Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 102: so close

The majesty sank no more than dozens of feet, and Fang Qingshan glanced quickly, and saw countless rotten snake corpse bones, which was disgusting.

From time to time, a stream of colorful air flowed upwards, but Fang Qingshan didn't mean to appreciate it at all.

Except now he was thinking about finding the dragon elephant, obtaining the essence of the dragon elephant, and then breaking through the mystery of magical powers.

He is, if it had not been for the mask released by the chessboard of the heavens, he would have turned into a pool of pus.

This colored gas is a combination of earth vein fire gas, earth lung poison gas, rotten gas from Rotten Peach Mountain, and so on. It is the best decontamination of human magic and body. Without sufficient strength or restrained treasure, encountering absolutely no dead body.

I can control, naturally a rare treasure, such as the sacrifice used by red-haired ancestors to become a magic weapon.

But I can't control it, that's something terrible.

Fang Qingshan followed the breath of the dragon elephant, Fang Qingshan rushed down for more than two thousand feet.

At this point, the rotten marsh is already dark and muttering, and it is bubbling with countless bubbles, as if boiled. During this period, it is mixed with black smoke that does not completely burn.

Qi Fangqingshan knows that this place should already be near the center of Rotten Taoshan, and the dragon elephant should be nearby.

After searching for the next time, as expected, he saw the huge body of the dragon elephant floating in the mud, and his nostrils were like spitting thunder.

Apparently, the dragon elephant has devoured the drunk dragon grass and fell into a lethargy.

The purer the blood of the dragon dragon family, the longer the period of intoxication.

It is a pity that Drunk Dragon Grass is not fully mature, but it is only a semi-finished product, so Fang Qingshan did not dare to guarantee the efficacy of the dragon fruit. I do n’t know how long the dragon elephant will fall asleep and when will it wake up.

"Hurry up."

When Fang Qingshan came to the dragon elephant, he directly worshipped the teacher, and from the long hand of Hong Changbao, sealed the sacrifice of a sacrifice of heavenly demonized blood knife, and cut it towards the belly of the dragon elephant.


The dragon dragon is indeed a dragon elephant. As a dragon blood, its defense power is already amazing. In addition, it is hidden in the rotten peach mountain and polished by the five clouds of peach blossoms, which is comparable to magic weapons.

Fortunately, the demonized blood knife is indeed a housekeeping magic weapon of the red-haired ancestors. It can be ranked in the sword of the whole Shushan. Even a demon giant such as the green robe ancestor will be cut off by it.

虽然 Although here is just a ray of stabbing gas from the demonized blood knife, the dragon elephant also fell into a deep sleep because of taking drunk dragon grass, and was completely unaware, and its defense power dropped sharply.

Fang Qingshan let Fang Qingshan break the armor and tear a gap.

When Fang Qingshan saw this, he had no time to breathe a sigh of relief, and he immediately exerted the Beiming magical power, issued a force of swallowing, pressed against the wound of the dragon elephant, and pulled it out forcefully, sucking a mass in the wound healing gas. Jin Guang, the blood that weighs a thousand pounds.

"it is good!"

When I saw Kung Fu, the dragon elephant's wound healed as before. Fang Qingshan couldn't help but be grateful for a while. Fortunately, he had to move fast, otherwise, he would have to give up all his efforts and the bamboo basket would be empty.

Now that he has obtained the essence of the dragon elephant, Fang Qingshan is no longer staying here. Although there is no danger, he is consuming luck.

Suddenly, the dragon's fine blood was stuffed into his mouth, Fang Qingshan rushed out of the loach, and then picked a hidden cave that he had chosen for a long time and turned in.

I can't think too much, Fang Qingshan sits cross-legged and looks at the sky. While he is thinking about the dragon elephant, he runs the dragon elephant Prajna Gong to refine the dragon blood.


There was a tremor in the mud pill palace of Qiu Fangqingshan. If it were not suppressed by the chessboard, I'm afraid it would collapse.

He followed, and saw a dragon elephant descending into the mud pill palace out of thin air, a mighty idea like a wangyang, impacting the spirit of Fang Qingshan, with a surging spirit.

The dragon elephant pattern conceived by Qi Fangqingshan encountered this real dragon elephant and collapsed in no time.


There was a long yin, and Fang Qingshan's entire sea was shaken.

At the same time, Fang Qingshan's body is a mess at the moment, and it is full of scars. Although it is just a mass of blood, I am afraid that the energy in it is not more than the nine-know Jindan obtained by Fang Han.

And the dragon blood is not a panacea, nor is it a treasure.

In the meantime, there is also the will of the dragon elephant.

If you want to refine the essence of dragon elephant, you must first bear the will of the dragon elephant.

The dragon dragon is comparable to the existence of Dixian, but Fang Qingshan does not even break through the mysterious realm. It can be said that there is a big difference between the two.

虽然 Although this is just a ray of dragon elephant's will, but for the other side, Qingshan still miscalculated its power.

Fortunately, he has another ultimate treasure, the heavens board!

When squinting at Fang Qingshan, the dragon chess will be crushed into slag, the heavens move.

A wave of belonging to the heavens and the world, the supreme and noble breath instantly suppressed the will of the dragon elephant, followed by a milky air flow on the broken soul of Fang Qingshan.


Suddenly, the soul injured by the will of the dragon elephant immediately recovered.

"so close!"

When Fang Qingshan came back, he couldn't help but start a cold sweat, and after a while, he was afraid. If there were no chessboard, he would be dead today.

I ca n’t live without blessings ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Blessings with blessings!

Although this time, it was almost a disaster, but at this moment I was able to survive it. But it was time to harvest.

Qi Fang Qingshan first used the chessboard of the heavens to suppress the raging blood power in the flesh.

Then began to rethink the dragon elephant.

After observing the real dragon elephant, and even being defeated by the dragon's essence and blood, Fang Qingshan, who was already in a half-step psychic state, had just thought about the dragon elephant, and felt that his mind was clear, scrupulous, and aware of the sea. All of them are clearly reflected in my heart.

Psychic realm, you can look inside!

The world is in my mind!

Unlimited amplification of the soul!

"it is good!"

When Fang Qingshan saw this, he could not help but yell in secret.

He followed, while he was controlling the imaginary dragon elephant to devour the will of the dragon elephant bound by the chess board in the sea.

While running the dragon elephant Prajna Gong, he began to refine the dragon elephant essence blood a little bit.

The majesty, domineering, noble, and longing for freedom, raining clouds, and so on, as the dragon elephant was accepted by Fang Qingshan a little bit.

After removing Wu Cunjing, as he digested, Fang Qingshan could feel that his spiritual will was increasing every moment.

In my mind, I used to look far away and couldn't reach it. It looks like a magical gate like a mirage in the mirage. At this moment, I know a little bit more, and when I get in, it seems that I can come to the door with more effort.

As long as the will is subdued, it will be absorbed smoothly, but the essence and blood will be different.

The difference between the essence and blood of the dragon elephant, the energy level and Fang Qingshan is too big. Even if it is to pull silk and cocoon, a little bit of refining, a little bit of integration, the pain in the process is more than that of Yazizi. Come here thoroughly.

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