Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1185: compromise

"I can tell you very clearly that I am from the Palace of the Immortal Demon. This is a powerful force that ranks among the heavens and the world, which is horrifying."

Why do you say that the poisonous prince is so kind and popular with Hongjun for spreading the world, it is actually just a way to put pressure on him. I hope that Hongjun will invest in jealousy, and do not do things that make both sides lose more.

After briefly talking about some situations, the poisonous **** sneered,

"And we are just a small team in the Palace of the Immortal. There is such a existence as we do, and I do n’t even know how many there are. Above us, there are the captain, deputy chief, chief, and elders. Defending the law, deputy palace lord, palace lord, others don't say, our captain may not be weak, you say, if I summon them, what will you do? "

Hearing this, Hong Jun's face changed.

Although he didn't know much about the heavens and the world, but since the last time he was buried by the eternal Qingliankeng, he also learned from the avenue. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

He doesn't think poisonous princes and others are lying, and he has supernatural powers to tell if they are lying.

And when the poisonous prince said these words, he was so full of energy that it was obviously not the toad's mouth opened and the atmosphere was blown away.

"Then why don't you pass the message on to your peak now?"

Hong Jun also knows that the dog jumped off the wall and could not be forced too much, so he took a sigh of relief and said coldly,

"Also, do you think I will not block the chaos? Do you think your message will be passed smoothly? Without the message, you think I will be afraid of the forces behind you?"

"Also, do n’t ask for hope. They have calculated here, and they have calculated that here, this chaotic world has existed for so long, but there are no other aliens coming here, except for your mishaps. Impossible, but the price and time paid are obviously extraordinary. "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Hong Junyue said that the more he felt in his heart, the more he seemed to cheer himself up.

"Ha ha!"

In this regard, Poison God Hou and others looked at each other and smiled.

"Although you are great, you have limited insight."

Speaking, he ignored Hongjun's shame and anger, and continued,

"We have no special means of transmitting information to the Magic Palace. You don't want to intercept it at all, unless the original will of the chaotic world opens the blockade. However, in that case, it will return to the previous problem and pay more."

"As for why we didn't notify Shangfeng immediately, it's not difficult to understand."

"The world is full of benefits and the world is full of benefits. The reason we do this is naturally for the benefit."

"You may not know how great the benefits of the new chaotic world on one side are. What you are using now is less than one percent." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Although we report this news and get a generous reward, it is obviously a bit insignificant compared to our own drive."

"Jun isn't there. How long has it elapsed before our strength has a qualitative leap?"

"Therefore, we will not report it until it is absolutely necessary, lest Shangfeng eat meat, and we will not even be able to drink the soup."

"However, in the end, if there is a last resort, we can only fall back on it, because it is safe and secure, and we can get a reward."


Hearing this, Hong Jun could not help but curse in his heart. At the same time, thousands of thoughts in my heart went crazy. Thinking about how to respond.

"So, now it ’s up to you how to choose a Taoist? Is it because we both lost and the net was broken, and in the end everyone took a shot and scattered, or we each took what we needed and cooperated for a win-win situation. Hello, I am good, everyone." & 1t; / i>

Seeing that Hong Jun was deterred, the poison **** Hou and others could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As they say, they are unwilling to report it as a last resort. After all, compared with the benefits they are getting now, the rewards are a bit dispensable.

"Get what you need?"

Hong Jun's heart moved.


The poison lord nodded,

"Now the fair battlefield has been established, and we can be considered a relatively fair battlefield, and we can get what we need by fighting each other."

"If we fail, we will pay the corresponding price, whether it is the heavens and the world, the information of immense void, or the secret method of breaking through the mixed element, the cultivation method of the mixed element, and even how to obtain the title mixed element to survive the five failures of heaven and man , Break through the immortal secrets, etc., these are things you need urgently. "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Hearing this, Hong Jun couldn't help but feel a rush, especially after passing through the heavens and the world, and breaking through the immortal secrets, it was something he desperately needed, but he was not fainted.

"What if you win?"

"That is naturally you need to pay the corresponding price."

"What's the price?" Hongjun asked. At the same time, a sneer of irony,

"People from the vast forces of the void will still look at these things of our indigenous people?"

"Treasures, luck, merit, construction sites and so on."

Poison God Hou did not hear or listen to Hong Jun's ridicule, saying sadly.

"Let me think about it, I hope you don't put up any moths anymore, otherwise ..."

Hong Jun heard the words, pondered for a while, but didn't make a decision in his heart. He took a hard word, turned and drove back to the Xiaoxiao Palace to return to the famine. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

He has to go back to the deity, to heaven, to the original will of the flood world, and even to the original will of the chaotic world, to see if he will ask the will of the chaotic world to shoot once and for all, or compromise one or two to maximize the benefits.


After Hong Jun left, the poisonous **** Hou and others could not help but take a breath.

Don't look at them fearless when they just face Hongjun, plus the guardianship of the balanced road, there is no worry about their lives, but they are also under great pressure.

Especially after enjoying the abundant resources and quick improvement, they are even more afraid that Hong Jun's brain will be heated and their fish will die.

In this way, they can only spread the news, so even if they can get a reward, how can they compare themselves to driving this chaotic world?

Fortunately, Hong Jun was somewhat sane and did not act recklessly.

"I don't know what decision he will make in the end!"

"It should be a wise decision to think about it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After all, if it is broken with us, we may be fine, but they will be completely enslaved. If we cooperate with us, if he can get a little bit of benefits, it will be good for him. Breaking through the realm of immortality is certainly very helpful. "

"Get a little bit of benefit? Hey, it depends on whether they are proud of the world."

"Well, a red heart, prepared with both hands, we can't pin our hopes on others completely, we still think about it, in case he refuses to cooperate, or even communicates the origin of the chaotic world to block the world and destroy the guardian, how can we protect ourselves? And spread the word! "

"That makes sense!"


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