Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1271: Mirror building

Sure enough, no surprise.

Soon, Fang Qingshan became bored.

At first I saw that everything is so fresh and everything is so fascinating. It is like a treasure. I ca n’t help but want to explore one or two, but looking at it for a long time, although the scenery is still that scenery, but It fell into the eyes, but became the same, lost its freshness, and immediately made people feel a bit tired.

In fact, this matter is also well understood, no matter how beautiful the scenery can't stand it every day, even the best meals can't stand it.

Just like when the emperor visited the people, why did he feel that home-cooked meals were better than mountains and sea? I have n’t eaten too much. I change the taste occasionally and feel fresh. If you let him eat this all day long, you will see if he thinks the world is more delicious than that.

It all makes sense.

Therefore, after admiring for ten consecutive days, Fang Qingshan was finally numb.

As a result, Fang Qingshan, the mosquitoes, and the World Tree clone quickly found a place just like raising an eyebrow, and practiced in isolation.

As for the control of the eternal sky boat, it was naturally handed over to Lei Di directly.

There was Leidi's copy knife, there was a correct roadmap, and I didn't know if it was extremely Thai. I didn't encounter any changes along the way.

Therefore, in the next half year, Fang Qingshan and his party seemed very stable and calm.

Tianzhou follows the road map's markings and constantly leap forward. This speed, running at full speed, is even faster than the speed of light. Each breath will cross countless areas.

Accidents often happen most inadvertently.

When Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei thought that they could smoothly and smoothly reach the next chaotic world, an accident finally happened.

However, before that, it was too boring to sail in the infinite void.

So after the initial period of excitement, Fang Qingshan and his party found a place in the eternal sky boat, and then practiced in isolation.

The most important thing for practitioners is time. Maybe a nap has passed thousands of years, but what they lack most is time, because the more you practice to the back, every little progress, if there is no chance It takes the effort of water grinding. After years and months, it usually takes 10,000 years as the unit.

According to the calculation of the distance, it takes about a year to reach the next chaotic world, even if it is sleepless.

Although it didn't sound long, Fang Qingshan did not waste it.

But if this time is used for retreat, I'm afraid the time for a nap will pass.

If you are lucky, you will just fall into the realm of enlightenment, which is even worse. If you are woken up, it will be a pity.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan changed his method and used a piece of treasure to conduct actual combat exercises.

The eternal sky boat, not only the continuous improvement of grade, the market is also rising.

In the past, there were only a few buildings with different sizes, but now they are almost the same, not to mention the row by row.

Among all these treasures, there is one of them called the mirror building!

This is a strange treasure that can replicate any scene and creature encountered by the host. It is the immense void, even the world of Hongmeng, or the Emperor of God, the Emperor of God may not be impossible.

Of course, the premise is that this strange treasure can grow to the corresponding grade and strength.

The host can play with these copied creatures to accumulate experience and adapt to the rhythm.

Now, of course, Fang Qingshan does not need to mirror the building to copy the immense void, even the world of Hongmeng, or the emperor and emperor.

Because it is not necessary, even if it can be reproduced, such a scene, the soul will not use it.

Now he only needs to mirror the building to copy the mixed elements, the strong in the immortal realm, the chaotic world on all sides, and some immense void.

The mirror building is now divided into three floors.

The bottom layer of it is a copy of the flood plain.

The inner creatures are all at the peak of quasi-sages, basically all the top great gods in the flood, there are twelve ancestors, the patriarchs of the three dragons and phoenixes, the emperor Taiyi, and the town of Yuanhe Even Sanqing before sanctification led to Zhun Ti, son-in-law, and even Hong Jun, Luo Yan, and so on.

The second layer is a copy of Pangu's chaotic world.

The inner beings, this time is not just a mix of saints in the floods.

San Qing, cited, Zhun Ti, son-in-law, Hou Tu, Luo Yi, Hong Jun, raised eyebrows, black turtle, and the sacred Shura Emperor, Zhen Yuanzi, Haotian ...

There are also mixed masters of the poisonous prince, poisonous prince, Baitong, Long Jue, Madam Baihua ...

Even Fang Qingshan himself, mosquitoes, and World Tree avatars are among them.

As for the third layer, the immense amount of void is copied.

The creatures inside are the immortal strong, or the creatures with immortal combat power.

Such as Pangu, such as the original demon, such as ...

It's just that compared with the previous two layers, the third layer is still incomplete.

One is because of the grade of the mirror building and the grade of the eternal sky boat.

Another thing is that the mirror building wants to copy the corresponding character environment, first of all, it needs Fang Qingshan to experience it.

Let's talk about the environment first, although some of the immense void is copied.

But in the end this part of the immense void was learned from the population such as raising eyebrows and poisonous princes and evolved from what they saw and heard after entering the void, which is somewhat illusory.

As for the soul, compared to the other two layers, it is too much to say, but the only real one is Pangu.

The reason for this is naturally because of the master of immortality, Fang Qingshan has too little knowledge and no detailed observation. Although the mirror building is mysterious, it cannot be done out of nothing.

The reason why Pangu can evolve more comprehensively is that Fang Qingshan knows the Twelve Patriarchs and Sanqing well. In addition, he once climbed Zhoushan, felt the pressure of Pangu himself, and got the brand of Pangu. .

However, even so, Pangu evolved from the mirror building is not Pangu in its heyday. At most, it only has the eight-layer strength of the true body of Pangu, barely reaching the immortal combat power.

Fortunately, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan's current repair is only in the late Yuan Dynasty, and the third layer is not used.

Yes, Fang Qingshan Xiuwei has broken through the seventh layer of the mixed Yuan, entering the late mixed Yuan.

And of course, this fully credited the credit for the ring game. Of course, it was also because he had already reached the peak of the middle period of the mixed Yuan, so a little stimulus, it came naturally.

Even so, if you count the eternal sky boat, even if Pan Gu and others are not in the heyday, I am afraid to enter into it, a face-to-face effort, Fang Qingshan will be slag.

Therefore, in order to achieve the training effect, Fang Qingshan naturally had to choose the second layer.

Mirror House!

On the second floor, Fang Qingshan is now fighting with masters from various sources, and even his own body, for the selfless killing.

After the **** battle, I forget both.

Fight inside it hundreds or thousands of times every day, pointing at one party falling.

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