Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1315: Good fortune

Balance is the truth of the world.

The siblings live in harmony, like five elements, like yin and yang, black and white, and rigid and soft ...

There are people who practice, and naturally they have ways to restrain them.

That is disaster.

Scourge, land and man.

This was the case before Pu Chengxian, and the case after becoming immortal.

However, there are big and small calamities, strong and weak, and more and less.

However, no matter what time, any person, as long as they break through a certain level, they will definitely lead to thunder.

Before the Yuan Dynasty, it was only when Chengxian broke through Jinxian and Da Luo.

Of course, this is not to say that it is only available at this specific time and not at other times. It can only be said that it is also available at other times, but it must be available at this specific time.

After the Yuan Dynasty, a specific time was changed to break through the Yuan Dynasty, break through immortality, break through the Emperor of God, all need thunder.

有着 There is a magical difference between the two.

I have to go through nine nine thunder disasters.

However, the former experienced the Jiu Jiu Tian Hei, which was issued by Tiandao. After all, before the Yuan Dynasty, it was under the control of Tian Dao, and the latter experienced the Jiu Jiu Road. Tiandao can no longer control these powerful men, so the avenue is in charge.

Immortal robberies need to go through three or nine robberies, God emperor robberies need to go through sixty-nine robberies, and **** emperor robberies need to go through ninety-nine robberies.

Of course, this is normal, but there are exceptions.

For example, just as some people break through Jinxian, it ’s not sixty-nine days, maybe seventy-nine, eighty-nine, or even ninety-nine. When someone is immortal, it ’s not three-nine, but four-nine. Fifty-nine, six-nine robberies.

But this situation is very rare. Generally speaking, there are only two cases. One is the innate sacred flow. Only this kind of peerless arrogance can happen. Ordinary geniuses and even arrogant people do not have this. treatment.

There is also a case where people are angry and resentful, similar karma is too deep, and even the avenue cannot tolerate it.

However, whether it is born sacred or angry, it is rare to see it. For hundreds of thousands of years, there may not be one for millions of years.

As for what kind of calamity it takes to break through the Emperor God, Fang Qingshan is not clear about it, that is, Immortal Hell, God Emperor, God Emperor Jiang Mingyue told himself.

In order to break through the calamity of the emperor, let alone Jiang Mingyue, I am afraid that 99% of people do not know, and even many emperors who have no background may not know it.

I really know a little bit of the situation, except for the old antiques that have survived since the formation of the heavens and the world, I am afraid that only the top three martial families in the Supreme Power List have some records of the end of the chapter.

Because I have n’t known how many years since the formation of the heavens and the world, basically no one has heard of anyone breaking through the emperor.

Countless calamities came down, and the most powerful thing appeared was the peak of the emperor.

Although it has been spread that there is a realm above God Emperor, but no one has ever seen it.

I don't know if it really isn't, or was deliberately concealed.

Not to mention these, but said that although the second Thunder was three points stronger than the first Thunder, but still did not raise his eyebrows, instead he used the power of the Thunder to temper the rule, and went further.

For a moment, all of his brows were filled with joy.

As soon as this continues, the odds of surviving thunderstorms can add another layer.

However, good things abound, Dao Jie seems to sense that his thunder not only did not hurt his eyebrows, but helped him, and suddenly seemed to be provoked and angered.

The time for the robbery cloud to accumulate is instantly reduced, and the power of the Thunder increases again.

Although the thunderbolt did not change from 39th to 39th, the power has increased by more than five levels.

For a while, the roar was endless, the thunder broke, the hills collapsed, the Jin Ge iron horse, swallowed like a tiger.

One fuchsia thunder rushed forward, the previous one just fell, and the latter one followed immediately. It seemed that he didn't want to give his eyebrows a chance to breathe, trying to kill it with a rush.

In a short time, Lei Guang converged, purple became black, red was faint, densely packed, and condensed into a thunder river that swept across the sky.

The waves were violent, and anything that stood in front of them would be crushed into pieces.


It was just a moment. The Tongtianlei River was shot down in the air. When the floods and sky were broken, the situation of Tianhe flooding was completely inferior.

Thunder threw up his eyebrows, and for a while, he could not see the slightest situation.

But from the aftermath of the dissipated, we can see the clue.

Hurry up!

Extremely fast!

My eyes were so fast that Yuanshen had no time to react and could only act by instinct.

And it's not just fast, it's extremely powerful, it has the sharpness of tearing time and space, and the overbearing fate of broken cause and effect.

However, in the face of the tide of seven thunders, one after another, one after the other.

However, raising eyebrows still did not display Lingbao, magical powers, but still relying on the rule of space Tianzhu to resist.

After all, the power of the first disaster is definitely the weakest.

Tong Yangmei should use her own resistance to the first heavy disaster, and have her own consideration.

On the one hand, it is necessary to sharpen oneself and fight against the calamity with oneself. Not only can it be sharpened, but it can also enhance the combat effectiveness.

Second, Tianjie is more severe than heavier, and he is not sure if he can carry it in the end.

After all, with the exception of a very small number of people, there is no 100% certainty who will cross the robbery. It can only increase the success rate as much as possible.

So he can only do his best.

这个 At this time, apart from tempering himself with thunderstorms, he can quickly improve himself, he can never think of other better ways.

Raising his eyebrows can only tell himself through his continuous improvement that he can.

如果 And if you ca n’t even carry the first weight ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ then it ’s really unknown whether the more powerful scourge behind you can spend it yourself.

After all, although he did not use magical powers, spiritual treasures, but the law is also one of his strongest means.

A bang.

Loudly sounded, elephants look.

At this moment, raising his eyebrows only feels like he has lost his five senses. He hears nothing and can't see anything. There is only one powerful force, carrying all the terrifying power of destruction, constantly bombarding his own laws, even through the laws Tianzhu, like a bull across the mountain, seems to crush the body and the Yuanshen.

This feeling is completely different from the previous days when Heaven and Man were in decline.

If you do n’t know what ’s going on, you ’ve already won the move, and Thunder is that you know he has fallen, but you ca n’t escape at all.


Crazy impact!


Raging Rage!

Don't talk about raising the eyebrow, the person who bears the brunt, even if Jiang Mingyue and others watching from the side are trembling with one heart, like a man's back.

Although it's not about hanging things up, it's not a matter of crossing the road yourself, but Fang Qingshan and others are no easier than raising an eyebrow. ...

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