Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 130: reward

I left Evil Gorge far away, Fang Qingshan found a deserted island and landed.

He was not in a hurry to rush to Wanguihai City, but he was going to practice the five prison king tripod festival first.

The reason why Xi is so impatient is that these five prison kings are not only a smelter, but also not only can attack defense, but more importantly, this can be used as a magic weapon.

What Fang Qingshan lacks now is the magic weapon for storing things.

五 The five prisoners Wang Ding slept when he came to sleep with a pillow. With him, he would not have to run around with so much burden, which is not only inconvenient, but also eye-catching.

The desperate island owner is indeed one of the forty thieves overseas, so infamous that Wangui Xiandao wanted him.

Qi Fang Qingshan was afraid of night long dreams, and he swept away the treasures in the Palace of Destiny, but there was no time to see them.

炼 After refining the Five Prison King Ding at this moment, at a glance, I couldn't help feeling emotions.

He didn't say anything about Bao Baoqi. It was just a tripod from the five prison kings, so Fang Qingshan didn't run for nothing.

Ye Yuhuamen is so large, there are more than a hundred disciples, and there are no more than ten treasure furnaces.

Especially the jewel of the lord of the desperate island is not an ordinary jewel, but a superb jewel, and one step closer to the Tao, it is not much more than the Fang Qingshan's Wuyun peach blossom.

In addition, there are thirty-six flying swords in Tianzhe Mozong's Tianzhe Sword Formation. This desperate island owner originally escaped from Tianzhe Mozong's rebellion. It is not surprising to have this thing.

It's a pity that there is still a sky array map, otherwise, the map is more than doubled with a flying sword.

In addition, there are ten purple gold gourds and more than twenty magical vestments of Jindan, the renewed life of Tianzong Mozong. They are all fine products, and they are all kinds of treasures.

Finally, there is a book of magic gates, which records the master of the desperate island master's housekeeping supernatural power.

虽然 Although this supernatural power is good, Fang Qingshan just looked at it and put it aside.

Because he is really in the realm of qi now, even the five elements of qi have just started, and they are not too greedy.

And a supernatural power takes too much energy from cultivation to Dacheng.

Therefore, many masters of Jindan, the magical power in Jindan is only a dozen or so.

Therefore, for the other side of Qingshan, except for the necessary, ordinary magical powers he does not need to practice at all. In the future, he will imitate Fang Han, but the direct capture is the same.

"Good guy, it really is that horses have no nightgrass and fat, and people have no wealth or wealth!"

Looking at the harvest this time, Fang Qingshan couldn't help but sigh.

Desperate Island Lord is just one of the foremost in the ranking of the Forty Thieves, and has this collection. What about those in front of him?

I think about Fang Qingshan, can not help but excited for a while, anxious to wipe them out.

Of course, he just thought about it.

Viper has snake road, mouse has rat road!

所以 The reason why these thieves can be at ease on this site of Guixu for so long has their own way of survival.

Not to mention, do you know where these people's nests are? It's just that a desperate island owner who has a lower ranking has a self-cultivation practice. Is it possible that the current one can deal with it?

Although Fang Qingshan was not afraid of them with Chunyang Feijian in his body, unless he came across directly, or as the desperate island owner happened to know about his old nest, it would be more than worthwhile to look around and kill.

"Sell all these things, you should be able to buy what you want."

I thought of this, Fang Qingshan didn't stay on the deserted island any more, identified the direction, and went straight to the South China Sea continent according to the charts recorded in the worlds, where is the location of Wanguihai City.

Since it is called the mainland, naturally it is not comparable to islands.

In the distance, Fang Qingshan saw a vast continent floating on the ocean. There seemed to be cities, populations, shops and ports along the coast, countless boats moored, or came and went, compared to Longyuan where his Fang family was originally. Province is ten times more prosperous.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan was not uninformed. He looked at it a little, and then fell straight towards the mainland.

According to various world records, the largest shop in Wanguihai City is called Xuangui Pavilion, which was opened by Wangui Xiandao. Whether you want to buy magic weapons, miracles, medicinal materials, or want to sell all kinds of treasures, here can meet your needs.

Whether Fang Qingshan wanted to receive the reward for killing the island owner, or to buy five elements of heaven and earth, and even for the fragments of the world tree, he had to go to the Xuangui Pavilion.

So, without hesitation, Fang Qingshan walked towards Xuangui Pavilion.

"I've seen the son, I don't know if the son is a disciple or a casual practitioner. Is it something to buy at Xuangui Pavilion?"

As soon as Qi Fang Qingshan was near Xuangui Pavilion, a disciple dressed in a suit and holding a duster in hand greeted him.

"I am Fang Qingshan, the true legend of Yuhuamen. I have to buy and sell it at Xuangui Pavilion, and at the same time receive a reward."

Qi Fang Qingshan said lightly.

"Ah! True disciple."

Xi Xuangui Pavilion, a welcome disciple, was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly shouted politely, "There are noble guests!"

After a short while, a man standing up like a javelin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ naturally came to Fang Qingshan, surrounded by a group of welcome disciples with a calm, self-assured man.

"In Xiawangui Xiandao true disciple, Haishan, I do n’t know Yuhuamen's Taoist came here, welcomed, please!"

"Kaido friends are kind."

When Fang Qingshan heard the person introduce himself, his eyes flashed.

Because he knows that this is the seamount, he has no knowledge of gold and jade, and bought the fragments of the world tree as ordinary babies.

"Dao You is a little bit face-to-face, but it is similar to the name of Fang Qingxue Dao You in Yuhuamen."

Er Haishan led Fang Qingshan toward the closet while whispering.

"It wasn't long before I was promoted to the mysterious world of magical powers, so strangers in Taoism should be unfamiliar. As for Fang Qingxue, my elder sister."

Qi Fang Qingshan said unhurriedly.

"Oh? Dao You is actually Fang Qingxue's brother, but he is disrespectful."

Er Haishan heard that Fang Qingshan was actually Fang Qingxue's younger brother, and immediately eager for another three points.

Qi Fang Qingxue had fought such a big battle in Guixu and Yingtianqing. As a disciple of Wanguixian Island, Haishan did not know.

"There and there." Fang Qingshan waved his hand.

来 "Come, drink tea,"

He came into the secret room, the door closed slowly, and suddenly the crow and bird were silent, Haishan personally made a cup of tea, said.

"Thank you!"

Qi Fang Qingshan ordered a little thanks.

I sighed lightly, and my lips and teeth stayed fragrant, a refreshing and refreshing spleen in my throat.

"Good tea!"

After the tea time, the two shivered a few words, and Haishan asked, "I don't know how Fang Daoyou can come to my Xuangui Pavilion to help you?"

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