Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1203: Chrono Dragon



Both formations showed their hole cards, and the next step was naturally to win.

Pan Guzhen was the first to move. He walked wildly, opened the axe by hand, and chopped down.

In a short time, it seems that one side of the chaotic world is torn like a paper, and thousands of chaos are falling under the axe ...

Of course, these are all visions. They are intended to reproduce the grand occasion of Pangu Kaitian.

However, although it is only a vision, it can only be summoned by wielding the sky-opening axe to the extreme. And these visions are not fancy silver-like wax gun heads. With these vision blessings, this axe Fall, the power can add three layers.

"A good one, Pan Guzheng, a good one, open the axe."

"Now it's just Chi You unfolding through the Twelve Capitals of the Ten Gods. It's hard to imagine what the twelve ancestor witches are holding the Ten Thousands of Gods, and it doesn't matter what happens in Pangu."

"It's no wonder that Tiandao has to count the witches. In the face of such a situation, whoever changed it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to sleep and eat!"


Seeing this scene, all the masters who spied on and paid attention to this battle, at the same time, took a deep breath, and the fear of the Witch family was even deeper.

This is just a big witch that hasn't fully recovered yet. Holding a heavy treasure has such strength. If the twelve ancestor witches, if they are shot later, there is still room for them to struggle.

Fortunately, fortunately, there are heavenly calculations, the Lich Wars, both Lich clans are defeated and both are wounded. Otherwise, everyone will live on the Li Clan's breath.

Click! !!

Regardless of what other people think, at this moment, the twelve yuanchen is completely ignored, and in the face of the explosion of all the gods, they naturally have only devoted themselves to the evolution of the twelve yuanchen. in.

Fortunately, the Twelfth Yuanchen Formation is also the top formation, or the formation of time, and it is blessed with humanity. Otherwise, I am afraid that the axe of Pangu Zhenshen will be defeated and the body will die. time.

With the full power of the twelfth Yuanchen, the long-running river changed, and it directly evolved into an hour dragon.

It seems that Chaos Demon and Chaos Time Demon are combined into one.


The true dragon opened his mouth, and the sound of the dragon drew down along with the overwhelming dragon's breath, like a cascading waterfall, submerging Pangu's body.

For a time, but seeing Pan Guzhen's body around, the flow of time accelerated ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, and a thousand times.

If you change someone, I am afraid that you will be killed because of multiple deprivation.

Although Pangu Zhenshen is not Pangu's body, but the physical body is strong and not weak. Even if there are no thirty-six Pinliantai guards, the **** Shenguang also firmly resists the dragon's breath of time.

The Dragon of Chronicles never thought that it would be possible to deal with Pangu by relying on the dragon's breath.

Therefore, while spitting out the dragon's breath, he showed his best, but the eighteenth martial arts appeared one by one.

Yunlong Probe!

Shenlong Wagging Tail!

Kang Long has regrets!

Flying Dragon!

Double Dragon Play Beads!


One move and one style, and Pan Guzheng played dimly, the sun and the moon were dark.

Even the Jiuyin Xuanyin formation and the Jindeng 10,000 formations had to stay away from them. They have given up on fighting, but defended with their own strength, so as not to be stunned by Du Tianshen formation and Twelve Yuanchen formation Involved, when the immortals fight, mortals suffer.


Not to mention the human race, Chi You and Xuanyuan were in a fierce fight, and the opportunity came, and everyone went forward.

However, it is said that after the manifestation of the heavenly road, it is at the time when the mixed saints and the saints are confused about Hong Jun's actions.

The Tao sound came again in the Zixiao Palace, allowing Sanqing, son-in-law, citation, quasi mention, and even Houtu and Luo Yan to enter the Zixiao Palace.

After receiving the ancestral voice of the ancestors, although Sanqing and others were puzzled, they did not hesitate. Even Luo Yan and Houtu hesitated, and did not hesitate.

There was so much noise in the flood, and it was still Hongjun's shot. If they couldn't figure out what was going on, they would also have trouble sleeping.

As for whether Hong Jun would seduce them to the Zixiao Palace and leave them, it was completely unnecessary.

After all, if Hong Jun wants to deal with them, he just shoots, and he doesn't have to be so troublesome.

The most important thing is that they are not Hongjun's number one enemy. Before they raise their eyebrows and **** seas, it is undoubtedly a fight against them.

This ordinary person hasn't done yet, what about Hongjun?

Although the Xiaoxiao Palace is manifested above the nine days because of the sky, it is actually not the essence of the Zixiao Palace.

The Zixiao Palace, however, has the level of Chaos Lingbao. It is too powerful, and when it enters the flood, it is too much burden on the world.

Therefore, his body is still in chaos, and the current Zixiao Palace is just a projection.

Therefore, after the earth and others want to enter the Zixiao Palace, they also need to leave the outer sky and enter the inner chaos.

Fortunately, Hong Jun took the initiative to invite. Therefore, they were able to lock the air of Zixiao Palace. It was not difficult to find it. Otherwise, there was no guideline. If they wanted to find Zixiao Palace, they would look at the entire flood and wasteland. It's hard to raise an eyebrow.

Following the road guide given by Hong Jun, Tu and others later came to the vicinity of Zixiao Palace.

"What a Hongjun and a Zixiao Palace, Shiba don't treat each other for three days, and sure enough, my Wu tribe wants revenge, really, difficult, difficult, difficult !!!"

"Damn, this was my chance, but I didn't want to be stolen by Hongjun. Now the gap is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that I still need to dormant and stand by without absolute control.

"The teacher is the teacher. It is unpredictable. The Zixiao Palace is getting more and more powerful. I am afraid that Kaitian Sambo cannot compare with it."


Seeing the Zixiao Palace, whether it was Sanqing, Houtu, or Luo Yan, they were shocked, and their hearts flashed through thousands of thoughts. Although they were different, they were all shocked.

But I can see ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A shrine full of endless power stands in the chaos. This palace, full of purple, exudes a speechless and distinguished atmosphere, Taiji, Pangu, six golden circles of reincarnation, Even the immortal gate seemed to be inferior to him.

It is engraved with ancient, mysterious and mysterious Tao rhymes, which evolved from the opening avenue in the Zixiao Palace.

Countless avenue rules are circulating, three thousand top beams and columns, and one pillar is one avenue.

At all times, there are countless days of sounds reverberating, both to suppress chaos and to absorb the vitality of chaos to cleanse the Zixiao Palace. In other words, the Zixiao Palace is constantly improving the background.

Although Houtu and others are powerful and have their own treasures in their hands, they can't help but look dignified in front of the Zixiao Palace. They stop at the light in the distance, stand in coercion, and face the mystery, striding forward.

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