Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1222: Do it

"Did it?"

Fang Qingshan thought over what he said back and forth.

Finally saw a clue.

It seems that Hong Jun changed his mind after others and others said they would leave chaos.

Leave chaos, leave chaos?

"Leaving chaos, isn't this what Hong Jun had expected?"

Fang Qingshan frowned, but after thinking about it, he suddenly became cheerful.

At this time, at that time.

In the past, Hongjun did not know the situation outside the domain, but now he was afraid that after he and others left chaos, he leaked the news here and attracted people outside the domain to capture the chaotic world of Pangu.

Hongjun can now do his best in the chaotic world of Pangu, but once a master from outside the region comes, he doesn't say that he will no longer occupy a dominant position, become a prisoner under the ranks, or even die.

However, Fang Qingshan felt that Hong Jun had made some trivial issues and used the villain's heart to measure the gentleman's belly.

After all, the chaotic world of Pangu is where they were born, and there are so many opportunities here. Even, it can also be used as a retreat for them, telling others what benefits they can get?

But he forgot that sometimes there weren't too many goals, and one was enough, especially because of hatred, doing things that hurt others and hurt others.

"Dao You are afraid that after we leave the chaos, let's leak the news of this area!"

Fang Qingshan bluntly said,

"Not to mention here ..."

Fang Qingshan explained a large section first, and then said,

"Since poisonous princes and others can make a vow on the avenue, so can we! Hongjun Taoist friends are willing to believe them, but are they unwilling to believe us?"

"Mr. Dao has misunderstood. I just haven't made up my mind yet. I still have to wait and see how Sanqing and others practice. After all, I have promised."

Of course Hongjun would not admit that he just didn't want Fang Qingshan and others to leave, and wanted to trap them in the flood.

"haha, really?"

Fang Qingshan sneered,

"It seems that Hongjun has made up his mind, not only does he not want us to make any breakthroughs, and can't even leave his line of sight."

Fang Qingshan secretly said in his heart.

This can be a situation without a solution.

Because if they don't leave chaos and leave the flood, their cultivation will be more difficult to improve as they reach the later stage.

Hong Jun was the same, but he was better than them, and it would be even worse if he got poisonous gods and others about avoiding the declining laws of heaven and man and breaking through the immortal secrets.

And once Hong Jun can break through, with his character, it is absolutely impossible to let them go.

And if they leave Chaos, Hong Jun shoots them again to reveal the location of Chaos, causing him to kill him,

For this reason, Hong Jun has only just become murderous.

"In this case, then we will not bother. There is no chance in the flood that we can continue to break through. Today, I left Pangu Chaos with Yangmei Daoyou."

Sure enough, when Fang Qingshan said that he would leave chaos and sacrifice the eternal sky boat, and was ready to leave immediately, although Hong Jun guessed that this was only an expedient measure, he did not dare to take it lightly and directly rejected their decision.

"No, two Taoists, you must never leave your chaotic world now."

"really? Why?"

Fang Qingshan asked with a smile.

"Because if you are not able to meet the requirements, you must ask several Taoists to help you."

Lie, Hong Jun came by opening his mouth.


Fang Qingshan snorted, and didn't plan to continue like this, but just glanced at Hong Jun lightly and asked expressionlessly,

"Everyone is not a fool, and Hongjun Taoist friends no longer need to use these sounding words to fool us. We all know each other's purpose. I only have one sentence now, Hongjun Taoist, do you want to? Continue talking to us? "


Hearing that, Hong Jun was dumb.

Let's talk, he is not willing to Fang Qingshan to benefit them, he is even more unwilling to leave chaos, and even prepare to finish the poisonous prince and others, no matter what happens, they are now raising their eyebrows.

Leave it alone, I'm afraid Fang Qingshan and raising eyebrows are about to explode soon.

"Well, Hongjun, I think you talk with you on the face of Pan Gu's chaos and famine, you don't give shame to your face."

Sure enough, when he saw Hongjun hesitant, Fang Qingshan's face changed, his eyes narrowed, and two beams of cold light shot out.

"You think we are Luo Yan, Sanqing and others, what are you talking about? It is at your mercy?"

"First of all, we are afraid of us, and want to drive us out of the flood, and say what side of the couch, let others dormant, and we recognize that, anyway, the flood and chaos are good, but we do not want to stay in this."

"However, we didn't expect that we were all going to leave. You dared to rectify the moths. You even attempted to break our chances. The battle of the poisonous gods' battle against the enemy was just an attempt to completely leave us in the flood. Do you really think that we have cultivated our self-cultivation over the years and become a soft persimmon? "

"Otherwise, you don't have to fight against poison gods and others ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We will play a match now, whoever wins or loses, it depends on Tianding."

Speaking of which, Fang Qingshan did not drag the water around, directly manifesting the direct eternal sky boat.


For a moment, but the eternal sky boat hidden in the mud pill palace suddenly burst into a bright light, bursting into the void, and descended directly in the palace.

The stinging tentacles seem to break the sky. The vast deck is no smaller than a large world. The towering tower is like a 33-story sky with a mast-like mast. The sails emerged from different small worlds ...

Numerous fairies emerged from the air, dancing around the eternal sky boat, the sounds of heavenly waves echoed, countless small flowers fell, and the infinite fragrance drifted in all directions. The immense coercion poured out into the entire Zixiao Palace like a tide.

Since the last promotion of the eternal sky boat, Fang Qingshan has not relaxed his sacrifices to this treasure. Although he has not improved the spiritual treasure of the body, the eternal furnace unit has been integrated into the Qiankunding and Chaos Bell. A step further from the Extreme Level.

He still has the congenital Wufang Banner, the twenty-four products of the Red Lotus, the reincarnation mirror, the Hongmeng measuring ruler, and the heavens chessboard. If he is anxious, he can directly measure the Hongmeng measuring ruler Incorporating into the Shen furnace unit, the twenty-four Pinye flamingo lotus was integrated into the Tianzhou body. Anyway, it was also incorporated into the third-grade Golden Lotus, so that Tianzhou could be instantly upgraded to the supreme.

Although it may damage the background of Tianzhou, if he can defeat Hongjun and completely take this chaotic world as his own, he will also make money. Even if he cannot defeat it, it will also make Hongjun unable to eat. And Tianzhou cannot rebuild the foundation in the future.

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