Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1317: We spend the first

Although the power of natural disasters is not great, after all, not to mention the immortal powers, that is, many people at the top of the Yuanyuan did not have the hard work warning, although they felt the danger, but it was not the disaster.

In fact, this is mainly because immortal robbery does not pose a great threat to the immortal strong, but also has specificity, just for raising eyebrows, as long as other people do not enter the range of thunder robbery, they will not be attacked.

Although the power of natural disasters is not great, it is not as good as the natural treasures or mysteries.

After all, if you want to turn waste into treasure and take treasure from natural disasters, it is not something that ordinary people can do.

He doesn't just need your strength and strength, not to say that it will completely destroy the natural disaster, at least it must be able to move forward and backward in the natural disaster.

And also need a special secret method, Lingbao, in order to collect and preserve the exotic treasures extracted from the natural disaster.

This greatly limits the possibilities for everyone to win.

After all, the weakest natural disasters can also make the immortal strongmen unable to eat and walk. If you want to come and go freely in the natural disasters, at least you need the title of mid-immortal strength.

Except for a few of these people, most of them are just in the realm of mixed Yuan.

All of a sudden, everyone felt a little dull.

It is not difficult to rob, and there will be no panic. Without opportunity, there will be no motivation.

He said again, raising his eyebrows, not to mention that he didn't know that these people had been alarmed, moved by the wind, and rushed towards his side, without feeling the strangeness.

Even if he knew and felt it, he wouldn't care. His only mind now is how to survive.

After all, if he still has thoughts about other things and is distracted by thunderstorm, I'm afraid he is really looking for death.

Although there is no jealousy, but just like a master's trick, any slight negligence that seems to be negligible can be the trigger of your death.

As far as I said, if anyone had destroyed him and wanted to end up with him, not to mention that he had just entered the infinite void, and there was no such hatred against him.

Even if there is one, he will not end up with him as a last resort, because there is no need to die because it is better to live. As long as it is not in desperation, the kind of fishnet breaking will basically not happen.

Also, isn't there Fang Qingshan and others? When are they bauble?

In addition, crossing the calamity, enlightenment, and breakthrough is the most sacred time. There is no enmity that cannot be worn together, and it cannot be destroyed. Otherwise, the world will share it.

Therefore, raising eyebrows now only needs to consider the period of weakness after the robbery. After all, according to their induction, the danger is getting closer. I am afraid that after he robbles, those greedy cow, ghost, and snake gods will catch up, but only then It was a fierce battle.

Uh ...

But raised his eyebrows and showed his own body, the root of chaos.

Suddenly, a hollow hollow willow towered under the thunderstorm.

Three thousand willow branches hang around. Each willow branch is shining with endless light, it seems to contain endless space charm.

Dancing casually, let the void shake violently. Suddenly, there seems to be a long river swaying from the endless space and time.

I am a good guy, each of these willow branches is like the most terrible magic soldier, although it is not as good as the body, but it has also reached the level of second-class Zhongpin.

I am so overwhelmed to fight, I am afraid that compared to the third-level Arcane attack is not too much to let go.

The most important thing is that although each willow branch and swaying room is related to space, they all represent different magical powers and Tao Yun.

Either the exhibition space collapses, or the exhibition space is cut, or the exhibition space is moved, or the exhibition space is reversed ...

Especially with the rule of space being incorporated into hollow willows, it seems that the entire void has evolved into the original sea of ​​space avenues, and Yang Mei has transformed himself into a space avenue.

For a while, the endless magic light bloomed.

But I can see that a ray of light diffused out of the body, the leaves and leaves were flying, and when it was dying, as if there were countless stars shining with stars, the denseness was beautiful.

The power of Thunder and the power of space wrestle with each other.

You destroy me a little bit, I wear you a trace.

Qi Qi meets his opponent and will meet Liangcai.

The two are fairly equal. The only problem is that Lei Jie fought alone, and his successor was weak. Although the storm was still there, Lei Jie was not finished.

But between the first and the second, there is still a buffer time. And that gave the eyebrows a chance to breathe.

The power of space rests on the raised eyebrows, but it is constantly and constantly providing power, all kinds of good things for healing, recovery, don't throw money into your mouth.

Although there are some violent things and some distressed, but I can't care much about it.

Every time the power of space is weakened by the power of Thunder, he repairs it a little and blesses it a little.

As soon as this vanished, the eyebrows naturally gained the upper hand.

As you continue to fight with the power of Thunder, you fight for damage, repair, damage, repair.

The spirit, the law, the magical powers of raising an eyebrow, are becoming more solid in all aspects.

Although this heavy thunderstorm hasn't been completely gone, it is already foreseeable that this wave of thunderstorm will come down, and the benefits will be greater than that of Heaven and Man. The overall strength has more than doubled.

Of course, if you want to get benefits, you must pay and you must suffer.

痛苦 In this continuous struggle with Thunderbolt, the pain can be imagined.

Continuous tearing, continuous removal, and continuous repairs, which have not been repaired yet, continue to tear, remove, and repeat.

Compared to the so-called Ling Chi, the so-called corpse division, the so-called Top Ten Tortures, and the eighteen hells, it is definitely better than that.

This is also raising perseverance and perseverance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Otherwise, I am afraid that even if people know the benefits, they will not be able to suffer.

And in the process of continuous repair, although the eyebrows continued to be raised, various healing, healing elixir, Tiancai Dibao don't put money in the mouth, but the mana in the body, Yuanshen, still began to dry up slowly. , Into a state of fatigue.

Not only do these things take time to transform, but they also consume a lot of energy and require buffering.

Fortunately, the power of Tianjie came fast, and not too slowly.

Otherwise, even if the raised eyebrows have passed this wave, they will be planted in the next wave.


With a long, raised eyebrow, he exhaled a stale breath, and the whole person felt hollowed out.

But I quickly adjusted my mindset, hurry up for a minute and a second, repair, rest, now is not the time to relax.

Paeonia continued, and the exercises continued to work for an instant. These were instincts. At this moment, Yuan Shen fell into a state of sleep and dormancy, and wanted to relieve and repair as soon as possible.

This is also raising an eyebrow. For other people, even people who have a stronger root than him, I am really not so relaxed.

After all, just as it is logistics to fight wars, preparations are very important. ...

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