest one? It's not over yet?"

Luo Li said: "It is said that people who write books are the best at pouring water. It is still going on, but it is still interesting and can still be read!"

The Sword God took it, cherished it very much, and said: "Okay, okay, I guess you are interested!"

In an instant, the sword god disappeared!

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, these few books of Immortal Proud Walk Alone, they were not collected in vain! (To be continued...)

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