Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 121: Zhu Tianfeng

At this moment, when Fang Qingshan knows the sea, a sea change has taken place.

An old man with an immortal wind bone appeared in Fang Qingshan's knowledge of the sea.

He first frightened Fang Qingshan and thought that he would be robbed.

But seeing the heavens chessboard did not respond at all, and the sudden appearance of the Taoist eyesless, but instinctively spoke about the Scriptures that make people feel amazing, Fang Qingshan then rest assured that this should be an advanced Inheritance, do not dare to neglect, and quickly converge, listen carefully, do not dare to omit the slightest information.

He has the head of Hesha Dao himself to explain. Although the five elements of Qi have been mysterious, Fang Qingshan listened to it.

的 Fang Qingshan, who is immersed in the Taoism, instinctively follows the practice of the Five Elements and the True Qi, and begins to transform the mana in the body.

The time passed and a month passed.

when! when! when!

On this day, Fang Qingshan was still immersed in cultivation, and he could not distinguish between the sun and the moon, and in the corner of the closet, an ancient bell rang suddenly.

物 Fang Qingxue was placed here to prevent himself from immersing himself in the retreat. Outsiders have important issues that need to be resolved by themselves and cannot pass through.

钟 The bell sounds like a spring breeze and rain, and the moist is silent. Even if the retreat is awakened at a critical juncture, there will not be a situation of going into magic.


Qi Fang Qingshan exhaled a long breath, slowly opened his eyes, and a colorful light flashed away.

"What's the matter, who awakened me now? Is it the older sister?"

Although there were no problems in practicing the exercises, he was immersed in it and was suddenly awakened by Fang Qingshan.

I stood up and opened the door to the secret room, and saw Fang Qiang standing beside. On the side are two maids Fang Ling and Fang Qin who haven't seen each other for a long time.

"My son!"

Wu Fangling and Fang Qin were crying with joy when they saw Fang Qingshan. They were Fang Qingshan's personal maids, but since coming to Yuhuamen, it was convenient for Fang Qingshan to be separated from the sky. At this moment, it was not easy to see, so naturally excited.

"OK, OK!"

I saw Fang Ling, Fang Qin, Fang Qingshan's somber face could not help but smile.

When I came to this world, Fang's family had the closest relationship with themselves, and the one who stayed with them for the longest time. I was afraid that these two maids had been separated for so long, and Fang Qingshan would inevitably miss it.

But now, they have broken through the mysterious state of magical powers, promoted to the true disciples, and with their own chassis, they don't have to stay in Fang Qingxue anymore.

Fang Qiang Qiang was able to take care of Fang Qingxue for the entire True Legend Peak. Naturally, he was not a person with no eyesight. He had previously seen Fang Qingshan's face with disgust, and knew that he might have interrupted his cultivation, so he quickly explained,

"Son of Qiyu, Tiangongyuan has built a true mountain and palace for you. You need to name it yourself, so you have to disturb your cultivation."

"it is good!"

I just thought that I had a place to set up Fang Ling and Fang Qin. Now I heard that his true peak had been built, and Fang Qingshan nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing this, Fang Qiang was relieved. The pressure on Fang Qingshan was too great. Although she took care of Fang Qingxue for Fang Qingxue, there was a difference between the master and the servant.

Just now, when Fang Qingshan came to Zidian Peak to retreat in a closed room, Fang Qiang had already felt it, but at that time, he just thought that Fang Qingshan was a major advancement, but where did he know this advancement, he actually broke through the mystery of magical powers, Immediately after the young lady, she became the second master of the Fang family.

If I return to Fang's house, I am afraid that both Grandpa and Grandpa will be happy.

既然 "Now that we have repaired it, let's go over!"

Qi Fang Qingshan is now anxious to know what his peak looks like.

"Yes, you know the exact location."

"I know, when the people from Tiangongyuan notified, they already told me the specific address." Fang Qiang nodded.

好 "Okay, you can show your way, let's go!"

When Fang Qingshan stretched out his hand, he saw a colorful peacock appearing in front of the four.

This is not a real peacock, but Fang Qingshan's magical magic. He is following the example of the two-day purple electric thunder snake that Fang Qingxue summoned with the power of lightning.

And Fang Qingshan just successfully cultivated the innate qi and five elements, and the first animal that came to mind was this colorful peacock.

Fang Qingshan reached out his hand, Fang Ling, Fang Qin, and Fang Qiang all involuntarily fell on the peacock.

None of the three had cultivated into the mysterious realm of the magical powers, and naturally had not enjoyed the feeling of flying. At first, there were some trembling, and then they got excited again.

I had Fang Qiang leading the way, but when I heard a clear whistle, I saw a colorful light flashing, and a colorful peacock broke through.

After flying for hundreds of miles, over the heavy mountain peaks, I saw a peak rising from the distance. The momentum was like a sword. On the top of the mountain, there was a huge palace that was not weaker than the Purple Electric Palace. There are pavilions and pavilions everywhere, five steps and one floor, ten steps and one floor, the back of the porch is waisted, the eaves are pecked high, each hugs the terrain, intrigues, and is spectacular!

"it is good!"

When Fang Qingshan saw the situation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he couldn't help but nodded.

"Son, this is where we will live in the future?"

比较 Compared with Fang Qingshan's calmness, Fang Qin and Fang Ling seemed a little excited. Look here, touch there, everything feels so unreal.

"Yes, here is our home from now on." Fang Qingshan smiled.

I may be my own thing. As I go along, Fang Qingshan looks more and more satisfied.

"Son, I don't know this mountain, what's your name?"

Fang Qiang asked.

"Just call the heavens!"

Qi Fang Qingshan had long thought about it and said directly.

Fang Qingxue has immortal lightning and is good at thunder and lightning, so he named Zidian. Fang Han has a dormant Huangquan map and has the ambition to build reincarnation. In addition to his bet with Huatiandu, he named it reincarnation, and his most important thing is It is the chess board of the heavens, naturally named the heavens.

"The heavens?"

The three women of Fang Qiang chewed carefully and engraved the name deeply in their hearts.

"Yes, hasn't eldest sister yet to return?" Fang Qingshan asked.

"If you return to the son, the lady is allowed to enter the little fairy world to practice." Fang Qiang replied.

"Oh? It seems that the elder sister should break through the heavens and earth soon." Fang Qingshan smiled.

Today, he and Fang's family have been both prosperous and prosperous, all at the same time. The higher Fang Qingxue's repair, the better for him. Other than that, Fang's fortune has risen, and his fortune is naturally It will increase.

嗯 "Huh? One more thing you need to do!" Fang Qingshan Road.

"Please tell my son!" Fang Qiang said.

"You also saw that I have just established Zhu Tianfeng and still need someone to take care of it, but I am in a hurry to retreat, and this matter will be left to you." Fang Qingshan Road.

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