Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1350: Smell the wind and run away

"Damn, once again, I am afraid that Tianzhou will be broken."

Although resisted again, Fang Qingshan's face was not in the slightest joy, but a heart sank to the bottom of the valley, because he knew that it was almost reaching its limit.

Although the Chessboard was added to it, as the Eternal Tianzhou advances, the Chessboard and him are no longer in the same grade. Even if they are merged with each other, the scene of the one plus one greater than two will not be formed.

Just as soon as I saw it, most of the power of luck in the chessboards of the heavens had been consumed.

Therefore, although the urgent need is solved, it is only to stop the boiling water and not to draw a salary at the bottom of the kettle.

Moreover, if all the power in the chessboard of the heavens is exhausted, I am afraid that my last retreat will be cut off.

For a while, a creepy sense of danger was pressing deep into his heart, like a volcanic eruption, which made Fang Qingshan's eyebrows jump for a while. The tide was no longer a dark cloud, but death was coming.

Qi Fang Qingshan knew that he was really poor and could do nothing. If the reinforcements haven't arrived yet, there are only two ways to go.

One is death, the other is escape.

Although the eternal sky boat is powerful, it is only the supreme class, and it has just been promoted.

But what he needs to face is a group of immortal powerhouses with considerable combat experience.

Although he is not a strong title or a famous disciple, even if he is weak, he has three points. Immortality is immortality.

I can't hold it until now. This is also due to the unexpected use of the two-party map and falling treasure money. Hit the other side by surprise.

Don't say that if you continue to be attacked, Fang Qingshan feels that the repressed Lingbao and the eight immortal strongmen seem to be out of trouble.

"What should I do now?"

The situation is urgent and imminent.

Xie Fangqingshan's mind ran wildly. With his powerful Yuanshen, he felt a sense of dizziness for a while.

One way after another, like spring bamboo shoots, one after another emerged, and then like the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, they were quickly eliminated.

Because, no matter how you calculate, you can't break the game at all.

哎 "Hey, brother, it's time to offer your hole cards."

In the end, the only way Fang Qingshan could think of that could be delayed was Jiang Mingyue's hole card, but he also knew that although Jiang Mingyue's hole card was powerful, it was just a water drop, otherwise, at the beginning, he was already used by him. .

如果 "If, after your hole cards are cast, the reinforcements haven't arrived yet, I'm afraid we will really plant them this time."

Fang Qingshan said in a deep voice.

At the same time, he quietly opened the passage of the chessboards of the heavens, ready to flee if he saw something wrong.

When it was avoided, there would be no chance to show it.

This is also my last life-saving means.

In the end, Fang Qingshan did not pin his hope on others.

He never thought that even if he fell, Daoistmen would avenge himself because it didn't make much sense.

Of course, he will not play the board of heavens until the last moment. As for the reason, it has been said before.

"Master, don't worry, my elder brother will be here soon."

Although Fang Qingshan spoke eloquently, this time, Jiang Mingyue didn't feel empathy, but instead frowned, because Jiang Bawang was finally about to arrive.


Qi Fang Qingshan's heart is also a joy. He asked in unison with Yang Mei and Wang Bo.

"Who dares to bully my brother and bully me?"

He did not wait for Jiang Mingyue to answer, and then heard a roar, rolling like a thunder, and it came from a distance, deafening. Seems to be more terrifying than the sonic attack of the beasts breaking drums and chaotic bells.

Followed by, an indomitable breath, but full of unique rhythm, is very familiar, sweeping like a doomsday disaster.

Intangible breath, terrifying, like a wave of destruction coming in. Like a map, the entire battlefield is instantly shrouded.

Is full of unique rhythm, which makes people familiar because Fang Qingshan has already felt from Jiang Mingyue and Wang Bo, but it is a unique artistic conception of Taoism.

I was just more impressed than Jiang Mingyue and Wang Bo.

The natural disaster of the last days is naturally because the breath called everything shivering. There is a feeling of suppressing the audience, pushing the void horizontally, and the past and future.

Fang Qingshan could not help but think of Dongfang Shuo, the elder of the Oriental family at the auction.

I don't know if Dongfang Shuo didn't make a shot, or for other reasons, anyway, Fang Qingshan had a feeling in his heart, and the person seemed to be better than Dongfang Shuo.

不好 "Not good, Taoist Men's reinforcements are here."

"I said why I was about to win but why I kept hoping. It turned out to be this way."

"Damn, **** it, Shan Jiuyi, a shortfall of success, seeing that it will be successful."

"Yeah, it's almost, it's almost. How could it come so fast and so quickly?"

"Let's go, it seems that the breath of the person is the title immortal, and it is repaired at least at the peak of immortality."

Uh ...

Qijiang Overlord hasn't played yet, just a snarling from a distance, which will make the immortal strongmen who besieged Fang Qingshan and others on the scene split.

Because at this moment, feng shui turns, and it is their turn to enjoy Fang Qingshan's previous feeling of being unable to struggle in the face of the danger of death. To make every day should not be, to make the earth not work.

I could not think too much, they could no longer care about Fang Qingshan and Jiang Mingyue.

These people are almost as fast as they can to feed their breasts, even show their hole cards, and flee in all directions. Time flies, but the streamers are like the meteors that cut through the void ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In a blink, they disappear.


Fight for my life!

I do n’t want to escape again. Once the unpredictable strongman arrives, he will die if he does n’t escape.

As far as I said, the Lingbao Lingbao and eight other people who had been suppressed by Fang Qingshan in the eternal skyboat were completely disregarded.

The plan has failed, and they even have fat meat at their fingertips, Fang Qingshan and Jiang Mingyue have given up, and naturally they care less about others.

In the final analysis, the eight people trapped by the map did not have any friendship with them anyway, and even if they had friendships? The husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and the calamity flew on their own. At this time, it is natural that they are not as good as friends.

As for the Lingbao Lingbao, they did feel a little distressed. After all, that's half of their net worth.

But the imminent sense of crisis told them that if they didn't leave, they wouldn't be able to walk.

Although Ling Lingbao's soldier blade is good, but it is an object outside the body, it is lost now and may be re-installed in the future. Thousands of gold are scattered and come back.

If He died, then it would be all over.

For this reason, companions are precious, and treasures are more expensive. If they are killed, both can be sold.

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