Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1206: Indecisive

"No reason?"

Hou Tu heard the words, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, a ridiculous smile on his face, a sneer,

"Then you ask yourself, is there no point in your heart?"


Immediately, Houtu snorted, saying righteously,

"Today's battle with the Poison God Hou and others is not simply a matter of chance, not just a question of face, but a battle between our own chaos and the infinite void."

"If you lose, it ’s not just your personal interests that are lost, but the entire flood, and the interests of the entire chaotic world. If you win, you will benefit from the entire flood, the entire chaos, and even you."

"If you don't keep improving, Daozu will use the opportunity of the sky? And you, most of you will not even reach the peak of the early Yuan Dynasty, the third peak of the Yuan Dynasty will not be reached, and you will not even have a congenital treasure in your hands. I really don't know what it means. "


Sanqing, especially the son-in-law, listened to Houtu's words. Although he knew the truth, he still couldn't beat him up.

"Apart from us, can you find other mixed-yuan saints in the whole famine?"

"How can't I find it?"

Hou Tu sneered,

"Others don't say, aren't the five elements of the Five Elements Sacred Beasts mixed with Yuanyuan cultivation? Their cultivation may not be weaker than yours, and the Dragon Phoenix Kirin has a deep heritage, and there can be no one or two treasures."

"Moreover, even if there are no candidates in the early Yuan Dynasty, can we not suppress Xiu to participate in the early Yuan Dynasty battle?"

"Still, if you think I have suppressed Xiu, you will be able to defeat me?"

"You ... if you participated in the battle of the early Yuan Dynasty, what about the battle of the middle Yuan Dynasty?"

Although knowing that this is not a problem, Sanqing et al. Still asked.

"Isn't that there are Daozu, seniors raising eyebrows, and Fang Qingshan, Mosquito Taoists!"

Mentioning these three people, Sanqing and others were silent for a while.

Not only were they silent, it was also Hongjun.

Emotionally speaking, Hong Jun didn't want to raise his eyebrows, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist people. If there was no way, even Hou Tu and Luo Yan, he didn't want to let them know.

After all, the hatred between them is very light.

Let's talk about Luo Yan, Hong Jun and he have a dispute over the road. If it were not for their own superiority, I may have to change positions.

What about earth? He doesn't think that Houtu will know about his own calculations of the Wu tribe. The reason why there is not much response today is that it is just not as good as others.

However, the two of them are the defeated men, and the other is the disease of ringworm, both of which are just grasshoppers after the fall, and they can't find any spray.

Raising an eyebrow, Fang Qingshan is different.

Raising his eyebrow is the only chaos demon who survived the Kaitian calamity. He does not bless the Tao of Heaven. Even if he uses the forged jade dish and the Zixiao Palace, Hong Jun cannot defeat him.

However, Fang Qingshan relied on the eternal sky boat, and suffered a big loss for himself and Tiandao.

They were too late to retaliate, how could Hong Jun give them warmth and opportunity?

It's a pity that in the end he was understaffed. The most important thing is that the quality of the personnel is not good, even if he ends the game in person, the odds are not enough.

In terms of rationality, Hong Jun knows that what Hou Tu said was an old-fashioned strategy of seeking the country. As long as Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei joined them, the odds could skyrocket.

For a time, Hong Jun was also indecisive.

"Would you like to ask them both?"

Hong Jun hesitated for a moment, still not determined.

If you don't ask Yang Mei and Fang Qingshan to do it, then things will be simple.

As previously stated by Sanqing, in the early Yuan Dynasty, they were six of them. As for the five sacred beasts, although they are not weak, they are not necessarily better than Sanqing and others. What is more important is that they are because of their job status. , But it can not be far from the station.

In the middle of the mixed Yuan Dynasty, there were Luo Yan, Hou Tu, and Hong Jun.

It's just that apart from Hongjun himself, Houtu and Luo Yan are all okay. They have the mixed five-layer and six-layer strengths, and each has their own treasure. The six reincarnation gold discs and the immortal gates each inherit the Pangu and the chaos destroyer , Supernatural powers.

However, the combat effectiveness of the early Yuan Dynasty was a complete mess.

Among the six, Lao Tzu Xiu reached the peak of the third level of the mixed Yuan, and in his hands he mastered the two treasures of the heaven and earth, Xuanhuangling pagoda and Taiji map. Even so, he had more defense and insufficient offense.

This is what Hong Jun doesn't know. Lao Tzu also has a peerless supernatural power and one gasification Sanqing, not under the method of cutting three dead bodies. If you know it, you should be more at ease.

After all, this magical power was displayed, and Lao Tzu alone could break away the Wuxian Sword Formation.

And even Lao Tzu didn't have much confidence in his heart, let alone other people.

Tongtian Youxian Sword Formation is actually okay, and the original Pangu is also okay.

Son-in-law, picking up, and mentioning the strength of the three are pretty good in the flood, but once you ca n’t borrow the power of heaven, compared with people outside the world, whether it is cultivation, magical powers, spiritual treasures, combat experience, etc. In terms of both, they are not dominant, on the contrary they are still in a weak position, and their odds of winning are less than one layer.

And if you raise your eyebrows, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito do something, the situation will be very different.

Yang Xiu ’s repair is not under Hong Jun. If he cannot bless the power of Heaven, Hong Jun will only have the power to protect himself before him.

Although Fang Qingshan's Xiu Wei could not keep up with him and raise his eyebrows, the eternal sky boat in his hands was unmatched. Not to mention the middle and late Yuan Dynasty, if there is no corresponding treasure, it is definitely not his opponent.

In this way, if the three of them played in the middle of Yuan Dynasty, they did not dare to say that they would win. After all, the poisonous prince is not a fuel-saving lamp.

And if he, raised his eyebrows, Fang Qingshan played on behalf of the mixed Yuan.

Then the mosquitoes, Luo Yan, Hou Tu, represented the early stage of the mixed Yuan war. These three battles were almost hand-to-hand.

Coupled with Lao Tzu and Tongtian, the early fighting in the Yuan Dynasty, there was almost no doubt.

The only problem is that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the last one to fight, we have to choose one from the original, son-in-law, citation, and mention.

The problem now is that with the three raised eyebrows, although the victory over the poisonous princes and others can be guaranteed, at the same time, the raised eyebrows and other people are also strengthened without using them, and the victory cannot be guaranteed. For a time, Hong Jun is a little erratic.

However, in my heart, Hong Jun actually has a tendency.

After all, compared to growing his eyebrows and Fang Qingshan's strength, he feels that it is more important to get secrets from the poisonous gods and others to escape the heavens and the earth and break through the immortal realm.

After all, it's all about strength.

As long as his strength increases, his eyebrows and others will grow stronger, and he is equally confident to continue suppressing them.

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