Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1422: Guest Gate

But he said that the person being questioned was not someone else, but an acquaintance and acquaintance of Fang Qingshan.

Although it is only a one-sided relationship, there have been promises to come and fight in Japan and talk about it.

A thousand miles!

The true disciple of Piaoxue Palace.

Yes, Lang Qianli has become a true disciple of Piaoxue Palace.

Xiuwei also broke through immortality, and it is not yet immortal, but like mosquitoes, they have reached the mid-immortality.

Having said that, I have to mention mosquitoes.

It stands to reason that if he is a seed of Hongmeng, at least it should not be worse than Fang Qingshan.

Unfortunately, regardless of whether this is true or not, in the end he has been trained by Fang Qingshan as a clone, and his luck has been taken away. In addition, his advantage lies in cultivation and there is no bottleneck. Therefore, the mosquito talents only breakthrough the mid-term.

But this is already a rare occasion.

And Lang Qianli can compare with mosquitoes, showing that his talent, luck, and Fuyuan are also the best choice.

And this one who questioned him was his little sister.

This group of people naturally comes from the existence of Piaoxue Palace.

The two leaders look like brothers and sisters to Lang Qianli, but they are actually old monsters.

However, nothing can be seen from the exterior, that is change, supernatural power, no medication, not intentional, but the technique of floating snow palace.

These are not mentioned for the time being, but they said that hearing Xiao Shimei's questioning, at this moment, they felt the same as raising eyebrows. Five flavors in my heart.

It wasn't just the little Shimei who kept on asking, but the other Shi brothers, sisters, and even elders in the same door were all staring and listening. At the same time, he also knew that part of the reason why the door was so popular this time was because of the old man.

Therefore, Lang Qianli calmed his mind, cleared his throat, and came slowly.

"Although Fang Daoyou and I are only one-sided, we have long known that he is extraordinary, so I and Fang Brothers agreed to listen to the sermon at Fuyuan Mountain. After the breakthrough, we sat down and argued."

Having said that, he paused and said,

"But I do n’t want to see it. In the end, I thought it was the same as me at most, but it was very powerful and limited. However, Shibei should treat each other for three days, but if it is not flying, it ’s soaring to the sky, and it is the top immortal. And, it was still a mutation, and as soon as it broke through, it reached the peak of the late immortality, completely pulling me away, and I wanted to catch up in a short time. "

"As for the others, I don't know much!"


Waves of people came, and those forces that were similar to or better than the Taoist Gate were just as energetic. Although they were not so daring, they would not be afraid of walking.

And those weaker forces are not the same. The leaders will ask the disciples.

"When you arrive at the Taoist Gate, you should converge one by one. Remember not to run wild and not to conflict with the Taoist disciples."

People are short-minded, horses are thin, and horses are long. They are not as good as the truth, can they be careful?

In fact, there is no need to remind me, as long as it is not the kind of person who has high eyes and high eyes, and who does not know the heights and heights, understand this.

The persimmon picks soft pinch, who will pinch the diamond?

The camel is thinner than a horse, and the Taoist door is still the top school. It is better than them. Although it will not bully people, but if someone bullies home, they will not spit on their own. There was a conflict with the disciples of Taoism, and if they were held by them, they would have nowhere to be redressed. If they were killed, the consequences would be even worse, and they would be more likely to harm Zongmen.


Some friends come from afar, let alone care!

Dao Yimen didn't expect so many people to come this time.

However, no matter whether they are in good faith or malicious, as long as they are not brazen and ugly to the martial arts, and the visitor is a guest, they will not be rude.

Therefore, from afar, the Taoist door sent out the disciples to clear the field and guide visitors.

At the main entrance of Taoist Gate, in front of Tianwei Zhi, there are heavyweights welcoming guests.

For a while, the whole Chaos world around the Tao was shining.

The golden light is rolling red, and the qi of energy is spraying purple mist.

The long bridge lies down, hovering around Cai Yu volley and Dan Dingfeng. Ruishou greeted the door, groaning with gold scales and circling the nine-claw dragon.

The stars are dangling from the top, like a condensed orb, from top to bottom, magnificent.

Yu Cang is majestic, and the male is better than the sky.

Reckless air filled the air, floating around, and before approaching, there was an indescribable sense of anger.

Even if the matrix law ban has converged, it can still be seen that the attitude of the tiger is dazzling.

Dangdang Dangdang! !! !!

Whenever there is a VIP door, the chaotic world of Tao and the door of Tianwei will ring a crisp bell.

This is a warning bell for Taoist Gate. Only ring on major occasions.

Similar to the inside door comparison, breaking through the Emperor of God, the invasion of foreign enemies, the VIP surplus door and so on.

Now it is natural to greet VIPs. The more valuable the visitor is, the more bells will ring.

For example, those who are weaker than Dao Yimen may ring from one to nine bells, and those that are different from Dao Yimen may sound nine to eighteen. The road twenty-seven sounded.

The bell sounds, and then the layers of golden light and purple air spread out. If the lotus blooms, the fairy sounds and the fragrant incense.

Next, a team of people greeted them, drumming together.

Zhugan red suit, white feather yellow crown, golden boy jade girl, listed on both sides, holding Ruyi, incense burner.

Sen Li is solemn and ranks well.

Then came out a few people.

If they are weaker than Taoism, they will be greeted by the elders and two ordinary true disciples.

If it is similar to the Taoism, the elders in power and two ordinary elders ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and two top true disciples will be greeted by them.

If it is more powerful than Taoism, it is headed by the deputy head, leading the elders with ordinary powers, ordinary elders, and welcomed by the top ten true stories.

Different levels, different grades.

For a while, the door bell of Daoyimen was knocked non-stop, and someone came from time to time.

Even afterwards, the team of golden boy jade girls simply did not withdraw, standing directly on both sides of the door of Tianwei, as did the elders and ordinary true disciples.

Only the special VIP, deputy head, and elders in power were exposed.

The sound of the arrival of the spacecraft is endless, various visions, one after another, there are meticulous texts that outline the flourish of the world, moral texts, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, there are all ages, there are mountains and rivers, there are battles, kill Fa Wushuang, the stars, the sun and the moon, the scholars, and so on, etc., are magnificent.

One after another temperament and sharp eyes. Either handsome and thin, cicada wings drooping, or cloud skin snow skin, narrow eyes. Either Qiyi costumes, or monks and demons, one after another.

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