Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1231: 5 Emperor Rule (Continued)

Baishan filial piety is the first, and evildoers are the first.

Filial piety is the first of all qualities. If a person understands filial piety, then it is a little worse, and no worse than bad. If you do n’t understand filial piety, it ’s amazing and hard to get the public. Approval.

Ji Shun is a well-known filial piety. Compared with any Xiang Jiuling, it is definitely better to be able to warm the table.

第一 The first filial piety in Twenty-Four Filial Piety is Shun's story.

Father 瞽 叟 is a blind man with unsatisfactory mental skills. His stepmother has two swords on both sides. His younger brother is not tamed. Several people collude with one another.

However, Shun did not forget filial piety because of this. Mencius had envisaged that if he was arrested for slaughtering, although Shun would not use his power to undermine the criminal law and forgive him, he would secretly carry his father out in prison and escape together. Go to the beach and live a carefree life, forgetting the status of the emperor in order to share the joy of heaven.

Therefore, this is very rewarding.

Of course, the so-called listening is bright, while partial listening is dark.

Although everyone said that Shun was good, Yao felt it was good to see.

Xun first sent someone to explore the tribe where Shun was located. Sure enough, it was exactly the same as Guang Chengzi's sales.

At this point, Yao, though a little relieved in his heart, still didn't make up his mind.

This is also a cruel person, or he has seen some clues, and thinks that Shun is a strange commodity.

So, for temptation, marry his two daughters directly to Shun to examine his character and ability.

This is the legendary Emperor E, the British woman who served as a husband and talked about through the ages.

Xun was married by Queen E's daughter Ying, and Shun not only made the two daughters live in harmony with the whole family, but also showed their talents and noble personal strength in all aspects.

So, after several trials, Yao finally passed the position of Emperor to him with ease.

During the reign of Xie Yao, the credit was considerable, at least a little better than his father, Emperor Xi, but unfortunately, the fifth emperor was still inferior to the three emperors.

For some reason, although he gained more merits than Emperor Di, he still only promoted Xiuwei to the peak of the mid-June period, a step away from the later period.

The Virgin of the Turtle Spirit is the same as the Virgin of the Golden Spirit. After receiving the merits, Xiu Wei has made great progress and reached the final stage of Da Luo Jinxian. However, her number of hits is only slightly reduced by one or two, but the red light remains on.

In the end, the number of robbery of the Lady of the Golden Spirit is only on the list. Although she lost her freedom, she can return only after the robbery is full.

However, Our Lady of the Turks is dead, and there is no chance of reincarnation.

For this reason, the calamity of the two of them is different.

Even if the Turtle Spirit had the emperor's merit, it had little effect on offsetting her robbery.

In this regard, Tongtian is very helpless, can only secretly resolve, and pay more attention to one or two in the future.

Qi Yao abdicated and Shun ascended the throne.

This time, I don't know if it was Guang Chengzi who summarized the previous lessons of Xuanyuan's failure, or whether the calamity of Shun's Taoist emperor was not great. Instead, he successfully completed the task of the master of the emperor, and Shun also successfully preached the Taoist emperor.

It is a pity that although he is also one of the emperors and one of the five emperors, it is not to be said that compared with the three emperors, it is also one point worse than the emperor.

This is not to say that Shun's ability is not good, but his light is covered by one person.

This person is not someone else, it is Dayu.

During Shun's reign, the only thing left to posterity was filial piety. As for other achievements, it was replaced by Dayu.

He certainly tried his best to control the floods. As an example, he cut through the mountains and drove the rivers, channeled the river, and finally healed the flood and made the people of the world live and work in peace. However, at this time, the world was spreading "the merits of the Dayu Xiandai within the four seas", "the world's Mingde began in Dayu." Although the unprecedented Qingping situation appeared, most of the credit was occupied by Dayu.

Although Dayu is his courtier, and it is reasonable to say that there is a merit in the merit book, but this courtier has already achieved great achievements.

This is not the same as Cangjie making characters during the reign of Di Gaoyang.

At any time, the masters of high power can easily cause the higher-level people to hide their bows and cook the rabbits and dead dogs.

Cheng Guangcheng Zi and Shun are no exception, especially this kind of thing is not just a reputation, but also a matter of interest.

After all, if all the money was saved, the merit and luck that would eventually fall on Guang Chengzi and Shun would be reduced.

Therefore, when they discovered the clues, they wanted to suppress one or two, but unfortunately they were not as good as the sky.

哪里 Where do they know, there are actually people behind Dayu.

广 When Guang Chengzi saw Emperor Shura, the whole person was ill.

If you do n’t know that you ca n’t beat Shura Emperor, or your backing is not as hard as Shura Emperor, I am afraid Guang Chengzi wanted to destroy Shura Emperor as soon as possible.

When Xuanyuan and Chiyou competed for the Emperor, he and Emperor Shura were both masters of the Emperor, and they defeated themselves, but Emperor Shura took advantage of the situation, not only gained the emperor's merit, but also seized the opportunity to seize the last ten opportunities of Tianlu .

Nowadays, he has become the master of Shun's emperor. However, he did not expect that Emperor Xiuluo also became the master of Dayu's emperor.

The most important thing is that Dayu also seized Shun's luck and merit, and indirectly Shura Emperor had his luck and merit.

如何 How can this make him willing?

He said, "Why does Dayu merit the victory of the Lord, and he dared to win the victory? It turned out that the Emperor Shura was behind him."

What a pity, know what? The situation is stronger than human beings, and it can only be swallowed with blood and swallowed.

In fact, what Guang Chengzi didn't know is that this time Emperor Shura was not the master of Dayu at all, only the brother. The real emperor's teacher was Fang Qingshan. If you knew this, I would not even dare to complain ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ In the end, Guang Chengzi only got a meager imperial merit, and then returned to Yuxu Palace angrily.

The world entered the Dayu era and experienced the administration of other three emperors and four emperors, and the human race has already shown signs of prosperity.

In addition, with the guidance of Fang Qingshan and the teaching of Emperor Shura, Dayu himself was exceptionally talented. Under his administration, the human race actually entered the flourishing age.

During the reign of Wu Dayu, there were two greatest achievements. One was Dayu's water control.

In fact, I said it was a flood, it was better to be a monster.

Because the floods in these places are not natural disasters, but human disasters, all the monsters are making waves in them.

I did not solve them completely, and the cure of the floods was nothing more than a cure for the symptoms.

妖 These demons are not weak, and coupled with their geographical advantages, it is difficult to deal with them. Starting from Yao, although there have been clarifications and cuts, they have not been completely cured.

After all, the most powerful Xuandu Master in the three religions is just the early period of quasi-holy.

Although there are no demons in the midst and late period, there is no shortage of them in the early period.

Even though Duobao and Guangchengzi held the leader of the treasure, as long as they didn't trap the monsters, they couldn't fight, and it was easy to run.

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