Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1243: reel

Seeing the magical powers displayed by the original demon, other people just stopped, but just felt that the power was extraordinary, and the mentality of Xiao Xiao, who had just risen because of the poisoned scholar, suddenly disappeared.

Because of this supernatural power, even if the spectators have the guardian of Huantai, or even the people outside of Huantai, the cultivation is low. Just looking at it, it seems that they have a tendency to demonize.

However, in the eyes of a demon giant like Luo Luo, at this moment it is a blink of an eye, like a big day.

Primitive, this person is not simple. After the poison godshou and others have lost two games in a row, is it easy to send players who want to come back?

This person was originally an immortal disciple of the original Mozong, one of the top 120 forces in the chaos world of the Zombie Chaos, among the boundless voids of the heavens and the world. For some reason, he had to leave his hometown. He betrayed the sect, but he could not deny his genius and heritage.

After all, as a disciple of such a powerful force, it is not comparable to chasing souls and drug scholars.

Although he does not have those great power disciples in the top 100 chaotic worlds, he can fight against chaos, but he is second only to this.

According to the speculation of the poisonous gods, as long as the original devil breaks through the mixed Yuan, he can definitely be like Fang Qingshan, or even better than him. It is not impossible to directly break through the second or even the third layer of the mixed Yuan. Mixed yuan.

Therefore, although Haotian is extraordinary, he did not take it lightly, but luck is really bad.

Although he was lucky to become the emperor of the year, he was only regarded as a **** by Hong Jun and as a puppet by San Qing.

Later, because of Hao Tianjing, Fang Qingshan was eyeed again.

Now, I have encountered the top master of the original demon.

When it is true, it is also fate, what is Fu Fu!

Seeing it, Haotian's sword fell, Jiangshan Society was stunned, and Zhou Tian's stars followed. Under the sky, there must be no king of soil, and no governor of the land. As far as Jianguang is concerned, it is the territory, and he can speak the law and the golden rules.

However, the countless domineering Emperor Ziwei, in the face of the ancient ancient demons expanding to a degree visible to the naked eye, seems to be a little witch, but is bound by a little bit of life.

Kendo is like a dragon, as if it is going to turn over the river, but the magic light is like a dragon's rope, restraining him raw, and despite his powerful power, it seems to fall into the mire. The more it rolls, the more it struggles, the deeper it sinks. However, I can only see that the curtain is rolling, wrapping Jianguang and suppressing it, but it has no effect on it. It looks terrible.


Although Haotian did not look down on the original demon, he was not too cautious. He felt that Shura Huang and Xuan Huang and others could easily defeat each other, as well as themselves.

However, I didn't expect that it was unfavorable to get started. The opponent, the original demon, was so powerful that I didn't have much time to think about it, even if I offered my hole cards.

But it can be seen that the supreme throne of one side is hung, the whole body is purple gold, rich and magnificent, the supreme noble, surrounded by nine nine-claw golden dragons. Of course, the nine-claw golden dragons are not ancestors, but are similar to the instruments in the seal, or The image of humane luck evolution.

Haotian sat on top of him, wearing a dragon robe and a flat crown, and the bead curtain dropped down to cover his face. He couldn't see any face. But even if he doesn't do anything, at this moment, he seems to be back in the Ling Xiao Bao Temple. Even if the saint is here, he has the confidence to compete against one or two.

The magic engulfment originally seemed to be rolling and unstoppable. In an instant, Haotian was to be directly wrapped in a dark curtain, and then suppressed and assimilated.

However, the supreme throne of the ninety-nine supreme is suddenly bursting into countless and supreme noble emperor's purple air, and it drops down to form an invisible barrier, and the magical magical powers that the original demon casts are born to resist, and cannot penetrate at all.

And the majesty of Emperor Tao cannot tolerate foreign objects. Emperor Tao purple gas is still crushing the magic gas, it seems to want to cut off demons, purify the heavens and the earth, and return to the world.


"Well, a new chaotic world of Pangu, it really works."

"Yeah, none of us have a congenital treasure, but these people who haven't even reached the Yuanyuan are one."

"Sure enough, it's a different life!"

"It's just a violent thing, falling in their hands, and the pearl casts a shadow."


Seeing the ninety-nine Supreme throne in the hands of Haotian, there was not much reaction on the side of Hong Huang, after all, in the opportunity of the road, Haotian had exposed this card. It is also because of this treasure that he can stand out from many competitors.

But the poisonous prince's face was ugly.

There was Emperor Shura first, then there was Xuanhuang ancestor, followed by Haotian. Everyone has congenital treasure, and anyone who wants to come is no exception. I do n’t know that congenital treasure is Chinese cabbage.

Although the refined treasures acquired the day after tomorrow may not be inferior to the congenital treasures, but the bottom material is rare, and seeing the people under these renegades have one hand, let the poison gods side, many people above None of them is congenital.

But they don't know. These ten people are all exceptions. The king is not seen. Among the mixed saints, apart from Lao Tzu and Primitive, do the other four people have no congenital treasure? The Tongxian Sword Formation in Tongtian's hands is profitable, but it is not congenital, so it cannot effectively suppress luck.

However, they will not see it anymore.

Because of the mention, the three sons-in-law did not participate in the battle of Taiwan at all, and although Tongtian participated, the combat effectiveness of the sword fairy sword array in his hands was too strong to ignore that it was not congenital.

The world tree is separated, and other Arcana does not say that he is a world tree. There are six reincarnation gold plates in the hands of the back soil, and Lao Tzu has two more.

Not to mention, although Poison God Hou and others showed some envy, envy, and hatred, they did not sigh, and said Tang.

Because the original demon is different from chasing the soul and poisoned scholar.

His origin determines that his hole cards are not ordinary.

Seeing that his magical power was resisted by Haotian's innate treasure, the face of the original demon did not change at all.

Take out a scroll with your backhand. Although it has not been opened yet, everyone has felt a strong coercion, especially those who practice the magic path such as Luo Ling, also feel the power of the magic path from it.

"this is?"

Seeing here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Luo Yan brushed up and stood up, because even the ancient demons in his body were shaking, so he couldn't help but shake.

If it weren't for him knowing that there was a guardian of balanced road here, or if he knew that the poison gods and others would certainly not allow him to bully the small.

Luo Yan almost wanted to **** it over immediately.

And Haotian was the first to bear the brunt. It was a coercion that crossed the level of life of the mixed Yuan, just like the real dragon's suppression of the dragon. He felt a thick threat.

Before he could think too much, he could only do his best to urge the seated 99th Supreme Throne, trying to break the magic gas barrier before the original demon unrolled the scroll.

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