Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 119: True disciple

既然 "In this case, in accordance with the rules of Yuhuamen, Fang Qingshan is my true disciple of Yuhuamen from today."

The elders of Xingtian Penalty finalized.

"Become a true disciple of Yuhuamen, the martial arts will pass down a supernatural power for free."

Elder Wu Chuangong said unhurriedly.

"I have a myriad of magical powers. The most famous one is eight. The purple electric thunder knife cultivated by your sister Fang Qingxue is one of them. Choose one!"

He said, the elder Chuan Gong waved his hand, and saw a piece of jade thrown in front of Fang Qingshan.

Qi Fang Qingshan quickly held up his hands and looked intently, but it looked like the stars were full of stars and the stars were full of magical names.

I saw this scene, Fang Qingshan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He was still worried whether he would encounter the original problem of Fang Qingshan, and the elder Chuan Gong casually used a small magical power to pass it on.

Fortunately, this did not happen.

Although these supernatural powers of Yuhuamen look pretty good now, they are obviously dwarfed compared to the three thousand supernatural powers, not to mention Fang Qingshan and the supernatural powers of Hesha Qishu and Chunyang Sword.

However, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is natural that he would not waste such a great opportunity.

At first, the reason why the two elders passed on Fang Han with a little magical power, but it was because he found that he had Huang Quantu and wanted to test him.

The eight most dazzling in jade jade are the basic eight methods of Feather Door: Purple Electric Yinyin Knife, Da Zong Xuan Jin Jian Qi, Tian Han Xuan Ming Jin, Green Seven Qishen Shenmang, Tianmu God Needle, Wanshui Shen Jue, Mountain refining urn, Jiugong Divination.

Qi Fang Qingshan looked at it, and after a moment of contemplation, he had a decision in his heart.

The reason why Fang Qingxue chose the Purple Electric Yinyin Knife is because she has mastered the unrivaled lightning device, which is perfect for practice, and she does more with less.

Fang Qingshan was holding two real-life refining magic flying swords of pure Yang, with sword tactics in his hand. The one that suits him best should be the free spirit Xuanjin Jianqi.

"The disciples choose to be free and mysterious!"

With a decision in mind, Fang Qingshan told Elder Gong.

"it is good!"

Elder Wu Chuangong heard the words and said nothing, but a little further away, he saw the jade cymbals, the stars representing the free spirit Xuanjin Jianqi flew out, turned into a rune, and printed directly into the heart of Fang Qingshan.


In an instant, the method of how to cultivate the free spirit Xuan Jin Jian Qi was deeply engraved in Fang Qingshan's mind.

"Well, the magical power has been passed on to you, the true disciple, you can choose a mountain peak as your dojo, then the martial arts will build palaces and other buildings for you, now you go down!" After passing the magical power to Fang Qingshan, pass The elder Gong beckoned, withdrew Jade, and then waved his hand to let Fang Qingshan back down.

"Yes, my disciples retire!"

Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingxue both exited.

"Next, you should go to my Zidian Peak first and settle down, and wait for the martial arts to build the mountain for you, no later than leave."

Out of the true palace, Fang Qingxue's partner was Aoyama Road,

"I'm going to find the head to sue about this time. First, to show credit, and secondly, to prevent Jinshitai and Shilongzi from complaining, which is not good for us!"

"it is good!"

Fang Qingshan nodded, separated from Fang Qingxue, and flew straight to the purple electricity peak.

"Heavenly punishment, I think you just got something wrong. What's wrong?"

After Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingxue left, the other elders naturally also left, leaving only two people who passed the Gong and Tian Xun. The elder Chu Gong couldn't help asking.

"This Fang Qingshan is no worse than Fang Qingxue. It has great potential and is a good seed. Once grown up, I am afraid that it is not more than the five true disciples of the present!" Elder Elder Sentence said with emotion.

"Oh? You are so optimistic about him?" Hearing the rare praise of the elders of the punishment, and the evaluation was so high, the elders who passed on the power couldn't help but be amazed.

"His foundation is very solid, that is, heaven is in his realm, no one knows who is higher or lower," Tian Xing said, "and guess what I just saw?"

"How is it possible?" Hearing Tian Xing said that Fang Qingshan was actually more generous than Hua Tian in the same realm. Elder Chuan Gong's first reaction was unbelief, but he also knew that Tian Xing would not lie, which made him even more shocked. Then, subconsciously asked, "What do you see?"

"Tao Qi, comparable to the existence of the best Taoism!" Tian Xing said.

"Is it a dormant Huangquan map?" Elder Chuan Gong asked with a flash of eyes.

Jinshitai and others knew that Huang Quan's Jiu Dan Jin Dan and Huang Quantu fell into the hands of the Fang family, how could a giant such as Chuan Gong not get news.

He just thought that such a good thing should be close to Fang Qingxue. After all, she was a fellow demon of immortals and magic.

"If so, how can it surprise me?" The Elder Tian Xing shook his head.

"咦? In addition to the eternal lightning, dormant Huang Quantu, does the Fang family have a third unique Taoist device?" Elder Chuan Gong opened his eyes wide.

"Three? Hey, right!" Elder Tian Xing smiled, didn't say yes, didn't say no, in the end concealed for Fang Qingshan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ From a distance, I saw a mountain as high as a thousand feet, There are green pines and cypresses everywhere, waterfalls and springs, palaces one after another, towering between the mountainside and the top of the mountain, on the very high peak, there is a blue sky rippling Tianchi, beside Tianchi, standing A more ornate palace.

仙 There are fairy cranes, iron-winged Dapeng, golden crown eagles, white deer and so on.

Ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, Ganoderma lucidum, Snow lotus, and other elixir abound.

This is the true mountain peak and purple electricity peak given to Fang Qingxue by Yuhuamen!

"Who is this? This is the mountain of Miss Fang Qingxue, a true disciple. Come here to stop!"

Before Fang Qingshan fell, he heard a shout.

Fang Qingshan looked down, but this was the last time Fang Man, Fang Rui, Fang Lie, etc. who followed Fang Qingshan with Yuhuamen.

"Can I do that?"

Qi Fang Qingshan collected Wuyun peach blossoms, showed his figure, and gave them a slight glance.

"Oh, the third son, I have seen the third son. The young man didn't know that the third son had reached a distance and wanted to forgive him!"

Xi Fangman, Fang Rui, Fang Lie, and others apparently did not expect that the comer was actually Fang Qingshan. You should know that this is the first time Fang Qingshan has come to Zidian Peak since joining Yuhuamen.

罢 "Let ’s just let Zidian Feng talk back and forth!"

Qi Fang Qingshan waved his hands, too lazy to talk to them, and went straight towards the Purple Dian Gong.

"I've seen three boys."

蔷 Fang Qiang has already ushered in front of the purple electric palace gate.

"Give me a secret room, I'm going to retreat."

Qi Fang Qingshan didn't want to talk nonsense. Now he can't wait to retreat to practice magical powers and worship magic weapons. He doesn't want to face them anymore. The kind of empty mana, but can't exert his power, is pressed by others, and looks down on him.

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