Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1219: Refuse

The so-called is that enemies are jealous when they meet.

But this kind of thing was not born to Hong Jun and Fang Qingshan.

Anyway, they are all highly accomplished people who practice well.

Whether it is Hongjun, Fang Qingshan, or raising an eyebrow, they are all powerful men who are committed to breaking through the immortal realm, and controlling emotions is just a piece of cake.

Rather than revenge overnight, they prefer to be indifferent to mood and anger. They are even more convinced that when they hear a thunder in a silent place, they do n’t do it, and they must be determined when they do.

Therefore, when the two parties met, they seemed extremely harmonious, and there was no sound of killing. They did not know that the two parties were old friends and had a profound friendship.

"Two friends, Yang Mei and Fang Qingshan, came here to make Han She shine, please!"

Although I ca n’t wait to win the two now, that ’s just a secret thought, not to mention whether it can be done. For the current enemy alone, he may still use them to raise his eyebrows, and Hongjun cannot destroy the Great Wall by himself.

Unload the mill to kill the donkey, and the rabbit will cook the dead dog. After that, unload the mill to kill the donkey and cook the dog.

Therefore, on the surface, it seems that they did not remember the enmity between them, and they did not hesitate to raise the eyebrows, just like visiting relatives and friends. After the arrival of Yangmei and Fang Qingshan, Hong Jun also personally greeted the Zixiao Palace.

"Oh, if the Zixiao Palace can only be called Hanshe, then the whole flood and wasteland have become poor mountains and rivers?"

Regarding Hong Jun's attitude, Yang Mei and Fang Qingshan couldn't understand anymore. After all, the people who know you best are not your friends or loved ones, but the enemy, knowing yourself and knowing one another.

Fortunately, they can be regarded as a stumbling block, but they are nothing but mountains, so in the end, instead of fighting for your life, only one party will retreat.

A greeting, under the leadership of Hong Jun, the two entered the Xiaoxiao Palace. Fang Qingshan was a revisit of the same place. After entering the Xiaoxiao Palace, when he saw the scenes he was familiar with, it was inevitable that he felt a feeling of emotion.

Thinking back then, he started here, vying for futons, listening to the sermon three times, and splitting treasures and winning treasures.

It's a pity that things are wrong now.

Then he practiced the first congenital treasure, broke through the mixed yuan, and then eternal Tianzhou was promoted. He even conspired for Hongjun, so that he still has a lingering fear for himself.


After stabilizing his mind, Yang Mei and Fang Qingshan looked at each other and asked directly.

"Hongjun friends, I heard that there are foreign visitors coming from the chaos, which poses a great threat to the flood and the chaotic world of our side?"

"Although the two of us didn't pay much attention to the floods and famines, they were born in their own chaotic world. It is the responsibility of the so-called rise and fall of the world, and the responsibility for maintaining the safety of our chaotic world is unbound."

"Therefore, I heard that Daoyou was understaffed and the quality was uneven, so I came here to help."

"Hongjun admired the two Daoists for their greatness and bravery."

For the words of the two raised eyebrows, Hong Jun could not help but sneer at it. What special help was offered, and the meaning was justified, but he did not want to take a share.

On the surface, however, Hong Jun first appreciated it, and then the words turned around.

"However, the trivial matter is not bothering two Taoist friends. The so-called chicken killer uses a slaughter knife, and the poisonous prince and others have already arranged the way to deal with it. There are Sanqing, Houtu, Luo Yi, etc. Tired of two Taoists. "

Although Fang Qingshan had a better chance of taking a shot, and he was more inclined to let them take a shot, Hong Jun certainly couldn't agree as soon as he came up, not to mention, he also had to look at the sprint situation of the others and make a conclusion.

"Oh? But how did I hear that this is actually not the case, Hongjun friend, we are not outsiders, you don't have to hide it, a clever woman can't cook without rice!"

Seeing Hong Jun's indulgence, or trying to win more benefits, Fang Qingshan didn't want to fight Tai Chi with him, so he just clicked it out.

"Although the realm of poisonous princes and others is not high, in the end it comes from the immense void, and from the strength of the void thief like the palace of the immortal."

"I don't know much about other forces, but I have to say a few words about this void thief."

"These people roam in the void all the year round, and often make a living by robbery. This is the most hated existence of those who travel in the heavens and the world, but they are helpless."

"Because it's not just the backing behind them, they are not weak compared to those big forces, but their own strength is also outstanding. At least in the same session, they can be called invincible existence, especially in the battle of life and death. Everyone can go beyond the challenge, and they are not necessarily inferior to those of the famous disciples. "

"Although Sanqing and others are good, but it ’s not enough to get Zhun Ti and son-in-law. Not to mention that they do n’t have a treasure in their hands, and it is not enough to cultivate. They are just fighting experience, courage to fight, and so on. It's no different. "

"Therefore, if Hongjun Taoists use them, they are suspected of capsized in the gutter."

"It's only a matter of ordinary time. If you lose, you lose. Right is an experience and a lesson. However, this time, it is related to the entire flood and the chaotic interests. Go all out to be sure. "

"What's more, there are Taoist friends and others in the hands of Taoists who have avoided the secrets of heaven and humans and broke through the immortal realm. This is absolutely unforgivable. Wouldn't a friend like to watch the great opportunity just before his eyes?

"The words of the two Taoist friends are good, but it will take a lot of trouble for the two. The mountain people have their own tricks.

Hong Jun nodded first, without the embarrassment of being exposed, saying nothing absolute, and then suddenly asked,

"Listening to the meaning of the two Taoists, it seems that they know a lot about Void."


Fang Qingshan has nothing to hide from this.

"I ca n’t understand it, but I also know one or two. After all, Taoist knows that I have an eternal sky boat in my hand, and it is a comprehensive sky boat. Sometimes I also encounter countless void monks who happen to enter the market. However, there is very little information that can be obtained from their mouths, especially those secret methods. The so-called law does not spread six ears, and the word cannot be passed down lightly, but it is a pity. "

Said here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan could not help but sigh.

Don't say that the secret method of avoiding the five declines of heaven and humans and breaking through the immortal realm is the ordinary practice of the mixed Yuan realm. Over the years, Fang Qingshan has not collected much.

As for why the poisonous gods and others dare to spread the secrets of these exercises, it is because Wusheng Demon Palace is not the same as the normal gate school, in addition to the real unique good things, others do not value.

As for the real exclusive stunts, they will not be placed in the Scripture Pavilion at all, and even if they are put in, they cannot be exchanged by people such as poison gods and others.


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