Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1324: 2nd Robbery

I didn't give Yang Mei a chance to breathe. I just made up for the mana consumed, and the third thunderbolt arrived as scheduled. The power added five more layers on the basis of the second thunderbolt.

For a while, the breath that permeated the heavens and the earth became deeper and more depressed.

He raised his eyebrow but didn't care about it, because fear was useless, and he might be taken in by thunder, and it was only the third thunder. He could cope with it and just waited.

He did it like this.

Raised her eyebrows constantly to perform magical powers.

If one magical power doesn't work, just two. Ordinary magical power doesn't work. Change to a top-level magical power.

A variety of space supernatural powers were deployed in his hands in turn.

The crickets either collapse, or cut, or stand still, or reverse, or move ... They all have their own magical powers. Although their powers are large and small, they are not stereotypical.

So so.

One, two, three, four ...

Raising his eyebrows finally survived the second Daojie.


Seeing that the second road robber was dispersed, the third road robber still had some time to fall. At this moment, the spirit of raising his eyebrows was relaxed, and the whole person was sitting on the ground like a muddy mud. Gasping heavily.

If I come again, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on. Or use Lingbao's hole cards.

I ca n’t use it, but it ’s now used. What should I do in the face of a more severe third road robbery?

For this reason, only persistence, less than a last resort, dare not use it lightly.

Followed by, a feeling of tiredness and pain that seemed to be ordinary people did not rest for ten days and ten nights, and suffered from thousands of tortures.

I was exhausted because of the high concentration of energy and the exhaustion of my mind. Even the eyebrow repair was a bit overwhelming. When he relaxed, he immediately made him want to close his eyes, didn't wake up, and slept him all night.

What a pity, this kind of thought is just thinking about it.

Not to mention, Dao Jie is not over yet, just the physical pain makes him turn to the side, the pain is difficult to sleep.

Drama pain!

Boundless pain!

Deep pain in the bone marrow, soul, true spirit!

There was amazing pain in and around the body. It was the kind of pain that was shattered and hurt every cell. Even if you want to disconnect the perception, you can't alleviate the pain at all.

Although I have already experienced it, whether it was the great calamity of the year or the robbery in front of it. This has happened before.

But once again experiencing such a situation, it still made him die.

This kind of thing isn't adapted to the experience a few more times. On the contrary, the more experience, the more vivid the memory, the unforgettable and painful.

From the outside, raising his eyebrows is like being burnt by lightning. There is no good place on his body, and there is almost no vitality.

He didn't know that he thought he was dead and life was cut off.

Although the second road robbery is not the same as the first road robbery, one after another, the chance of not breathing is generally left.

But the time will not be too long.

The most important thing is that the thunder robbery of the second road robber is much more powerful than the thunder robbery of the first road robbery.

Even if she raised her eyebrows and performed magical powers, it was not easy to cope with them.

It wasn't that he couldn't do it, but it was too expensive. In a short period of time, raising eyebrows would weaken, deal with thunderstorms, and healed and restored mana.

Every time after a thunderbolt has been dealt with, he is constantly swallowing the healing potion, remedying the magic panacea, carrying the exercises, and vomiting aura.

Even if it is a multi-pronged approach, however, he does not wait for him to fully recover his injuries and restore his vitality, and the next thunderstorm will fall again.

This is so, it starts again and again.

The injuries on the raised eyebrows were getting worse and worse, and the vitality was less than once.

By now, mana had almost reached the edge of exhaustion.


With a raised sigh, with a tenacious will, he struggled to stand up between his breaths and got up, took out various natural treasures with his backhand, and poured them directly into his mouth like drinking water.

In order to recover the injuries and mana as soon as possible.

Because, the third Dadaojie has begun to gain momentum, and now he is racing against time, to see if Leijie falls first, or to see him recover faster, and outperform, he wins, breakthrough immortal, and reopened In this chapter, I lost a lot, and I was over a hundred.

很多 Many of these natural treasures have reached the first level, and many of them are still second level.

The second-level treasures, except for a part of himself, were all gifted to him by Fang Qingshan and Jiang Mingyue.

When I was crossing the robbery, there was the power of thunder robbery, raising eyebrows and taking the treasure has not attracted everyone's attention. At this moment, he was so jealous that everyone was jealous and anxious to **** them directly from him.

You must know that these healing and recovery treasures taken by raising eyebrows alone have surpassed the ordinary net worth in the early immortal period.

This is also raising the eyebrows and leaning on one side of the new chaotic world, and you still have this kind of heritage even if you are the top demon,

The greedy eyes of other people will naturally not affect the raising of eyebrows. At this moment, apart from giving a trace of his mind to the thunderstorm, as a warning, the other gods have fallen into a state of being unable to remember, because only this state is the best. In order to recover everything as quickly as possible.

The blessing of the blessing rests, and the blessing of the blessing lies!

Although Lei Jie made Yang Mei's eyebrows alive and dying, the pain was so terrible that he was tortured, and even he regretted it.

But the gain is proportional to the effort.

I have experienced so many ordeals, but the benefits of raising an eyebrow are great.

Thunder robbing is both robbing and fate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It contains not only the power of destruction, but also the power of creation, not to mention swallowing and digesting so many natural treasures, which is enough to raise eyebrows one step further. .

Do not break and stand, break and stand.

Not to mention the increase in combat effectiveness, simply the enhancement of the background is enough to make people eager.

I want to know how many people are trapped in a realm for 10,000 years, 100,000 years, or even a lifetime cannot be broken, because the heritage has been exhausted. This is the case with Uncle Wang.

This time, although raising an eyebrow did not use the body and rules to resist.

But sometimes the supernatural power can't completely eliminate thunder and calamity, the rest hits him, destroying the spirit of spirit, the true spirit of the law, and being repaired. It is also being tempered.

相比 Only compared to the time of the first Dao Robbery, because the body couldn't carry it, it weakened the Thunder Robbery.

Therefore, this time's gains are much better than the previous Heaven and Man's Five Decays and the First Avenue.

Although it is still only doubled, it is naturally impossible to double it on different bases.

At this moment, raising his eyebrows to feel himself, should not be worse than Pan Gu that year.

Nevertheless, raising his eyebrows still did not dare to be taken lightly, because he was growing, and the power of thunder was also increasing. ...

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