Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1303: Storm Sword Emperor

Ignoring the shock of Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei, Jiang Mingyue continued to say unhurriedly,

"The world is huge, there are all kinds of wonders. Although most of the strong are attached to the major forces, and the major forces are inherited in an orderly manner, and it is easy to cultivate the strong, but there are still some strong who are cultivating Taoism and are not used to Bound, alone, no one dares to provoke them easily, even the top ten in the Supreme List. "

In this regard, Fang Qingshan is not surprising.

The strong man in Jiang Mingyue's mouth must be the God Emperor.

If you want to be a **** emperor, that is not a resource that can be piled up.

It requires not only resources, but also talent, and opportunity.

If the emperor could be easily cultivated, the chaotic world of Shang had already had the emperor, and the Taoist gate would not have plummeted because of the fall of his ancestors.

Every **** emperor is a legend, and Weili belongs to himself.

Both are God Emperors, defeating each other is easy, killing is difficult.

But once a **** emperor is brought to shamelessly, such a disaster can be imagined. No matter how great the power is, it will collapse.

Strength, and bare feet are not afraid to wear shoes.

This is why the Supreme Power is afraid of the top masters of casual repair.

People who can cultivate to the realm of the Emperor have different temperaments.

After all, the boulevard is the only one.

Some emperors are lonely and do not like to communicate with others. High above the ground, being alone.

Some emperors return to their originals, and their dispositions are like old urchins.

Some **** emperors are addicted to killing. Even destroying people, this kind of people is the most frightening.

Some **** emperors are old and good people, who make good connections and are good teachers. Although they do not accept apprentices and do not form factions, they like to instruct and guide the younger generation to practice.

Such is the existence of the Storm Sword Emperor.

I heard that before the Storm Sword Emperor did not become enlightened, he was often helped by other predecessors. Therefore, after enlightenment, he also used to open a sermon.

Every ten thousand years, the Emperor Storm sword will open an altar to preach, which can be said to be a great event in immense void.

It may not be the intention to give back to all beings.

In addition, although the Storm Sword Emperor is called a storm, this storm is not an ordinary storm, but a natural disaster storm in the void.

Void is a disaster, except for the Void Thief, the Vicious Beast, and the boundless silence and darkness.

The natural disaster was unpredictable and out of control.

The small natural disasters will not be said, the large natural disasters will not be able to carry even some chaotic worlds.

I heard that for the purpose of preaching, the Sword Emperor of the Storm had practiced calculus in order to deduce when and where natural disasters would occur in the immense void, and then rushed forward to observe the natural disasters.

It can be said that there is a natural disaster there, and there is his figure there.

That is to say, his fortune is strong, and he can often turn his luck into a victorious one, and die in death.

I'm afraid I've been dead for a long time. I don't know how many times.

Even so, every time, it is a life in danger.

Fortunately, he survived and broke through the emperor.

No pain No gain.

Because of this, he is regarded as a master among the emperors.

At the same time, although he is called Storm Sword Emperor, he can also be called Disaster Sword Emperor.

The way of heaven and earth focuses on balance, so there are water and fire, sun and moon, black and white, light and dark, yin and yang, disasters, and naturally, there are also blessings.

Therefore, some people say that the reason why the Storm Sword Emperor preached all sentient beings is actually a way of practicing.

Because this way of speaking freely does not dare to say that the merits are infinite, at least it is also a blessing.

In addition to the doctrine, the reason why the Tongtian priests had no teachings at that time was that they wanted to make up for the weakness of jealousy in this way.

Unfortunately, in the end, it failed.

The main thing is that this method is not possible, but because all his disciples have become disciples of disciples. Although most of them are only outside disciples, and many of them have not acknowledged them, he has not refuted them.

This violates the prerequisite of no pay.

The Storm Sword Emperor is just like Hong Jun. In addition to receiving a few disciples, preaching and preaching, listening to the preaching, they are just a good destiny, but they cannot work under his banner. He will not recognize the identity of the other party.

Not to mention, regardless of the purpose of the Storm Sword Emperor, the results are all very happy.

At least, those who listened did learn a lot from him.

Therefore, every time the Storm Sword Emperor speaks, it is a prosperous world for the whole heavens.

This is not only the case for small groups, but also for the disciples of large forces.

After all, the Emperor of the Storm Sword, but the ancestors of Taoism, are willing to worship the wind. Many great-powered ancestors may not be comparable to him.

Moreover, the stones of other mountains can attack jade. Listen to these strong men's sermons and touch the by-passes, even if you have the slightest understanding.

In addition, although there are **** emperors and ancestors in the gates of great power, these ancestors are basically in a closed state and it is difficult to meet at leisure. Want to get pointers, unless the talent is very amazing, the contribution is very large.

However, it is not easy to get the guidance of the Storm Sword Emperor, which is entirely up to chance.

The name of the Storm Sword Emperor's dojo is Fuyuan Mountain. Like the overseas Sanxian Island in the flood, the location is uncertain and it drifts continuously in the void.

It may be in the immense void, it may be in a large world, or it may even appear in a natural disaster.

Therefore, each place appears different. There are safe and dangerous.

Therefore, the number of participants each time is uncertain. There are naturally many people who can hear the sermon in a safe place, and the number of people in a dangerous place plummets.

I won't say when it's safe, but anyone who is nearby ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can enter many as long as they meet the requirements.

Yes, to enter Fuyuan Mountain also requires conditions, such as at least the strength of the mixed peak, otherwise, you can't understand what others say, how can you talk about gains?

Besides, dangerous places are not the same. Even if you find a place, no one dares to risk your life and break into it. After all, preaching is good, but life is more important.

Therefore, in order to prevent the embarrassing situation of Fuyuan Mountain entering the natural disaster and no one present, it is also to give more people some opportunities.

After all, if Fuyuan Mountain appeared in the center of the heavens and the world, it would not be so easy for a remote area like the chaotic world of Shang to catch up.

Therefore, every time a hundred years before Fu Yuanshan's lecture, there will be 8,100 storm storms coming out, as long as those with deep Fu Yuan can get it.

The Storm Sword is similar to the Fang Qingshan Eternal Tianzhou Market Invitation Card. No matter where you are, as long as you hold the Storm Sword in your hand before speaking, you can be teleported to Fuyuan Mountain.


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