Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1432: Meet the same door

Although there is a gap compared with the imaginary mountains of resources.

However, Fang Qingshan also knew that this was normal.

After all, under normal circumstances, everyone has resources and is used in cultivation. The behavior of pressing the bottom box is useless except for the hole cards, but it is a stupid behavior.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are not many treasures.

With these two second-class treasures, they are almost comparable to the previous days, and the mosquitoes have flattened a dangerous place.

In the end, a second-class Arctic is better than ten, and a hundred are first-class. In a dangerous place like Wanjushan, the best resource is only the second-class top grade, and the value of second-class top grade and top quality is ten times the difference, there is more than one here.

Contented, Changle too!

Of course, Fang Qingshan will not refuse if he is delivered to himself. After all, mosquitoes are small but they are flesh, and they still know the truth of the axillary and the axillary system, and they have played to the extreme, otherwise there will be no geese I plucked and shaved three feet.

Early on, he developed an open-minded feeling of luck and loss.

"Sure enough, the net worth of these Chixiaomen disciples is very rich." Fang Qingshan whispered to himself.

Compared to the previous big action, the mosquitoes and the world tree are detached. At the same time, Sanqing shoots at the same time, and scrapes in a wide range.

But the total value obtained is not as good as a shadow dagger, not to mention soul beads and dormant beads.

However, Fang Qingshan also knows that this kind of thing also depends on luck. If it wasn't for a true disciple this time, and it was an elite true story, I am afraid there would not be so much gain.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan did not give up other ordinary undead, zombies, and ghosts because of the good stuff that the elite explodes. Do n’t let go.

Just as Fang Qingshan was advancing steadily, people came to this area.

In the end, the Qixiao Realm is a trial place for God Emperor. The risk factor is relatively high.

Even though the Emperor God was suppressed in a specific range, some people may know that there are tigers in the mountains, and they tend to go to Hushan. Or, the sealed Emperor Emperor broke the barrier and ran out.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the disciples this time are placed in a relatively safe and fixed range.

Although the world is big, they are all immortal strong, fast speed, and many people, so it is reasonable to have some intersection.

This time, Fang Qingshan broke into other people, but not one or two.

All of them are full of energy, condensed momentum, and there is a looming treasure light on their bodies, obviously there are treasures in their bodies.

The leader was with his hands on his back and his eyes were brilliant.

Followed by or charming beautiful girl, a pair of ecstasy eyes, make people unconsciously addicted, killing invisible.

Or light eyebrows like autumn water, jade muscles with clear breeze, like empty valley Youlan.

There are also great compassion and great compassion, as well as monk dressing.

There are also Taoists wearing Taiji gossip robes and holding dusters to hold their hair.

Of course, they are not true Buddhist or Dao.

It is only because the Taoist doors are compatible and inclusive, repairing three thousand Taoist Taoist ones, of course, the Buddhist and Taoist sentiments are also wrapped.

Why do these people come together?

There are policies and measures to counter.

Although when entering the mysterious realm, according to luck, chances are assigned immediately.

But for the sake of maximizing the benefits of these people, they have more people and more power, so they try to bring people together.

Before entering, they each put on their bodies son-in-law like a locator-like spirit treasure.

As long as it is not intentionally isolated within a certain range, it can be sensed.

So it quickly came together.


After this group of people got together, they just killed the siege and came to the neighborhood, hoping to look around for opportunities.

But the scene in front of them made them suddenly stunned.

Dude, it ’s a mess, like a locust crossing. Except that there is no broken root, everything that can be scraped away is scraped away.

There is no such thing as a natural treasure. Those ghosts, undead, zombies, etc. are absent, as if there is no such thing at all. Even the anger, magic, and ghost spirits around it seemed to dissipate a lot, as if purified by people.

"How is this going?"

"Someone seems to be coming first."

"I don't know who it is!"

"And it's so hard, it's a shame."

"No matter who he is, just go and see."

The crowd followed Fang Qingshan in a breath.

Fang Qingshan was scraping away quickly, and suddenly his ears moved. After a while, he heard a footstep sound.

Turning his head, he saw the group.

"Well, it's you!"

Fang Qingshan didn't know them, but they could know Fang Qingshan. After all, as the dark horse with the most brilliant inside door this time, he had the attitude of being number one, and exclaimed suddenly.

"I've seen Brother Fang!"

After seeing Fang Qingshan, these people were startled and immediately saluted.

They are not in the Daoist Gate. Although they are not comparable to the top-level powers like the Jiang family, they also have God Emperors in the gate. Especially the leader, the ancestor at home is still the peak of the emperor.

It is because of this that they have a better understanding of the inside story, knowing that Fang Qingshan is now the fragrant of Taoism, and his status is still above Jiang Bawang and the true disciple. Even if they break through the Emperor of God, they may not have reached the top of the mountain.

Not to mention his own talent, just the eternal sky boat is enough to put him in a special position.

And not to mention these, it is enough for Fang Qingshan's repair to reach the peak of late immortality.

Respect the strong!

Although Fang Qingshan was only a beginner, he couldn't stand others to repair it, so everyone called it Brother.

"You are polite."

Fang Qingshan raised an eyebrow and returned a gift.

However, at the same time, the actions of mosquitoes and other people not only did not stop, but also accelerated the three-pointer, which made everyone feel exhausted.

Based on his cultivation, are they still afraid that they will not be able to grab resources? The most important thing is that it is so clean.

If it weren't for Fang Qingshan's unlimited potential, he would build it to a high depth, and such a three-foot-high approach would be enough to keep them from cutting.

After all ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the strong also want face.

However, Fang Qingshan didn't care about it at all, and he paid more attention to real profits.

Hand is fast, hand is slow.

This man is here, and he must not speed up.

In the end, if people collect the resources they have, he will not be able to rob them.

"Brother, brother has an idea I don't know if I should talk about it!"

The leading disciple is an elite disciple of the Kang family in the Daoist gate. Kang Chang, subconsciously ignored Fang Qingshan's shamelessness, a thought flashed in his mind, and a hint of light flashed in his eyes.

"Say something directly!"

Fang Qingshan said undeniably,

"I know there is a cave house nearby. I don't know if my brother is interested in coming with me to find out."

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