Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1268: Fight


Feeling the fierce beast that was getting closer to him, Fang Qingshan and raised his eyebrows' faces changed again and again.

Because from a distance, you can feel the momentum of the mountains and the sea emanating from the void monster, so that the speed of the eternal sky boat is affected. It seems to be dragging a mountain, and even if it is across the eternal sky boat, Raising eyebrows and others still felt a breathtaking breath.

This breath is too scary.

Regarding momentum, I am afraid that even if the eyebrows are raised to show the ontology, it seems to be slightly inferior to it.




Even faster.

Fang Qingshan, they have just arrived in the infinite void, and most of their knowledge comes from the poisonous gods and others, so they don't want to have extravagant branches.

Unfortunately, the eternal sky boat is fast, and the vicious beast is faster. The distance between the two is shrinking at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

Only momentarily, a flash of black light flashed in front of Fang Qingshan's eyes, and the void beast intercepted ten thousand meters away in front of the eternal sky boat.

"Huh, do you really think I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Seeing that there was no possibility of escaping, Fang Qingshan was not struggling needlessly.

The reason why he chose to escape earlier was that he was in a whim and felt danger, and then he entered the immense void and needed to be cautious. Another point is that because of where it was before, because the wormhole exploded, there was too much movement and it has become a place of right and wrong.

But this does not mean that he has no resistance, or that he is afraid of the void monster.

Although this beast is fierce and alarming, Fang Qingshan and raised eyebrows are not scary.

But the void beast seen in front of him is an octopus-like thing. The whole body is as black as ink, smooth and lubricious, and the black tentacles are thicker and longer than the three thousand willow branches with raised eyebrows. Be tough.

Although raising the eyebrow is also the incarnation of the chaotic spirit, it is also a chaos demon. He has the same talents. Except for wisdom and cultivation, others are almost the same as the chaotic monster.

But just as the beast in the flood is not as good as the chaotic beast, the quality of the chaos beast is worse than the void beast.

The beast in front of the void sees the volume and knows that it is not a good object.

But have Fang Qingshan been afraid? That's not too much.

After all, this world is dominated by intelligent beings. As long as the gap is not too big, the Vicious Beast will not be an opponent of intelligent beings, even if it is talented again.

However, the Vicious Beasts are not only powerful and fast, but also have amazing defenses and thick blood.

In other words, the beast of the void is very difficult to kill.

Can not be quickly slain, but also unable to get rid of it, this is the key to the fierce beast of the void.

Moreover, there is another point, that is that the movement is too large, and it is easy to attract other fierce beasts.

This octopus-like fierce beast was caused by the movement of the previous wormhole explosion.

This place has already become a place of right and wrong. If Fang Qingshan cannot quickly resolve this beast, then the subsequent development can be difficult to predict.

If you are lucky, but nothing, if you are unlucky, you are attracting a few vicious beasts, or a void thief, then you are really finished.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan didn't think how to solve the fierce beast at the beginning, but could escape.

After all, there is not much interest, and it is not a matter of solving the monsters. It may be a loss. Even if it is caught, it is easy to cause unknown danger.

There are disadvantages and no benefits, and anyone who makes this kind of thing can make a wise choice.

However, it was unsatisfactory.

If you can't run away, then you can only cut it quickly.

However, he wanted to resolve the other party quickly, and they never thought about letting him go.

Therefore, when Fang Qingshan was found, the octopus-like fierce beast

A pair of huge eyes were dark, and the center of the pupil was glowing with extreme scarlet, emitting a terrible light, glowing with greed, extremely cold, and being stared, Fang Qingshan felt only goosebumps, chilling himself Fingers, instantly rushed to the heavenly spirit cover, the whole person was a spirit.


A burst of sound sounded, only to see that the beast had taken the lead in attacking.

Several arms were volleyed like a poison dragon whip. It feels like the entire space is blown up.

Good guy, before it completely falls, the whole sky boat has been shaken.

"Huh, death sickle, cut!"

Fang Qingshan snorted, and the power of the source in the eternal thunder pool poured into the sickle of death like a river breaks.


Death sickle trembled abruptly, as if the power of the sea was flowing, as if a volcano erupted, erupted in a flash of electricity, and it was not too small compared to the tentacles of the vicious beast.

The rampant sawtooth, and the darkened appearance of the giant, roared and mourned the undead all shivered.

One fell down, like a reaper reaping the soul.

With the promotion of the eternal skyboat, the death scythe is not as good as it used to be, and the attack is no longer under the common inferior congenital treasure, especially the death scythe that witnessed the outbreak of the pupil of death not long ago. Falling down with a single knife can kill the sky.


But even so, colliding with the tentacles of the vicious beast, a volcanic eruption of Mars erupted, and Jin Ming's excitement continued.

In fact, Fang Qingshan is not very surprised about this. After all, the physically strong people are their best weapon. Just like the witches, even if they don't have congenital spirit treasures, they will never fall into the wind. Even because it is more handy, it can't be said to have the upper hand.

Although this death scythe is not as it is now, this void monster is also a leisurely generation.

Therefore, after the death of the sickle, almost at the same time, Fang Qingshan sacrificed another bridge and the passing lantern.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Now that she is ready to start, Fang Qingshan will be beheaded and killed as fast as possible, in order to leave here quickly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ All beings are suffering, but I am the only one! set! "

"Time is running out of water, Bai Ku is running out of space! Definitely!"

But they heard two sounds of the avenue sky sounding from the realm of the void.

Then, I saw that a streamer flew away, an ancient bridge that seemed to be mottled through the years. Suppress the void. The meaning of the other side swarmed like a tide, emanating from the ancient bridge.

Then, a bright light rose, surrounded by the power of time. The magical Baohui exudes, as if the sound of flowing water can be heard clearly.

Then, it was seen that the ancient Chinese light was exuded in the beacon. The power contained in it was completely extreme, and countless runes were flashing. The power of time is flowing.

brush! !!

The next moment, the lights burst out into the aura, and a white god's light shot out, a mighty, straight, covering the void monster.

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