Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1245: Wins and loses

The game under Mixed Yuan was completed 66 after 10 people were exhausted.

In the meantime, there was no such thing as a poisoned scholar. Everyone tried their best to fight for the victory of the battle. Therefore, the next few games were very exciting, and everyone's eyes were colorful.

Whether it is understandable or not, I think it's an eye-opener and benefits a lot.

If the repair is low, the luck may be poor.

But the cultivation is high, and luck is good, but it is through the phenomenon to see the essence. I learned a lot from the battle experience, the law, the spiritual treasure, the magical powers, the operation skills of the secret law, and so on. Experts watch the doorway.

The Honghuang side, after experiencing successive successes of Emperor Shura and Xuanhuang's ancestors, lost three games in succession.

Haotian was defeated by the original demon, and Dou Yuanjun and Chaos also lost.

Like Haotian, it is not because they are not strong, but because of bad luck and fateful lives, the opponents are either too strong or they are suppressed. For another person, they may not use Tian Tianji's way of racing.

Unfortunately, in the end, we did not know ourselves and know too much about the strength of each of the poisonous princes. Therefore, we can only arrange as many powerful people as possible to fight, and there is no such thing as Tianji horse racing.

Doum Yuanjun's opponent is a master of Buddhist priests. Although his birth may not be as good as the original demon, his chances and qualifications are not bad, and he even wins.

It is just a casual practice, and it is also an ascetic practitioner in casual practice, but luck is better, I do n’t know if it is angry and fortunate, or just like the Master of the Xuandu Master, it is a coincidence when walking around the world. Below was a mantle of the ancient mighty Buddha.

Not only because of the initiation, but also a flying soaring into the sky, but also a number of mysterious magical methods of Buddhist monks. These are mixed-level secretive methods, just like the abyss of the demon field cast by the original demon and the golden lantern of the Yuanshi Tianzun. Level.

At the same time, he inherited the two treasures of that Buddha, a treasure tree, which is equivalent to a chaotic spiritual root, but it cannot be compared with the hollow willow with raised eyebrows. The difference seems to be.

A Buddha relic is left after the Buddha's death. It is comparable to a congenital treasure, defenseless, and has much greater restraint in the face of demons.

Legend has it that the Buddha still had the life-saving means left by him. Once he annoyed him, he sacrificed it, and I am afraid that the immortal might not eat it.

Of course, this kind of thing will not be born under normal circumstances, after all, people who practice Buddhism, especially ascetic monks, are very restrained, but if it really explodes, it is definitely a moment of life and death.

But even if this trump card is not cast, relying on the mother-in-law tree and the golden body relic, plus its own cultivation and supernatural powers are enough to cause headaches.

Although Dou Yuanjun is powerful, but facing such a master, he can only sigh like Haotian, and his life is different, so God ’s will.

Even if the means are exhausted, they cannot help but give up.

As for Chaos, the situation is basically the same, and if it is not because he has a congenital treasure of three thousand magic figures in his hands, I am afraid it will be suppressed in all directions.

Chaos is one of the four evils of the flood and the sky. It is itself a confluence of chaos and deities, created by the heavens and the earth. It can be said that it is unique, but it is equivalent to a weakened version.

As long as he succeeds in breaking through the mixed element, he can return to his ancestors and become the deity of the deities.

However, despite this, in the end he was born in the flood instead of chaos, nor did he catch up with a good time, born naturally suppressed by heaven.

Didn't see the blue dragons and white tigers who are also the four spirits in the wild wasteland broke through the saints because of their job status? But he was still spinning around Yasheng.

And his opponent is also a fierce beast, but he is a fierce beast in the infinite void.

The beast that can survive in the infinite void, think about it and know how powerful it is.

It's just like the chaotic beasts and the famine beasts, they are not so intelligent, they don't want to change their shape, they just rely on their talents to eat.

However, once grown up, it is definitely a genius.

Right now this is the case, and he can be considered lucky.

At that time, the Undead Palace slaughtered dozens of worlds of the mixed Yuan immortal strongman, attracted the master of the king of God to kill.

But he did n’t want to be known in advance by the extinct demon. He shifted his position. This made the giant sacrifice feel disgraceful at the same time. When he was angry, the void of a million miles was suffered by the sacrifice. Whether it is the nest of the Wusheng Palace, the nearby void creatures, or other things, all have been slapped into ruins.

And this chaotic beast is nearby, fortunate to escape undead, and then he does not know whether he knows that wealth is sought, or that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, or that he has his own will in the midst. After the **** king left, Among the ruins, however, some opportunities were obtained to open up the spiritual intelligence, and then leaped forward, and it was because of this cause and effect that he joined the Palace of the Unborn Demon.

Compared with chaos, birth, blood, wisdom, and all aspects are suppressed. Who doesn't fail?

Under five games, the offensive and defensive situation is different, but the famine has fallen into the downwind.

This made the beginning feel that there is no magic palace, poison gods, and others, but Daozu ’s trivial problem finally understood that the original Daozu was still Daozu and had a long-term vision, which is not comparable to the eyes of ordinary people.

The previous failure was due to the wrong person. You can't fully use your strength, or your opponents are too strong, just like Haotian.

Fortunately, the subsequent battle did not continue to lose.

Chi You and Zhen Yuanzi shot one after another, and once again gave Hong Huang one side the upper hand.

Chi You is from the Wu clan and inherits Pangu. It can be said that the entire Wu clan, except for the rear soil, should be respected for its strength, that is, the twelve ancestors were resurrected.

As for the supreme treasure ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the whole flood, even Hongjun or Fang Qingshan dare not talk about the treasure, it can beat the witch.

At that time, it was only because they did n’t have a Yuanshen and there were very few spiritual treasures that could be used by them.

But it's not the same now, but You especially have Yuan Shen.

And on the physical defense alone, the practice of Pangu Zhenshen to reach the peak of the eighth layer of Chi You is only slightly worse than the Xuanhuang immortal body of the Xuanhuang ancestor.

In addition, the Pangu axe, the Witch Sword, and the Twelve Capitals Tianshen Sha, which can also be challenged beyond the ranks, are not inferior to Kaitian Sanbao, and one of them is counted as one, which is basically nobody. Dare to beat him.

Therefore, it is common sense that he won.

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