Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1407: Heaven and Man 5 Decay

? Immortal Robbery is divided into two pieces.

One is the decline of heaven and man, and then thunder.

At this moment, the first person to come is the nature and the nature.

But I saw no sign. On June, the child's face changed.

The endless black mist hovered over the world of Jiejie, and instantly the dark clouds overwhelmed the city, and the sky and the sky were dark.

A sickening breath rushed on.

The black air is not the side, it is the robbery air, evil air, and the air of heaven and man.

This thing is more daunting than karma, for fear of contamination.

It was the successful completion of the robbery, breaking through the high-level Taoist gate of the Emperor of God, and frowning secretly when he saw the robbery.

Not that they were afraid, but that the movement seemed a little big.

For a split second, countless forces of calamity gathered from countless time and space, and vaguely wanted to turn into a chain. The quantity and quality are more than ten times that of ordinary people.

"Unfavorable start!"

Everyone sighed secretly, worrying for Fang Qingshan.

See the whole panther.

Although Fang Qingshan is powerful, the number of robbery is not so easy to spend.

There wasn't much time for everyone to think about it. From Fang Qingshan's momentum, to the gathering of qi, and then at this moment, a creepy breath suddenly fell from the air! But it was a matter of rabbits rising and falling, electric light flint.

It was a black gas formed by the congregation of the heavens and the five! Cold, rotten, thriller!

Turned into a chain of cold, shackled chains, with a strong decaying atmosphere, fell towards Fang Qingshan, unavoidable, locked instantly, making it impossible to struggle.

Then, he saw that Fang Qingshan's entire body began to decay at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

Even though he now seems to have flesh, mana, and immortality, but he has not survived the decline of heaven and man and thunder and thunder, he still cannot resist the attack of this force.

As time went by, Fang Qingshan's whole body gradually exuded a rotten atmosphere, and an unpleasant stench emerged from the whole body. At sunset, the mountains are breathless.

Even the immortal material on him began to decay.

In the face of this situation, Fang Qingshan was not in a hurry at all. It seemed that it was not him who was crossing the robbery, nor was he injured.

There is no first time to sacrifice merit, karma red lotus, or weaken, to avoid the secret method of heaven and man's five declines.

Instead, he quietly watched the invasion of heaven and humans.

Earlier said that there are two ways to extinguish the karma, one is to offset it with merits, and the other is to destroy it with will.

Fang Qingshan now intends to give it a try in the face of Heaven and Man's Five Decays.

It is not that he really thinks that he can use his will to destroy the heavens and the five people, but that he wants to use the heavens and the five people to sharpen his will.

The so-called great terror between life and death.

The calamity is also a big fate.

He wants to seize every opportunity to improve himself.

As it turns out, it really doesn't work. Fang Qingshan showed his own means.

"The heavens are the only one, eternal and immortal.

Fang Qingshan whispered, and the thunder pool on the back of his head manifested.

However, it was seen that this thunder pond was in the shape of a lotus, with a rune of Lei Dao engraved on it, depicting animals and beasts, and painting fairy spirits.

This thing is not side by side, it is the eternal thunder pond that evolved from the eternal lotus seed.

The eternal true spirit, the eternal lotus seed is the descendant of the eternal green lotus. It is born with eternal rhyme, just like the chaos bell and the heaven and earth yellow pagoda.

At first, Fang Qingshan originally wanted to learn to raise his eyebrows. Like everyone else, he also cultivated a top-level method that weakened the heavens and the humans.

But then I thought about it, but found that I was holding a golden rice bowl for a meal.

With eternal lotus seeds, where can I learn other exercises?

Sure enough, as soon as Lei Chi emerged, he sent forth a force of devouring, just like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, and rolled it on Fang Qingshan's body.

Then it was seen that the five declining qis that were raging in Fang Qingshan's body disappeared at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, but all the five faint qis in Fang Qingshan's body disappeared instantly.

Then he saw Fang Qingshan's body with thousands of holes and a few breaths turned back into a glass of cautiousness, where he had to die before. Don't take it easy.

In this way, the fate of Heaven and Man was spent so easily, and more than that, Fang Qingshan also took the opportunity to temper his will.

The heavens and the heavens are gone, and thunder robs them.


Speaking late, then, fast, clear sky, strong winds, like a doomsday storm, in a blink of an eye the dark clouds over the city, layer upon layer, like dragon scales, there is a vast force to the great shore.

Take a closer look. Lightning that is even darker than the black cloud has the thickness of a bucket, which turns into a dragon and snake, and travels around the sky.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the exploding void suddenly shook. It was really a thunderstorm and it hadn't fallen yet. The power alone was probably enough to make many people at the top of the Yuanyuan out of difficulty, and then stopped.

"It's really menacing, I don't die!"

Fang Qingshan looked up, watching the thunder that was getting lower and lower in the air, rich and powerful, and turned into a real force of destruction.

However, despite this, in the face of this violent, raging, mad, and destroyed thunder.

Fang Qingshan's heart was not frightened, neither sad nor happy.

there is always a solution to a problem.

This is because of the previous accumulation, and after listening to the Word, the heavens and the humans have weakened their will and obtained an unshakable state of mind.

At the same time, naturally, because he is strong enough to cope with all this, Fang Qingshan seems unhurried, just like walking in the court.


It is the same as the previous Heaven and Man with five declines, and did not give Fang Qingshan too much time to prepare and adapt.

Basically, with the sound of the wind, when the thunder moved, the thunderstorm fell.

It's so fast that people can't react, so many people have nothing but thunder in their eyes. The power is so powerful that they seem to be locked in place.

However, the floods that appeared in the dark clouds were like ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and there was no known number of thunder and lightning. Anyway, there were thousands of them. They appeared at once, like the rising sun, shining brightly, shining the whole world.

Thousands of thunder and lightning, I do n’t know what I thought was heavy rain, pouring down, densely packed, filled with sky, as if the river was flooded, to the roller blind, the momentum was loud, like the end of the world,

Even if they are far apart, they can still smell the dangerous gas machine and endlessly die.

It's more than ten times more powerful than a high-level thunderbolt that raises eyebrows. Even the top thunderbolt spent by mosquitoes seems to be a little worse than it.

After all, most people cross the robbery one by one, or a few, or several, like the raised eyebrows, luck, or top-level thunder robbery, there may be dozens of them, hundreds of them are not without, such as mosquitoes.

However, when it comes to Fang Qingshan, what a good guy is immortal robbery, this is just immortal robbery, endless.

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