Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1409: Eternal Spirit

In general, whether it ’s to test sentient beings, to show that it ’s not easy to practice Taoism, the road is difficult, or to limit the number of practitioners. After all, the saints are not dead, and the thieves are not the only ones. Once there are too many practitioners and the burden of heaven and earth is too heavy, there will be a calamity, or for other reasons.

When practice reaches a certain level, thunderstorms will come.

However, it is not a bad thing to cross the border.

After all, disaster is also an opportunity.

Hongjun survived the scourge of Taoism and Demon, so he made peace and became a saint.

Sun Monkey survived the robbery to the west, so he jumped from Jinxian to become the top quasi-sage.

Fang Qingshan didn't survive the calamity. Although the body, the Yuanshen, the true spirit, etc. have all transformed into immortal matter, when facing the decline of heaven and man, there is still no resistance.

Therefore, this calamity, you have to spend it, you have to cross it.

Of course, you can also skip it, but you can't make progress, it's obviously worth the money for those who are committed to the road.

Generally speaking, before Yuanyuan, it was only when Chengxian broke through Jinxian and Da Luo. ? There will be thunderstorms.

Of course, this is not to say that it is only available at this specific time and not at other times. It can only be said that it may be available at other times, but it must be available at this specific time.

After the mixed Yuan, a breakthrough in each of the realms at a specific time will be tested by thunder and thunder, such as breaking through the mixed Yuan, breaking through immortality, breaking through the emperor, and even breaking through the emperor in possibility.

In fact, the two are the same and different, just the same.

All have to go through the ninety-nine thunder disasters.

However, due to the level of repair, the organizers are different.

The former experienced 99 days of disaster, and the organizer was Tiandao.

After the mixed yuan, the organizers became a avenue. Going through ninety-nine roads is the test of the road. After all, after the Yuan Dynasty, most of the people have been freed from the shackles of Heaven and Tao, and Wei Li has returned to himself. Therefore, a avenue is needed to take charge.

God Emperor, God Emperor is too far away from Fang Qingshan, not to mention.

To say that immortal robbery, we need to go through three or nine robberies.

Of course, this is normal, which means that most people do, but there are exceptions.

For example, when Yang Meidu crosses the Immortal Robbery, he crosses three or nine high-level thunder robberies, and when mosquitoes cross the robbery, he crosses the top thunder robbery, and crosses the five or nine gangs.

The reason is that the talents of mosquitoes are still raised.

After all, regardless of whether the mosquito-path man is really the legendary Hongmeng relic, he is not alone, he only needs to devour resources to continue to improve his talent, which is enough to shame others.

Of course, in addition to this talent being jealous, there are two kinds of existence, which may also trigger the thunderstorm mutation.

One is that in the process of crossing the robbery, someone intervenes. Whether it is good or bad, thunder robbery will mutate, even endlessly.

The other is that the killing is too heavy, the evil spirit on his body, and the karma are too deep, so that the sky is angry and resentful, and even the avenue cannot tolerate it.

The reason why mosquito passers-by cross five or nine roads is not without reason.

After all, he devoured, and the killing souls were not few.

However, in general, he kills only those who should be killed, or those who have cause and effect with him, and did not kill innocent people. Besides, he originally defiled the souls bred by the sea of ​​blood, and had karma and red lotus. Force is not significant.

Otherwise, he would not have crossed the road, but he would not even be able to live now.

Of course, under normal circumstances, no matter whether the talent is jealous or angry, it is rare. For hundreds of thousands of years, there may not be one in millions of years.

However, another one appeared today.

Fang Qingshan is not only the purple title of mixed Yuan, but also the legendary emperor-level Tianjiao, or the owner of the mutated eternal Tianzhou. He has not yet broken through the mixed Yuan, and all over his body has become an immortal genius.

Therefore, the robbery he crossed was also the top thunder robbery, and he was still above the mosquitoes, but six or nine robbery.

The reason why he is still above mosquitoes is because he is his clone.

However, although it is six or nine road robberies, it is the most immortal road robber among the heavens and earths, and the same is true of the immortal robbers such as Yin Hou, Tianfu Shengzi and others.

But it was just that for Fang Qingshan.

There was so much behind that he didn't know yet, but he had already experienced it once before when the mosquitoes crossed the street.

Fang Qingshan didn't pay much attention to it at least before the May 9th Dao.

This, not to mention, it is only nineteen catastrophes.

Therefore, he was very safe and bold to use the power of thunder and calamity to harden himself.

If the physical body can be tempered in one step, breaking the limit, and transforming into a second-class treasure, then he can add another layer of control to the calamity.

Therefore, although the nineteen robberies have fallen one after another, although one is more turbulent than the other, the one is stronger than the other, and the one is sharper than the other.

As far as Fang Qingshan's body is concerned, it is full of scars.

At the moment, the physical body of the top-level defensive treasure is directly transformed into a skeleton frame at this moment.

Moreover, Lei Jie is still destroying the skeleton. Some skeletons even became blackened, and seemed to be overwhelmed.

Fortunately, there is a top beam in Fang Qingshan's skeleton, just like the spine bone that turned into a discontinuous mountain.

Stored in a drop of crystal clear, bone marrow engraved with eternal texture, exuding eternal and immortal aroma.

Eternal Spirit!

This is Fang Qingshan. After enjoying the eternal blessings again and again, the great treasure hidden in the body, each time the eternal blessing, a drop of eternal spirit is continually nurtured and increased, and every drop is emitted Eternal immortality.

It is precisely because of these existences ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that Fang Qingshan's physical body can be changed between the subtle and subtle, so that his Storm Sword Emperor and others have felt from him a richer eternity than many Lords of the Heavenly King Dao Yun.

Similarly, it is precisely because of this eternal spirit, that Fang Qingshan dared to let it go, and did not care about consumption and recovery.

You know, it was the same when raising the eyebrows to immortal robbery. However, in order to recover and consume, he kept plugging the natural treasures into his mouth. However, in the end, he couldn't keep up with the consumption, and almost fell short.

But now, Fang Qingshan is just sitting in the void, holding the eternal imprint, watching the blue lotus picture of the road, and running the heavens and the Tao.

Ren Leijie added himself, and I was motionless.

This is the essence!

With the subsequent power of the eternal spirit, he constantly makes up for the consumption and repairs the damage. Fang Qingshan's physical body has been tempered by the destruction and the power of the thunderstorm, but it is gradually transforming towards the second level of treasure.

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