Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 104: Magical power

"I have become a mysterious mystery!"

Qi Fang Qingshan carried Zhou Tian, ​​and his spiritual knowledge swept away, and he could clearly feel the mana in his body, as vast as the ocean.

When Fang Qingshan originally had the power of ten dragons and ten elephants when the state of God changed, once he broke through, his strength soared. Fang Qingshan felt his current strength and was able to pull 20 black yellow horses.

You must know that Fang Han is in this state when he breaks through the realm of true energy, and Long Xuan with true dragon blood is even worse, and Fang Qingshan just broke through the mysterious realm, and he has this power. How good the dragon elephant Prajna Gong and dragon elephant essence blood brought him.

Of course, the reason for this is not to say that Fang Qingshan's dragon elephant Prajna is better than Fang Han's Yan Luozhen, and the dragon blood is more pure than Long Xuan's true dragon blood.

The reason why this is so is because the essence and blood of dragon elephants is too advanced, almost the blood of the earth fairy level. With the power of dragon elephants, they are put into the world of eternal life.

Although Long Xuan is a true dragon, it is too thin. Although Fang Han's Yan Luozhen is good, it is only part of the Big Five.

The dragon elephant essence and blood together with the dragon elephant prajongong complement each other, and the effect of one plus one is greater than two.

"Oh, what a pity!"

Fang Qingshan sighed. Although his power is strong, he now has no supernatural powers. He can only use his power to suppress his opponents. This method is too inefficient, it is impossible at all, and he is lower than himself. Of course, people are naturally disadvantaged. When encountering people who are in the same realm as themselves, or even higher, they will suffer a lot.

Therefore, his immediate priority is to find some supernatural powers to practice and fully exert his strength as soon as possible.

Otherwise, once you encounter a crisis situation, as long as you just practice a small magical power, you can easily win, but in the end, because there is no magical power being crushed by your opponent, then you can really laugh.

He wants to get magical power, but it is not difficult for the other side.

Now that he has broken through the mysterious realm of magical powers, as long as he returns to the world of eternal life and back to Yuhuamen, he can be promoted to a true disciple.

Although the true disciple needs to pass strict examination, after all, the true disciple is a mainstay of a sect, and many true elder disciples have to rely on it, such as Huatiandu.

If any demon genus or undercover becomes a true disciple, it will not only be a shameful thing, but it may also endanger the prosperity of the school.

However, Fang Qingshan did not have such concerns. His background was very blue and white, and his sister Fang Qingxue was also a true disciple.

Therefore, as long as he is promoted to the mysterious realm and become a true disciple, there is no problem.

只要 As long as he became a true disciple, the elders of martial arts will teach a supernatural power to the true disciple for free.

However, for ordinary magical powers, Fang Qingshan is not very appreciative, and the feathered gate can attract him is the big yin and yang technique. However, it is obviously impossible now to get this fundamental law.

Fortunately, in addition to getting magical power from the martial arts, Fang Qingshan had planned it himself.

He can find Fang Han and let him pass the big five elements to himself.

After all, in addition to air transport, there were also three thousand roads, including the Big Five Elements and Great Reincarnation.

However, the acquisition of these magical powers requires a prerequisite, that is, Fang Qingshan returns to the world of eternal life and returns to Yuhuamen.

However, in Shushan, Fang Qingshan is not unable to obtain magical powers.

Ignoring the factors of his prophets, Fang Qingshan is not alone in the mountains of Shushan. Anyway, he is also a gatekeeper of the red-haired ancestors.

"Forget it, go back first, get the refining method of Wuyun Taohuaya, let's talk!"

Qi Fang Qingshan thought so.

Nowadays, the dragon elephant is intoxicated, it can be said that his defense is the lowest.

If Fang Qingshan had a red-haired ancestor, or even Hong Changbao's practice, he would take a risk and try it out with the second elementary god.

Unfortunately, today, he has just broken through the mysterious world of magical powers, which is equivalent to entering the second level of refining and gasifying gods, which is far from the existence of dragon elephants comparable to the existence of immortals.

Think about it, the will contained in the essence of a dragon's blood, almost defeated his soul. If it weren't for the chessboard of the heavens and escaped from the dead, I am afraid not to say that the advanced magical mystery is brain death on the spot. It is very possible to even occupy the nest of the dragon elephant dove!

Think of the person in the eternal life who just broke through the mysterious state of magical power, and actually wants to refinish the head of Yuhuamen, the demon **** of the demon **** sect, even if they are seriously injured, the camel is thinner than the horse. Is it you Disgraceful.

I just ca n’t go back empty-handed after entering Baoshan!

Since the dragon elephant is not something you can sacrifice, you can only step back and use the five-cloud peach blossom qi from the Rotten Peach Mountain to sacrifice your first magic weapon.

The magic weapon of Shushan is different from the magic weapon of the eternal world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the eternal world, only magical tools can be sacrificed in the magical realm, while spiritual tools must be cultivated to the fifth level of magical realm, heaven. The masters of the human realm can arrange large arrays with mana and depict large arrays of mana on items before they can be refined.

Shushan is not the same. As long as there is a method of refining, it is the **** of refining and gasification, and even people who refine the state of refined gas can refining.

I am just unsuccessful. The danger is different from person to person.

Wuyun Peach Blossom 瘴 is not afraid of wind and thunder, is not afraid of water and fire, and has infinite changes.

No matter attack, defense, or flying, it is the best choice.

Really can be described as a magic weapon for killing more goods, traveling at home.

I don't think that Fang Qingshan until now, in addition to the precious piece of the chess board that cannot be easily used in his hands, did not have a housekeeping magic weapon that was difficult to obtain, and it was considered a shame.

This Wuyun Peach Blossom is coming just right!

Of course, the action must be fast, after all, the dragon elephant eats only the semi-mature drunk dragon grass, and no one knows when he will wake up.

Once he was awake, Fang Qingshan had the chessboard of the heavens and did not dare to enter the rotten peach mountain to take risks.

I do n’t know how many years the red-haired ancestor 觊觎 this rotten peach mountain ’s five-cloud peach blossoms have been angry, and even a special palace was built here, but because of the dragon elephant, it has been slow.

Once the dragon elephant wakes up, the cultivation is even more advanced, and then go to collect, then it is not into Baoshan, but into the wolf's nest and tiger's lair, to find the way to death.

I thought of this, Fang Qingshan kept rushing towards Hongmuling.

After all, from the time he threw the drunk dragon grass to the time when he obtained the dragon blood and broke through the mysterious realm of magical powers, it has been over ten days, I am afraid that time is running out.

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