Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1305: Sky-high price


Jiang Mingyue sighed secretly.

In the end, it ’s too far away from Taoism Gate, and they do n’t have so much money on them. If they want to photograph this thing, they must have big blood. Good things are reluctant to take out.

Therefore, if you can't suppress the voice of others' bargaining, a little increase, once they fight with the nearby forces, they will definitely lose.

As for the name of Liang Yimeng, Jiang Mingyue has never thought about it.

Not to mention herself, the Taoist door is not used to doing this, and doing so is not in line with their heart.

Monasticism is also spiritual cultivation.

If the heart is not right, it means dissatisfaction.

Whatever is truly great, regardless of whether his mind is righteous or evil, indecision, or courage, he will obey his heart. In fact, it is the Tao. He does n’t even believe in his own path. Go high, go far?

In addition, showing the token may not help.

Don't say that the Daoist Gate is now more difficult than the past because of the fall of the ancestors, and the deterrent to others is not as good as before.

Even in its heyday, if there is no interest involved, or when the interest is insufficient, other people will buy Tao Yimeng a face, but once the benefits are sufficient, people need not consider them at all.

One is that interest is the easiest thing to make people take risks. As long as the interest is sufficient, don't talk about the meaning of the door, what is the enemy of the whole world?

In addition, although the Daoist Gate's code of conduct allowed them to form a good relationship, the ancestors fell, and the martial arts did not experience much change.

But again, because of the way they act, there is not much shock to others, especially when they are unreasonable. Others don't care what they think. Because even if you offend them, you don't have to worry about causing revenge.

Therefore, if you want to win this thing, you have to dominate it with the same force as you did in the previous eyebrow raising.

"Brother, I still have a lot of supernatural money here, which can be exchanged for Chaos Coins. There are about 100,000 or so, even if you are overwhelmed by the bid."

"I also have about 20,000 Chaos Coins here!"

"Miss, I also have around 50,000 Chaos Coins here!"

Looking at Jiang Mingyue's hesitant look, Fang Qingshan could not help but speak. Immediately afterwards, Yang Mei and Wang Bo also spoke.


Hearing Fang Qingshan's words, Jiang Mingyue suddenly lighted up.

Although the three of them only add up to 170,000 chaos, but his own mood is enough.

She was still thinking about it, and she seemed to have some heart and power to smash people with the money in her hands. Now there is a pillow in the doze, not to mention more than enough, but it is enough.

In the end, although the storm sword order is enthusiastic, there is still a limit to its value.

If so, Jiang Mingyue would have to give up.

For one thing, she really couldn't fight the others, and didn't have that much money. Can not use other means, naturally can only give up.

It's not worth it.

Although the storm sword order is good, if the price is too high, there are some losses.

Besides, the Storm Sword is not the only one. There are a total of 8,100 pieces. Although the whole sky is still a little small, it is not necessary to hang on this tree.

Moreover, in addition to the Storm Sword, in case Fuyuan Mountain appears near itself, it can still be easily entered.

"Two hundred thousand!"

Certainly, Jiang Mingyue shouted a sky-high price calmly.

Time flies, like a deep-sea torpedo, and it explodes for a while.

Dude, if you suddenly raise the price by 80,000 yuan, you can change to a third-level treasure.

The people were stunned in an instant.

80,000, a lot of immortal powerhouses, even the Emperor of God, can hardly take out so much cash at once.

After all, many **** emperors use second-class treasure, and the highest price is only 50,000.

Of course, it ’s not that the Emperor is really poor. Where are the people who have cultivated to this point, there are really poor people.

It's just that they use more money and more expensive things to buy.

They can't make a home for a treasure. And the treasure that fits itself is not so easy to get.

Of course, this is a single person. If it is a clan, it may be different. Their wealth is richer, and not one piece of treasure is lost.

However, they have other considerations, that is, do not suffer from widows, but suffer from unevenness.

Even if it is taken, who will it be used for in the end? Use it for yourself, others will not, and for others, you will not be willing. After all, this is public property. The more you use, the less I will.

At the same time, judging from Jiang Mingyue's previous auctions to the present, they are not fuel-efficient lamps, at least the power behind them is no less than the five largest families in the Chaos World of Shang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ or even stronger. Only in this way will they be able to snap shots without fear of many forces and take out so many chaotic coins.

This also made everyone a little bit frightened.

Knowing oneself and knowing one another, one after another, and the unknown is the most daunting.

"Twenty-one thousand!"

However, in the end, the Storm Sword is a rare opportunity, especially for many mixed yuan peaks and immortal peaks. If you go to listen once and break the bottleneck, it is almost a matter of nailing. Benefit a lot.

Therefore, although they were discouraged because of value, Jiang Mingyue's background, etc., they still did not let loose and continued to increase prices.

They have the same mentality in case, in case Jiang Mingyue is desperate, all he wants is to scare them away with a single price, and this is the highest price she can call out, what about the final price?

"Twenty-five thousand!"

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is so cruel.

Just now, Jiang Mingyue once again raised the price by 40,000.

The steady voice spread in this huge auction floor, and many people secretly stunned. The five rich families were also shocked at this moment. Good guy, the increase of tens of thousands and tens of thousands made the chaotic currency inappropriate I don't know where Jiang Mingyue and his party came from.

The so-called, wealth is not indiscriminate, man-made wealth is dead for food.

Although deterring competitors, it also caused a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Seeing that Jiang Mingyue and his party were spending a lot of money, and their strongest cultivation had not even reached immortality, many people immediately became greedy, and they were planning to take risks.

After all, looking at this posture, the storm sword order has fallen into the hands of Jiang Mingyue.

They can't succeed at the auction, they have to start with Jiang Mingyue.

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