Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 128: Dead Island Owner

The eternal life world is not good, that is, if you are not in the realm of heaven and man, you cannot arrange a large array at all.

Therefore, if you are not in Heaven and Human Realm, you cannot make spirits, and in Heaven and Human Realm, you cannot guarantee the safety of your residence.

Evil Gorge is okay, because there is a natural bewildered reason, coupled with the desperate island leader to guide the situation, so a very good defense circle.

Unfortunately, breaking through this layer of defense circle, Zheminggong will be flat, and there is no danger left.

However, this is exactly what Fang Qingshan wanted.

Otherwise, if you want to say that like Shushan, any cave house is densely covered by array laws, how can you play happily.

Although the Palace of Destiny in front of me looks high-end and high-end, it is just a mundane thing. It is placed in the practice world, not even a magic weapon.

Qi Fang Qingshan didn't say a word, and hacked in the palm of his hand.


He really sits at home, and woe comes from heaven.

The desperate island owner didn't think of it, and it was so secretive that someone came silently.

When he was practicing, he could not reach the defense, and was directly swallowed by the magical powers.

Fortunately, he did not retreat, but just meditated on weekdays. Otherwise, he would not be able to take it for a while.

"Bold, I want to kill you!"

But I saw a man in black with three long beards and a purple-skinned face, which seemed to be caused by the sun all the year round, or the middle-aged popularity who had practiced a kind of marvellous flying out of the ruins.

When I saw Fang Qingshan as the culprit, he immediately used his housekeeping skills as soon as he came up.

From this, we can see how much hate the island owner of Fate lives in hating Fang Qingshan.

But I saw the desperate island owner swelled with suffocation, and the suffocation was formed automatically, and a milky palm patted towards Fang Qingshan.

The palm of this hand is very strange. It has only three fingers, like bird claws. On each of the three fingers, there are runes twisted by radon, forming the three words "absolute"! "broken"! "Disability"!


When Fang Qingshan saw the situation, he did not flicker, he flashed in his eyes, and waved with one hand.


It was like a single whip of Taiji, a volley, and a splendid brilliance.

Xun is exactly the five elements of Fang Qingshan's cultivation.


There was a loud noise, and the two trembled at the same time, each retreating.

Although Fang Qingshan is only in the realm of Qi, it is a level worse than the master of the island of desperate life, but he has cultivated the five elements of Zhenqi and high quality. Even if it is just a glimpse of the door, he has not yet smelted the five elements Cai Dibao went in, but it was definitely not worse than the suffocation of the desperate island owner.

Although the desperate island owner was only a casual repairer, he was able to mix up with him to the point that even the ten schools of immortal Taoism such as Wangui Xiandao found a warrant for him, which is very good.

I want to know that the ordinary casual training can be practiced to the level of supernatural power. And he not only practiced falsehoods, but even practiced qi even further. It was a coincidence and a talent.

So, at this moment, the two of them have no choice but to do so.

"Damn, the little monster that ran out there, at a young age, broke through the mystery of Shentong. He did not say that he had already practiced falsehood, and his quality was so high!"

This collision just finally calmed down the desperate island owner's mood.

He can live freely in the return market, naturally it is impossible simply because of the strength, the human condition, eyesight is essential, and more important than strength.

At first, he was angry only because he had been broken into the old nest and wanted to destroy his own nest. At the same time, he wanted to kill.

At the moment when he saw Fang Qingshan's shot, he felt faintly in his heart.

Being so young, so high in repair, and so strong in spirit, is obviously not comparable to his casual practice.

I am not a casual repair, then the situation is self-evident.

"Who is your Excellency? Why didn't you break into my Dongfu indiscriminately?"

The island master still had a trace of luck in her heart, she said in a deep voice.

"Hanhuamen true disciple Fang Qingshan,"

Qi Fang Qingshan said lightly,

"As for indiscriminate, do you still need to be so clear against your infamous forty thief?"

"The true story of Hawamon!"

Fortunately, the owner of the desperate island couldn't help sinking.

"My Excellency and I have no enmity in the past. Are you really going to have trouble with me?"

As a casual repair, as long as you do n’t become a giant, how powerful the repair is. Obviously, there are a lot of scruples about the behemoths such as the Ten Doors of Xiandao. Hunting.

Therefore, the best way to turn Gan Ge into Jade is to let go of it. Although he is suffering, the master of the desperate island still strives hard.

"Hehe, this is interesting. I don't know the person who was robbed and killed by you before, but has deep hatred with you?"

Qi Fang Qingshan chuckled,

"Don't be delusional. Since I am here today, don't hold on to luck and knowing self-discipline, or hey!"

"Okay, okay, okay, a true disciple of Yuhuamen, do you really think you're eating me?"

The desperate island owner was originally because of too much scruples ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but only for long-term consideration.

As the infamous forty thief, he is not a kind-hearted person. Hearing Fang Qingshan's words, he knows that he cannot be good today.

Even if the heart is fierce, the eyes are fierce, and there is a smirk in the corner of the mouth, and the nature is exposed instantly.

But when he saw that he reached out his hand, among the ruins, a smelter of a kiln rose into the sky.

In comparison, Da Ding, which was given to Fang Qingshan by Wu Hongchang Leopard, is a little witch.

Qi Fang Qingshan knew that this should be the Five Prison Wang Ding.

But seeing this thing is immense, the entanglement of radon, the air swirling, bringing about a fierce wind, it looks like the faint light, between the faint, there is an invigorating aroma.

I saw Fang Qingshan nodded again and again, he had long regarded the owner of the desperate island as his own.

He also has the pure Dan Book inheritance from Chunyang, who is missing a good Dan furnace.

The grade given by Wu Hongchangbao to himself was too low, and because it contained Wuyun peach blossoms, it was broken.

"go with!"

Desperate island owner, 狰狞 looked at Fang Qingshan, and rose up, he directly hit the five prison king Ding in his hand as a mountain and smashed towards Fang Qingshan.


声音 A sound popped in the air.

I glanced at it from a distance. This was not a smelter, but a volcano that suppressed it.

"Good job!"

When Fang Qingshan saw this, he was not surprised.

Among the magic weapons, the defense power of furnace, tripod, tower, and bell stream are all top.

Desperate Island is mainly based on the Five Prison King Ding as a defensive magic weapon, fighting magical powers with himself, or imprisoned in the Five Prison King Ding, and he has some trouble trying to clean him up, saying that he must not use the pure sun flying sword at the end.

But now, I have cut off my life.

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