Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1347: Money for merit


I won't be considered a winner.

After Xun took out the Luobao money sacrifice, Fang Qingshan once again offered Taixu Shenjia.

But it was seen that one armour covered the entire sky boat, piece by piece like scale armor, forming a turtle shell.

He then sacrificed the Chaos Bell and the twenty-fifth Pinye fire red lotus blessing on top of Taixu Shenjia to form the second and third defense system.

But I saw a big bell shrouding it, and the sun, moon, stars, earth, water, fire and wind surrounding it, and there were mountains and rivers in the middle, and the flood and wasteland were hidden among them. Rebounds the attack of any treasure magic soldier and damage of all magical magic. Attack, defense and defense are all in one.

A twenty-five-pin demon smelt red lotus blooms, blossoming, covering the sky, like a country of lotus flowers, a sea of ​​fire.

He followed, and killed the sickle, the gourd of life and death, the beasts of all beasts, the passing lantern, the bridge across the shore, the thunder flag, the chaos magic horn, and other attacking treasures.

Not even the deck unit was missed.

轰轰 轰轰! !!

But it was overwhelming, flashing icy arrows, shining metallic crossbow arrows, all kinds of magic bullets, artillery shells, like a meteor shower.

The best defense is offense.

If it's just defensive, I'm afraid even a few lines of defense won't help.

However, at the same time, so many units are being displayed, so many treasures, in the eternal sky boat, Julei Tower is also overloaded, sucking energy from all walks of life, and then entering the eternal thunder pool, converted into eternal thunder force, and then transported to Within various battle units in the eternal sky boat.

Just for this, the eternal power in the eternal thunder pool was instantly reduced by five layers.

Hey guys, if you change the ordinary immortal early stage, I am afraid that it will not be able to perform at all. Even if it is displayed, I am afraid it will be hollowed out in no time.

Alas, although it is a bit more expensive, the power is still considerable.

The first thing to do is to lose money.

This treasure was a very precious treasure before.

In the Great Sealed God World, Zhao Gongming, who was able to teach the twelve golden immortals to fall and flow, fell into the sand.

If it is not for the weakness that can only be dropped three times a day, and not for the innate treasures and glaives, it is also appropriate to be among the top ten congenital spiritual treasures.

As Fang Qingshan integrated it into the eternal sky boat, with the promotion of the sky boat several times, the quality has been tempered again and again.

Especially after the mother money turned into a **** money, it is even more powerful. Borrow money from God to open the avenue of money, die the sickle first, and even enter the ranks of congenital treasure before the thunder flag.

Nowadays, with the eternal Tianzhou promotion to the supremacy, it is an explosive promotion, which successively breaks through the inferior treasure of the top grade, the congenital treasure of the top grade, and has reached the top grade.

Then, under the impulse of eternal divine power, unprecedented power broke out.

Regardless of whether he is a soldier blade or a spiritual treasure, whether it is a first class treasure or a second class treasure.

All the money that comes down in the treasure is unrejected.

But I can see that the money is scattered, the sky is full of money and rain, the golden light is shining, the titanium alloy eyes of the immortal power are blind, the place is round, with dorsal wings, and it is a thunderbolt towards those treasures .

In a short time, most of the treasures were like discouraged balls, and they dried up instantly.

Then, Luo Baoqian released a roll of divine light, and brought it back to the eternal sky boat, suppressing it in the eternal furnace.

This series of operations can be described as a rabbit's ups and downs, electro-optic flint, and it is completed in an instant.

As a result, those immortal powerhouses did not respond at all, so their housekeeping magic weapon lost contact with them, and there was no sense of how the primordial urged them.

"Damn, what about my spiritual treasure?"

"What kind of demon is this?"

"Return my Lingbao to you quickly, otherwise, it will be difficult for you to make a full moon today."

"Don't use magic tricks, try to use magical secrets and even combat skills."

Uh ...

They have already seen one or two before about the power of the eternal sky boat, and their hearts are ready.

I didn't expect to be caught off guard by falling money.

The strangeness of ridiculous money is placed in the heavens and the world, and such a spiritual treasure is also rare.

After all, there is nothing to fall, no distinction between soldier blades and spirit treasures, no distinction between supernatural powers and mysteries, and it can surpass grades and group attacks.

Yes, the money falling from the treasure is not just for a spiritual treasure, it is divided into thousands, but all the treasures are not spared, and not only wipe out their housekeeping magic, at the same time they are out Supernatural powers have also been weakened by one or two.

Of course, there are gains and losses, because the group attack skills are deployed, so the inevitable single attack will be weakened.

For example, if you target a piece of Lingbao alone, it is a top-grade second-level Lingbao, and you ca n’t escape the fate of being left unchecked. If it is directed at supernatural powers, even superb supernatural supernatural powers can be eroded.

However, after the group attack skill is displayed, the falling treasure money can only drop the second-level Lingbao at most.

As for magical powers, because Fang Qingshan specifically targets spiritual treasures, there is not so much weakening of magical powers.

However, this is enough. After all, although the second-level treasure is an immortal standard, there are only a few of the treasures that can afford the second-grade top quality. And repairs generally need to be in the middle or later period.

At the moment, most of these people are in the early stages of immortality, and most of the treasures in their hands are second-rate products. That's why Luobao Money has made great achievements in one fell swoop.

As for the supernatural power, Fang Qingshan wouldn't care so much.

Of course ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is definitely not just money that is built, but other magic weapons are also indispensable.

Death sickle, dead water lamp, bridge across the shore, chaos magic horns, thunder flag, thousands of beasts break the drums, and even the chaos bell and the twenty-fifth grade industry red fire lotus also exert their power.

Although Fang Qingshan used Chaos Bell and Twenty-Five Pinye Fire Red Lotus and Taixu Jiajia as three lines of defense, the most important function is defense.

But it does not mean that they have no power to attack.

In the end, Chaos Bell is not the same as Twenty-Five Pinye Fire Red Lotus and Taixu Shenjia.

The latter is pure defense, while the former two are a combination of offense and defense.

Qi Fang Qingshan just borrowed their ontological defense.

In terms of attack, Chaos Bell has the power to suppress the magnificent world, the power to reverse the time and space of the heavens, the power to evolve the mystery of heaven, the power of refining the earth, water, fire and wind.

As for the karma fire, there are not as many attacking methods as the chaotic clock, but a karma fire attack alone is enough to make people feel like they are back.

The power of this karma, just by grade, is enough to hurt the immortal, let alone the weirdness of karma. It is really like an anthrax, as long as it is stained, unless you are merit, glass body Or, there are special means, otherwise, let alone burn you to death, at least the strength will be greatly discounted.

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