Wall Street Legend

Chapter 380 Solution

Richard came out soon, and Bundchen found an excuse to let him leave first.

It’s right when you think about it.

Ye Dongqing always felt a little strange, because a group of people planned the whole thing like a business of selling children. After all, they were their own flesh and blood, and few women could be so cruel that they didn't care about them at all.

It is true that Bundchen has been stimulated recently, but during the pregnancy before the child was born, I believe she also devoted a lot of effort to the child and was thinking about it all the time. Even if she doesn't like it now, it is difficult for her to be materialistic enough to take the child. In exchange for your own glory and wealth.

This made him feel that he should come forward, have a good talk with her, and tell her that he would seriously raise this little girl. Maybe this was the right thing to do.

After returning to the hotel, Ye Dongqing was not in high spirits.

After rejecting Richard's proposal to rent a yacht and go out to sea, he first went out alone to walk along the seaside, wearing jeans and a leather jacket, which he hadn't worn like this for a long time.

Looking at the sea in the distance and the small yachts floating on the sea can make people feel comfortable. Compared with the living environment in the United States, this island is indeed more livable, without too much pollution. There are no conflicts and entanglements between powerful countries, there are just lovers walking on the beach, and wonderful buildings that look like landscape paintings.

Usually too busy.

I was too busy to be in the mood to wander around aimlessly with a little worry like I was doing right now.

At first I thought that by earning a few hundred million dollars, I could retire and spend the rest of my life comfortably. But now that I have earned more than one hundred million dollars, my life is still pretty miserable.

Different from the worries of ordinary people, who worry about lack of life and material things, he feels that there is less pursuit in life, so that he has lost the goal of the struggle in the previous two years. Such a life is quite boring.

Take hedge funds.

It is true that the loss or profit of each transaction does make him feel a little bit of expectation, but Ye Dongqing has gradually lost interest in the spoils, that is, money, just like the golden belt in a wrestling match, which he got for the first time. You will be very excited when you get it, but what happens after you get it ten or twenty times?

Every investment is like a wrestling match to him. He can enjoy the process a little, but he no longer sees how important it is.

This is probably the change in mentality that rich people often talk about. They were looking forward to it before getting it, but after getting it, they realized that it was actually the same. The reason why they value that child so much is because they don’t want her to grow up like themselves. The lack of love comes from the love of parents. On the other hand, I also feel that having children can bring some changes to my life.

Maybe it's because I've reached my age. I've reached my psychological age, and I pay more attention to future generations.

Already prepared for the worst, even if Bunchen disagrees this time, Ye Dongqing will find a way to get involved in the child's life, at least to meet her first.

Richard could treat his daughter so coldly, but he couldn't.

Reincarnation is really a science. For example, the person who is being cared for by a nanny in Beverly Hills is destined to never lack food and clothing in this life since he was born, and he will struggle for life like ordinary people.


A small aquarium that doubles as a cafe.

Ye Dongqing personally called Bunchen and asked Bunchen to come out and meet in this cafe with few customers. The environment was quite nice, with sunlight shining in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and in the distance there were fishing boats going out to sea.

This is the second day after arriving in Santorini. Ye Dongqing didn't sleep well last night, and Bundchen didn't sleep well either. They are both a little listless at the moment. They are drinking espresso coffee. After high-pressure brewing, the taste is a bit bitter, but Very refreshing.

He couldn't guess the woman sitting across from him, so Ye Dongqing tried to be as cold as possible and told the other party that there was no way before the other party had any thoughts about mother being superior to daughter.

The atmosphere was a bit cold, and even the dozing cafe owner noticed it. He had looked here several times, maybe peeking at Bundchen.

There was no ambiguity at all, and they were all thinking about different things. In the end, it was Bundchen who couldn't help himself and broke the deadlock: "You have no sincerity at all, and you just asked your friends to come over and talk to me? Where were you some time ago? When I was scolded by the media until I cried."

"I only received the news afterwards. I was suspicious for a while, and it took a while to do the investigation. Then didn't we have today's meeting?"

Ye Dongqing raised his head and spoke, staring into her eyes, and continued: "Judging from your actions, you have made it clear that you don't want that child. Why not transfer the custody rights to me and let me take care of her until she grows up? If you It's okay to be willing to take care of her, and I mean wholeheartedly, but I have to be able to visit her from time to time.

The lawyer told me that he was confident of winning this kind of case. As far as I know, you are often drunk, have a history of arrests, and what you have done during this period, you have a good chance of winning. I just want to tell you that there is no need to make the problem bigger when we can discuss it. It will not be good for you or me. We are here today to discuss a parenting plan. "

Bundchen was silent for a while, probably weighing the pros and cons.

After the baby was born, she asked for a DNA test after only one glance. She suspected that the baby had been contracted by the hospital and started crying and making a fuss.

It was just that one look, and then someone took the child away, not wanting to see her again. This situation continues to this day. Some time ago, the nanny sent the child to the hospital when she fell ill. As far as Ye Dongqing knew, she didn't even call to ask. , someone has been sent to contact the nanny who takes care of the child.

Under such circumstances, it was difficult for Ye Dongqing to believe that she could take good care of the child. The other suggestion he made was only a last resort. He did not want to confront her in court, but he did not mind being criticized by the public if necessary. Another accusation was worth it in his opinion.

"Tell me first, what kind of parenting plan?"

Bundchen asked him.

Ye Dongqing told: "With yesterday's quotation, the custody rights belong to me. You can take time to visit the child. In addition, I have ten days of visitation rights every month. I live with me for three months a year. Every month I I’ll give you 300,000 yuan in child support. You know, the child will definitely not cost you so much, so the extra money will be my compensation.”

Three hundred thousand US dollars a month is almost 100 million US dollars over 20 years ago. There is a huge difference between the two plans.

It can be regarded as giving Bundchen a step down. The reason why he came up with such a disparity in compensation plan is mainly to let the other party choose the former.


Except for the two of them, no one knew about the ensuing conversation. Bundchen drank a whole cup of coffee before giving Ye Dongqing an answer, and decisively signed his name and fingerprints on the agreement.

After a few minutes of discussion, they parted ways. When he saw Ye Dongqing coming back, Richard immediately asked him impatiently, "How is it? Are we done talking?!"

"Well, I'm going to Los Angeles now to take the child home."

Ye Dongqing told him with a smile.

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