Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1338: 1 point behind

The quality is not much to say, it is nothing more than the promotion of grades, the promotion of inflows to the first level, the first level to the second level.

As for the quantity, it is a matter of how much. For example, there were only dozens of crossbow cars, but this time it was more than ten times.

As far as flexibility is concerned, it is just the diversity of means. For example, the arrow tower, the former arrow tower, was just a simple arrow support, relying on speed and penetration, but the current arrow tower has attribute attacks, even range attacks, such as the death arrow support, the dusk arrow support It belongs to the attribute attack, the storm arrow, and the scattered flower is simply a range attack.

Of course, no matter whether the quality is improved, the quantity is increased, or the occurrence of mutations is not a thing out of nothing. For example, the attribute attack must be due to the integration of the corresponding natural treasures, which are all accumulated by resources.

One pile after another, one after another, Tianzhou did not know how much time had been accumulated and how many resources of the world had been scrapped. At this moment, it was almost consumed at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. In the unit world of each treasure The supplies quickly disappeared, leaving Fang Qingshan, the mosquitoes, and the World Tree avatars with heartache.

But it's worth it. A thousand birds in the forest is worse than a bird in hand. No amount of resources can be converted into actual combat effectiveness. They are all in vain, staying in their hands, and will not get into the cubs, and the old ones will not be new, and only if they are used to improve combat effectiveness and upgrade, can there be more Opportunity to earn more resources.

Xi Tianzhou was promoted. Although the final transformation has not been completed, the potential has increased and the combat effectiveness has soared.

Other than that, the basic attack unit on the deck, the arrow tower, and the magic tower alone are enough to make the mixed Yuan under immortality unable to eat, and because of the large number, the attack range is wide, even without a map. If you do n’t use Dao Ping, you do n’t have any fear of group warfare.

The difference is that the frame attack is different. The frame attack is to fight around. Without a map, you only have to chase.

As the master of the eternal sky boat, Fang Qingshan is integrated with the sky boat, and naturally the changes in the sky boat are the most clear.

This feeling seems to be like breaking through myself, every trace, every millimeter, every change of the cell is immersive and clearly in my mind. Even if it has been done several times. Feeling again, there is still a kind of inexplicable feeling.

Although it ’s not your own practice to improve, it ’s always more than those who observe others ’breakthroughs.

Especially the higher the cultivation, the higher the promotion level, this feeling naturally becomes more addictive.

Because the higher the cultivation, the more you can appreciate, the higher the level of promotion, the deeper and broader the representative can be. If you can learn one or two, you will naturally benefit greatly.

Especially, as Tianzhou advances, the eternal Daoyun becomes more intense.

Don't say Fang Qingshan is the emperor of the gods, the emperor may be a little jealous.

I did not see those immortal strong men outside, I can't wait to compare them with each other, or set aside the golden cocoon of the will to cover the eternal sky boat, in order to be able to see one or two, just like raising an eyebrow, but unfortunately they are delusional.

The eternal sky boat is promoted, the biggest change, in addition to the body, is the eternal **** furnace unit and eternal thunder pool, and Ju Lei tower.

From the initial pond to the later lakes, the sea, and now, it has completely transformed into a world, and it is not an ordinary small world. The savings are greatly increased, and the eternal sky boat ’s battery life has been greatly improved.

The same is true of Juju Reta, who is somewhat similar to the chess board of the heavens. In the past, you could only penetrate the void in the same chaotic world and draw power, but now you can also draw power across the chaotic world. The deeper the roots are, the more power can be absorbed naturally and faster.

As for the Eternal God Furnace Unit Jiuqu Yellow River Array, Zhou Tianxing Array, Death Scythe, Passing Water Lamp, Bridge Across the Shore, Thunder Banner, Eternal Barracks, Falling Money, Taixu God Armor, Chaos Magic Horn, Life and Death Gourd, Wishing Pool, Chaos Bell, Qiankunding, Yehuo Red Lotus, Thousands of Beasts Break, and there are 17 eternal units. At this moment, they are completely covered by the vast evolutionary ability.

When these eternal furnace units are integrated, they have at least reached the level of innate spirit treasure, and the grades are not low. With the eternal Tianzhou promotion from Lingyun to Wushuang, Wushou has been promoted to the Supreme, and now, he has been promoted from Supreme to Supreme. Their quality has also changed dramatically.

Congenital Lingbao is transformed into congenital treasure, such as the sickle of death, such as the bridge across the shore, and the dying water lamp.

In fact, they should have been promoted long ago, but it is a bit difficult for Innate Lingbao to transform into Innate Arcana.

Before, because their grade was higher than Tianzhou, Tianzhou's promotion help was not so great for them. Therefore, it has always been to increase the background, but this time it is time for quantitative change to cause qualitative change.

Congenital Treasure has also added more restrictions, such as the Thunder Banner, such as Chaos Magic Horn, such as Qian Kun Ding, and falling treasure money.

Yes, compared with other innate spiritual treasures, Luobao Money has become an innate treasure one step ahead.

Well, the reason is naturally on the money.

With the circulation of supernatural money, Luobao Money has gained great benefits as the mother money. The most obvious benefit is the improvement of grade.

The most advanced innate treasures have begun to evolve towards Chaos Lingbao, such as the Chaos Clock, such as the gourd of life and death, such as the twenty-four Pinye fire red lotus ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but it can be seen with the eternal power of the eternal thunder pool Continuously integrate into the eternal unit, strengthen the origin, strengthen itself, and strengthen the heritage. Every new ban began to emerge naturally. Forcibly raise the rank of the eternal unit.


For a moment, Fang Qingshan sighed with regret.

It turned out to be in a few breaths, and other eternal furnace units will not be said, and they have been promoted. For example, the sickle of death and the banner of thunder and thunder have all been upgraded to be innate treasures, and they are not just substandard.

However, Chaos Bell and Yehuo Honglian did not achieve the desired promotion to the second level of treasure, that is, the level of Chaos Lingbao, life and death gourd, the wishing pool was restored. But it also did not fully recover.

Fortunately, Xuansheng Gourd and Wishing Pool said that although they are both Chaos Lingbao, when they are full, they are not ordinary Chaoling Lingbao, at least they are all top-grade Chaoling Lingbao. They are not fully recovered, but it is reasonable.

As for Chaos Zhongye and Yehuo Honglian, this is because they encountered a bottleneck. If they want to continue to grow, they all seem to have an invisible obstruction in front. Even the majestic force of evolution cannot easily make these eternal units go further and complete the final transformation.

This is exactly the same as Tianzhou. Tianzhou wants to completely transform, but it is also close to the door.

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