Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1018: Tendo Kaji

Make a whip!

The day after tomorrow is merit.

Although it is not comparable to the Hongmeng measuring ruler in Qingshan's hands, it is also a rare treasure in the flood and shortage. Even Lao Tzu's diamond bracelets made by using Yang's copper and the merits of the Guanhua Buddha can not be compared.

After all, one is a family of treasures, and one is a religion.

Although there are several great religions in the world, the tribe is the protagonist of humanity and humanity.

Besides, the body of the whip is the gourd vine of the top ten congenital spirit roots in the flood, which gave birth to seven top congenital spirit treasures, plus the blessing of man-made merit, it is better than the whip.

And this is just some hollow willow branches, you can see the whole leopard, you can imagine the strength of his body.

It is indeed the body of raising eyebrows, the root of chaos, the hollow willow.


With an eyebrow shouting.

Three thousand willow branches were thrown high at the same time, and then pulled down heavily.


There was a loud sound, I am afraid it was no less than a panic when Pangu opened the sky that year.

Among the world barriers, except Sanqing, Zhunti and Donghuang Taiyi, everyone else has shed blood and passed out. Hao Xuan was not shocked into a fool.

It is Sanqing and others who have the treasure in their bodies. At the moment, their heads are blank, and they have not returned to God for a long time.

Don't talk about them. Fang Qingshan was trembling for a while, his face turned wild, and he didn't have much time to think about it. The eternal skyboat flew out automatically, descended to draw the light of God, dragged it onto the deck, and then retreated 100,000 miles. Aoyama felt better.

Horror, great terror.

After three thousand days, the merits of the merits of the heavens are the same, and they all explode at the same time. What kind of scene is that?

Fang Qingshan hadn't seen the magic torrent before. Hundreds of thousands of instruments in the key of the desolate **** were turbulent, but compared with the sight in front of him, it was just a child show, and he was not worthy of mentioning his shoes.

Not only did Fang Qingshan change color, but also Hong Jun?

He originally thought that although raising an eyebrow was a space demon, it wasn't as good as a chicken when it came to the ground.

Judging from previous encounters, it seems to confirm this point, and it seems that it can be a draw with itself.

If there is a blessing from heaven, and a heavenly artifact is cast, then it is impossible to catch it?

It's a pity that he forgot that he doesn't have a hole in his hand, why not raise his eyebrows?

As one of the oldest and mighty chaos demon gods, how can he raise the eyebrows he can imagine.

No, the others don't say, just showing the body, a blow in the air will instantly make Hong Jun feel the gap. He knows that if he alone, he would not be able to take over. Even if it is to sacrifice the Zixiao Palace or forge the jade sacrifice, it may be difficult.

This is not only because of Lingbao, but also cultivation, experience, and control of the Tao.

The power of heaven, the rule of three thousand, bless me!

Hong Jun took a deep breath and quickly called for blessing from heaven.

Suddenly, the flooded world shook, and in the midst of it was a majestic mass. The power of mystery was blessed on Hong Jun like a maggot initiation. For a split second, Hong Jun was transformed, indifferent and incomparable, like that of heaven. .

The breath on the body also jumped from the seventh layer of the mixed Yuan, and instantly soared to the tenth layer of the mixed Yuan.

Heaven is like a knife, cut everything!

Hongjun's handprints waved, and the power of the heavens and the power of the law condensed instantly, replacing the sword with a gun, carrying the horrifying Tianwei, piercing the chaos, and choking his brows.

Although it is also a heavenly sword, it is not the same in Hong Jun and in the hands of son-in-law.

If the Tianyi knife in the hands of the son-in-law is only the level of the five tigers' broken door knife, the Tianyi knife in Hongjun's hand is the Tiandao Nine Questions. It is completely the difference between Firefly and Haoyue.


A ray of guns seemed to cut through the time and water, with the sound of waves breaking. Following an inexplicable trajectory, three thousand willow branches with raised brows fell.

Originally formed into a prison cage, it seemed that the invincible attack was blocked.


There was a big destruction, and black holes emerged. Less than half of the chaos was alarmed.

Originally attracted by the raising of eyebrows and Hongjun, the monsters of various opportunities thought to be what happened. Warcraft, at this moment, is like a bow-struck bird, retreating madly.

Although this scene is not as good as the great disaster of the year, they naturally cannot be compared with the three thousand deities of the year. When encountering such a horror scene, it is natural to avoid it like a snake.

Besides Hongjun and Yangmei, the green willow branches and the Heavenly Sword slammed together, and they both shocked, and then stood apart thousands of miles apart.

The Heavenly Gun was weak and the light was dim. The green willow branches had just gone and the new force was not born. There were numerous cracks on it, although they soon recovered as usual. But obviously, the blow was not easy for both.



Just standing, when the Tianyi gun and the willow branches flashed, the figures belonging to Hongjun and Yangmei disappeared instantly. The next moment, the two collided again.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

A series of golden-iron symphony sounded as if the chaos bell was ringing continuously. The sound was rapid, as if the death knell for the world. He was upset and irritable.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan had closed his eyes and was afraid to look with his eyes.

Because then, it is likely that his eyes could not be kept.

It's not just the eyes, even Fang Qingshan didn't dare to release the primal sense, of course, the same reason. yuan

Yang Mei and Hong Jun fought so fiercely and so destructively. Anything close to them would be torn into pieces in an instant, and instantly crushed into smoke.

He can only rely on telepathy from afar. Even so, the load of Yuan Shen is not ordinary.

Hey, the road is a long way to go, and I will search up and down!

The more she watched, the more emotion Fang Qingshan felt.

Originally thought that after breaking through the mixed yuan, he can already be regarded as a master, and it can be a little easier.

But he did not expect that it really caused Hongjun.

Compared with Yang Mei and Hong Jun, Firefly and Haoyue are not enough to describe the gap.

I couldn't even watch.

In fact, he was pretty good, the son-in-law was really not qualified to watch ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this moment, he has completely returned to the Honghuang World. With the sound of rumbling in the distance, I don't know the specific situation at all.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

In an instant, the two did not know hundreds or thousands of battles, or supernatural powers, or spiritual treasures.

A purple sky **** thunder, my space is destroyed in one move, you kill the sky with one shot, and my space is king.

It's too fast for the sensory induction, it's too fast for people to vomit blood, and a little negligence may be taken into account by people.

At a certain moment, at the two ends of the chaos, the two figures reappeared, separated by thousands of miles, and stood opposite each other. Although they didn't seem to be embarrassed, they were no longer light and windy.

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