Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1378: Hongmeng

The first floor because the collection here is only the exercises, magical powers, and even some common sense and secrets. Therefore, it is really vast.

Looking around, there are endless rows of bookshelves. The books on the bookshelves are also one by one. This is really an ocean of books.

These books have the practice methods of magic and magical powers. There are introductions to various natural materials and treasures. There are introductions to the strong and Tianjiao. There are travel notes. There are many kinds of true religions. There are all kinds of things.

These have been accumulated for countless years.

It can be said that in addition to the emperor and the fourth-level treasure, the essence of a martial art, I am afraid that these things must also be on those resources, spiritual treasures. Even, sometimes, Emperor Zun, Four-pole Arcana may not be able to match.

Because, Emperor Zun fell, and the fourth level treasure was lost. As long as these things are still there, there can be a time when the East will rise again.

Just like Fang Qingshan's original world, why are there only four Chinese civilizations in the last four ancient civilizations?

It is because of knowledge that civilization is passed on orderly.

Some of these things were collected by the Taoist door from the outside world, some were bought, and they were obtained under organic fate. For example, the inheritance of seniors and seniors, but also the ruined temples and ruined doors. In this part, the ingredients are very mixed. And many are incomplete.

The other part is the Taoist strongmen of the past, self-made and edited by the disciples, and finally deposited here, enrich the Daoist gate's heritage, and also wait for the younger disciples to come and select, so that they can shine.

This part is quite complete. As long as you practice, you do n’t have to worry about any problems as long as you follow the steps.

In the realm of the mixed Yuan realm, when it comes to the immortal realm, there are follow-ups, or those that are suitable for specialization. In the realm of the **** emperor, there are other suitable ones, even at the level of the emperor.

Not only that, but also the experience and experience left by hundreds of seniors.

It is enough to help you get started the fastest, reduce fire and magic, reduce obstruction, and practice faster and smoother.

However, following the way of the predecessors, although it will be faster and smoother, the final achievements are often not too high.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan took a different approach.

However, this is too few in the end, most of them are natural cultivation.

Until you have nowhere to go, you will consider creating the exercises that suit you best.

Some have succeeded, then, he has broken through, some have failed, and so is his life.

On the first floor, there were few people except the drunkard lying in the middle of the gate. Most of the people who came to the Tibetan Pavilion went to the second and third floors. Then come and go, and go and go.

The reason for this is naturally because of the charges, and then there is a natural need for them to practice spiritually for more than a few seconds.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan was thinking, he wanted to read books quietly, there were too many people, and it was complicated.

However, before this, Fang Qingshan did not pick a book and started reading, although he decided to read all the books here.

However, you also need to have priority and priority. Those practices were obviously abandoned by him for the first time.

But when he saw his eyes closed and opened, two auras shot out of his eyes, and when he looked at the hall again, it was because the mountains were not mountains, and the landscape was not water.

But you can see that the hall and the bookshelf are colorful. Those who didn't know thought they had come to another world.

But when a book was seen over the sky, endless treasures, green magpies, and golden mansions were red, and occasionally there were big words jumping out, words beading and bright.

This is not the side, but the style of the book.

All things are born different, people are popular, ghosts have ghosts, and books naturally have scholarship.

It's just that ordinary books are weak and insignificant, but although it is the worst collection in the Taoist school, just taking one out will make everyone in the floods crowded.

Therefore, the book is very strong.

The air of literature lifted off, some evolved into a human form, some evolved into a beast form, and some evolved into a family.

Or meditate cross-legged, or perform magical powers, combat skills, secret methods.

Some have evolved into a landscape painting, a starry sky map, and a lot of red dust. Looking at it again, it seems that the heavens and the world have entered their own minds.

Some evolved one by one, the spiritual flowers, the elixir and the spiritual roots, and some evolved a holy beast, a **** beast, and a ferocious beast.

Diverse and dizzying.

Evolving creatures are basically the method of cultivation, the practice of cross-knee meditation is the method of practice, the practice of magical combat skills is the method of protection, the landscape map is the travel notes, the geography, the spiritual roots and beasts are the common sense of natural treasures Wait.

For the other side, Qingshan, the most important nature right now is the history of the heavens and boundlessness, countless voids, origins, common sense, secrets, and secondly those cultivation methods and guardianship methods. After all, he cultivated to break through and immortal He also plans to accumulate one or two more.

Fang Qingshan first walked towards the books that turned into rolling wheels. It was a history of immense void. Chronological events, good guys, are just a few simple ones. There are dozens of bookshelves that ca n’t fit. At least there are tens of thousands of books. .

Fang Qingshan took a roll and sat down with his knees crossed. He watched it like this, his mouth and nose were full of the essence of book aroma, and his spirit was highly concentrated.

"Hongmeng is broken, the void is formed, Wanjie is born!"

In the opening sentence, I named the origins of the heavens and the world.

Just as the formation of the floodland is to break through the chaos, the emergence of the heavens and the world is also due to the fragmentation of the Hongmeng world.

Although it was just a sentence, Fang Qingshan still felt a little bit upset and ups and downs.

Hongmeng World!

Others may not have seen it, and even most of the emperors may not have seen it.

However, Fang Qingshan has seen it, and he has not only seen it once, but even once in person.

After all, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ where Eternal Qinglian is located is where the Hongmeng world is.

It took a while for Fang Qingshan to gather his thoughts. Take a deep breath, keep your mind steady, and then keep your head up, eagerly absorbing the knowledge told inside.

"Hey, this new kid is pretty good."

Just when Fang Qingshan devoted himself to the ocean of knowledge.

In the hall, the drunk old man glanced at him inadvertently, and nodded secretly, for many years, whether it was the outer door, the inner door, or the true disciple, all came to the upper floor when they came to the main palace Even those who want money, and these free things are here, but nobody cares. Fang Qingshan is rare.

"I'm still the eternal Tianzhou Lord, yes, finally I have a good talent, as long as I grow up, it is a pillar of my Taoism."

With a smile on his face, the old man stopped paying attention to Fang Qingshan, took a sip of wine, and turned white.


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