Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1366: Admit

The power of extremely overcast to evil guns lies in two aspects.

One is the grade, up to the third grade, no matter whether it is hardness or sharp edge, ordinary Lingbao, whether it is the first grade or the second grade will be broken.

It is as if the flood and the sky are in great danger. Most of the chaos and chaos are facing the chopping of the axe by the sky. Most of them are either completely broken into pieces, or they are broken and can only be used as runes.

Only if it is a high-quality product in the second level, or if the person who displays it has a high level and turns decay into magic, can it be effectively resisted.

The second is the power of heavenly evil, which belongs to the world of heavenly evil.

This treasure is an imitation of the ancestors of the Tianxie family. Although it only has one or two points of ancestors' power, it is also enough to make people tremble. You know, the evil ancestor is the pinnacle of the four poles.

This can be seen from Kaitian Sambo as a third of Kaitian Axe.

This power, powerful, weird, is very difficult, and there is very little power in the world to restrain him.

Unfortunately, in the face of Fang Qingshan's mutated eternal sky boat, he was embarrassed.

Although the eternal sky boat is only the supreme class, because of its deep foundation, at the time when it should have been the first class treasure, four **** furnace units have been promoted to the second class treasure. As a whole, the second class treasure is not weak, and It's not a second-grade, but at least a middle-grade.

Secondly, although the power of the heavenly evil is strange, there is exactly one treasure on the Fang Qingshan's eternal sky to restrain him.

Nothing else, it's that karma flaming red lotus.

This treasure is originally a treasure of blood, used to suppress and digest various negative factors.

After continuous transformation, this treasure's ability has been strengthened to the limit.

The karma fire overcomes all kinds of demons.

And not to mention the yehuo red lotus, it is Qiankunding, which also has this effect.

After all, he had the role of refining the world and returning to the original.

Although the eternal sky boat is weak, it can fully exert its due power. Although the extreme Yin to evil guns are strong, they are sealed, not to mention the former can also restrain the latter.

The situation has gone from strength to strength, so this confrontation is an opponent of chess, and will meet good talents. Everyone is in awe, and no one is helpless.

"Looks, I really look down on you."

The wicked and evil look paled,

"I thought you were just an ordinary lord of the sky. Now it seems that there are some means to dare to challenge me."

He paused and said,

"However, if that's the case, you would be too underestimated."

As soon as the voice fell, the dark black spear rose again, the top combat skills of the Tianxie clan came out, and the mana in the body was flowing like a tide.

"I'll see how long you can hold on, and how long can your eternal sky boat hold on."

"It must have lasted longer than you."

Fang Qingshan replied coldly, and without showing any weakness, he continued to control Tianzhou and hit him directly.

Chaos magic horns have also evolved into a first-class treasure, and they are still on the other side of the bridge, the passing water lamp, and the death sickle.

After all, the chaos magic horn itself is the essence of a chaos demon.

As for the talent of Chaos Demon, as long as it grows up smoothly, an immortal can't run away. And the tentacles of the essence are not weaker than the second-class Arcana.

Therefore, the potential of Chaos Magic Horn is still above the death sickle and other treasures. Through the eternal skyboat's great transformation, although it does not keep up with the thunder flag, it is not weaker than the falling treasure money.

This time, under the urging of the entire sky boat,

An incomparable penetrating power and destructive force erupted, and its destructive power was even more terrible under the impact, and it was bombarded with extremely Yin to evil guns without falling into the wind.

The destructive power of the chaotic magic horns, plus the impact of the warship, come together, and its destructive power is not inferior to the second-class top quality treasure.

Once, twice, three times ...

The two Arcanas almost halted together without stopping. The roar was endless. No one wants to be outdone. They were hit by the fly, and immediately flew back to continue the collision. As for the injuries, they were completely ignored, because their resilience could be repaired soon.

For a time, the entire battlefield was broken by them again and again, so that the title tower had to open up a new immortal battlefield for them, because the mixed Yuan battlefield could not afford them toss.

In the beginning, it was natural that the evil evil had the upper hand.

After all, the third grade treasure is the third grade treasure, even if it is sealed, but the grade is still there, the essence has not changed, if it is not the eternal sky boat defense is strong, too virtual **** armor, life and death gourd, Qiankunding, chaos bell, industry red Lian and Tianzhou are all defensive treasures, I'm afraid he was broken by him.

Besides, the Yin Xiehou itself, as the contemporary sage of the Tianxie family, is placed in the entire mixed Yuan tablet, even in the purple title, it is the top existence.

The cooperation between the two is strong and powerful.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

It's not just a combination of people and boats, it also incorporates the chessboards of the heavens to attack and attack and defend. Fight first, weaken the attack, not win, then defend.

In this way, even the fight was eliminated, but it persisted.

Gradually, Fang Qingshan of the two began to pull back the situation, and the two were playing with vigor. You come and go.

To the back, Fang Qingshan gradually gained the upper hand.

The reason for this is actually the issue of consumption.

The evil evil is really powerful, and the third-level treasure is even more extraordinary.

But because it is too extraordinary, it consumes a little too much.

This is the evil evil. For another person, even if the third-level treasure in the seal is used once or twice, it may be sucked by an adult. I haven't hurt anyone yet, I'm afraid I planted it first.

Fang Qingshan is different, because the eternal sky boat has its own power system.

Jureta is constantly operating, and the power of devouring can be compared to Fang Qingshan's own power exercises, swallowing elixir, and recovering mana is much simpler and easier.

Therefore, although the eternal sky boat consumes a lot, it recovers faster.

With these changes, can Fang Qingshan gradually gain the upper hand?

"Okay !!!!"

At this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yin Xiehou did n’t know where he was going to lose. His face was cloudy and cloudy for a while, then he became calm after half a ring. After three good sounds, he eased Slowly speaking,

"I can't think of you as a character in the mixed Yuan realm. You are good, really good. Except for the Holy Buddha family and the enlightened monk 30,000 years ago, you were the first one to defeat in the mixed Yuan realm. My people. "

He paused and said again,

"I was defeated today, admitting to planting, but, I think, we will meet again, and it's not too long. By then, we will compete again."

As soon as the voice fell, Yin Xiehou immediately retracted the extreme Yin to the evil gun, and then he sat on his own, turning into a dappled light spot that instantly disappeared.

At the same time, in the invisible spot of Fang Qingshan, the dissipated light and evil Hou once fell into Fang Qingshan's body silently. Waves in the heavens

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