Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1277: Taoist Gate

Uncle Wang's sigh was not a trifle, but because it involved the martial affiliation of Jiang Mingyue.

Taoist Gate!

Don't look at Jiang Mingyue just telling a personal story.

But if anyone who is familiar with the heavens and the world knows that this is not a vain. It was swearing.

Taoist door, Taoist door.

Although this martial art does not belong to the top 100 forces in the heavens and the world, it also ranks 220th. There is a giant emperor in the door.

Moreover, the Taoist door of the heyday of the heyday has once entered the top 100, and there is a **** emperor in the door.

It's just because they pay too much attention to commitments. So once they make a promise, they will complete it no matter how much it pays. Because of this, once, the Taoist gate paid too much, which led to their god-level ancestor All have fallen, and the martial arts have fallen from the past hundred to the present.

However, it is for this reason that Taoist Gate has a good reputation among the heavens and the world. It's a living signboard.

Not to mention ordinary people, those who are true disciples of the first hundred forces of the heavens and the world are proud to get a promise from Taoism.

The reason Taoist Gates value such promises is actually related to their foundation.

Where the Tao lives, righteousness lies.

Making a promise is like planting cause and effect.

Once the promise is completed, it is equivalent to understanding cause and effect.

There is no cause and effect, nothing is light, so the effect of reducing the bottleneck can be achieved.

However, once the promise was made indiscriminately, and it was not fulfilled, it was neglected, and it was directly backfired.

Why do you think the God of Taoism took the risk to enter the Jedi? Not because he really meant for Yuntian, but because there was no way.

If you go, you may encounter an accident.

So, how to choose is obvious.

However, no matter what the reason is, the process is not important, what is important is the result. It is people who have fulfilled their promise.

"Do you mean it?"

Hearing this name, Fang Qingshan's mind suddenly emerged from the infinitely powerful ranks of one thousand that the poisonous **** Hou specifically explained.

Countless voids, heavens and boundless worlds, the most powerful world is naturally the most central, top 100 world.

Among these worlds, the weakest has the existence of an emperor, and it is not just one, not just the beginning of the emperor.

And in these worlds, at least one big force dominates everything in each side of the world, and these are the top 100 forces in the heavens and the world.

Of course, some worlds may not be dominated by just one power, there may be two or three super powers.

Of course, these are the top ten chaotic worlds to accommodate.

Of course, let's talk about Yimen first. At the time when Taoism was in its heyday, it ranked eighty-ninth, and there was an ancestor at the peak of the early emperor.

Unfortunately, later, due to a promise, he broke into the immense void and rescued a person in a dangerous place, but was severely damaged. Although he escaped, he soon passed away.

The fall of a **** emperor can be imagined, and the impact at that time shook almost all the heavens.

As a result, the Taoist Gate was kicked out of the top 100 forces and dropped to the 220th place.

Fortunately, because of their morality, the Taoist Gates forged a good fortune. Although they fulfilled their promises, they also had many allies, although they suffered great difficulties.

However, it is only that the ranking has dropped and the corresponding forces have shrunk. But did not find much suppression and partition.

Because of this, skinny camels are larger than horses.

The reason for the ranking of Dao Yimen is so great.

It's just because there is no fighting power of the highest god.

Once they appeared a **** emperor once again, not to mention immediately promoted to the top 100, but there is no problem in entering the top 150.

Of course, these are the last words.

When he heard the words "Daoyimen", Fang Qingshan suddenly felt a strong thought in his heart.

Join the martial arts!

Yes, join the martial arts!

It's cool under the so-called big trees. To better integrate into the heavens and the world, joining the martial arts is the simplest and most effective way.

Of course, if you want to join the martial arts, you naturally need to join the martial arts, and join the martial arts that help you.

Otherwise, it will not only be useless, but it will drag you down.

Just like in the immortal world, if not joined the Feather Gate, even if Fang Qingshan can pass through all the worlds, he will have to go a long way to rise.

After all, if there was no feather door behind him to shield him from the wind and rain, how could he skyrocket smoothly?

In the flood, the reason why he did not worship Shi Hongjun and joined Xuanmen was because he was strong enough to cope with most of the danger at that time. He was a towering tree himself. Where can someone use him to send him to Qingyun.

And in the heavens and the world, in the infinite void, Fang Qingshan was once before liberation. It's like just crossing the immortal world.

The characters are not so familiar with the environment here.

The most important thing is that he is weak.

Even with the life-saving card of the heavens board, even with the eternal sky boat can improve the combat effectiveness.

But these have limits. It is not by these two things that he can run unhindered.

After all, if he has the treasure, isn't it?

And the eternal sky boat and the chess board are not the best. Maybe people are better off than him and get better treasure?

Now, under ordinary immortality, even ordinary ordinary immortal strongman, Fang Qingshan is not very afraid.

But for a strong man above the mid-immortal, he is likely to have no chance of escape.

This is why he was so reluctant to provoke the Inanimate Palace before.

But after joining a martial art, the situation is completely different.

Especially when this martial art is still very powerful.

At least not a cat or a dog can bully him at will.

If it ’s casual repair, although it ’s free, it does n’t mean that it ’s hard to do, but it is bound to be controlled everywhere. Once you resist, if you lose, you will lose your life. If you win, you wo n’t be able to escape. .com ~ In the flood, why are the saints' disciples so proud, their nostrils are facing the sky, and the world is not relying on the saints to rely on the mountain. Others do n’t look at the monks and the Buddha, so they do n’t dare to do what they do.

If you can join the Taoist door, in addition to the good cold under the tree, there are two benefits.

One is to make Fang Qingshan's practice smoother.

Although he has an eternal sky boat and can receive eternal blessings, it is not an orthodox practice.

As for Pangu Kaitian's imprint, he also supports his cultivation to the immortal realm at most.

As for the later practice, Fang Qingshan was confused.

If you do n’t have a martial art, explore it yourself, not to mention how many detours you have to take and how much time to waste. What ’s more important is that once you make a mistake, it will affect your future practice.

Therefore, he needed a place for missionary devotion.

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