Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1443: Do everything possible

? Death sickle!

The seal of the seal, the **** of the bondage, the imprisonment of the imprisonment.

After doing all this, it is natural to kill.

Death sickle is the first hit!

But seeing it, not only has endless sharpness, but also endless death. Countless dead spirits mourn, struggle, cry, and sink, but it is difficult to get relief.

This object was previously the killing treasure behind the Thunder Banner and Chaos Magic Horn.

Although the grade may not be comparable to the Chaos Bell and other treasures, but on the edge, the lethality does not fall behind.

Chaotic clocks and other things are sharp, but they have too many functions. It's defense, it's sound waves, it's suppression, it's space, it's not specific.

The death sickle is different, this is a special killing treasure.

Both physical and soul attacks.

Almost at the moment it appeared, the empty space around it quietly came down like a ghostly place. The temperature dropped suddenly, and the sky was dark.

Click! !! ??

As the sickle of death was sacrificed, but it was seen that there was a sudden increase in speed at the speed visible to the naked eye. Each breath was soaring. In a moment, it reached tens of thousands of feet. At a glance, it seemed like a direct connection Inserting the void, like a peerless sword, completely blooms the long-hidden sharp edge. ??

This sword fell from the sky, and the yin and yang were separated, as if the whole world was divided into two.

Wherever Daoguang went, there was a dead silence in the heavens and the earth. It seemed that life was swallowed up and turned into a jedi.

This sword, the heaven and earth turned into the dim world. ??

With this sword, death came, and the end came. ??

Death, killing, chill, despair ...

It seemed that the sword fell no worse than the previous thunder banner.

The reason for this is because, the last time, when the mosquitoes were sweeping the dangerous and corpse battlefields, they obtained a treasure of the world of death and merged into the death sickle, which greatly improved the grade of the death sickle.

Then there is the dojo of Fang Qingshan. On the island of life and death, not only was it conceived, the life and death gourd was repaired, but the death sickle was also improved.

The death sickle's attack was only the first step. Fang Qingshan had no confidence and felt that this treasure could kill the Emperor.

He is not a **** emperor, and he can hurt himself through several defenses.

According to Fang Qingshan's estimation, the death scythe attack alone will at most play a role in breaking the defense of the Emperor, causing only minor injuries.

Therefore, the Scythe of Death was offered, followed by the Thunder Thunder Banner.

But it can be seen that a large banner painted in black circulates in glory, stands overhead, flutters in the wind, is not smaller than the death sickle, and the thunder shines on it, or red, or purple, or black, or gold, and the charm of the sky is brilliant I do n’t know, I thought it was the manifestation of the origin of Thunder Road.


The wind is hunting, and the flag is shaking, as if the sky is cracking, and hundreds of millions of thunders pour down from it, or it is curved, or spherical, or becomes a treasure, or a plant, or an animal, or even a human shape. At first glance, it's frightening.

The thunder, which is difficult to describe in words, falls, destroys time and space, and destroys everything.

Every thunder has terrifying destructive power. I am afraid that one of the ordinary immortal realms will be seriously wounded. The dense thunder will completely turn into a terrible ocean of thunder and lightning. The dense thunder will be countless. Together, Fang Qingshan did not dare to face alone.

Suddenly, thousands of **** thunders followed the death sickle and bombarded the **** emperor, and the death sickle had just broken through the defense.

Injury plus injury!

It was only a minor injury that worsened more than ten times in an instant.

And compared to the death sickle attack, the Thunder caused more damage.

After all, the Thunder itself is the nemesis of all evil things, and this God Emperor is half-disabled, but he is still an evil thing and properly restrained by the Thunder.

Covered by such a dense and powerful ocean of thunder, how could it not be hit hard.

For a while, thunder was like rain, like prestige.

This was the second hit, and Cheng Biaojin's attack also had three axes, so Fang Qingshan's third hit came later.

This time it's life and death!

Life and death gourd can be regarded as Fang Qingshan's strongest spiritual treasure.

This thing is similar to the Chaos Clock, it is powerful, but it has a lot of functions.

It can attack, defend, and trap people.

This time, Fang Qingshan was using his attack power.

But the black-and-white gourd hanging from the sky gate was seen, hanging from the mouth of the gourd with immense brilliance, and continued to thrive.


Seen from a distance, it is almost the same as the previous outbreak of Thunder Banner.

It's just that the Thunder Banner erupted like the origin of Thunder Road and evolved into the thunderous tidal ocean.

But the life and death gourd broke out is the origin of Kendo, the evolution of the sword world.

Black and white two-colored swords burst into anger, dragging hundreds of thousands of miles, looming nine-life worms, three-legged crows, undead birds ... roaring in the sky, vigorous and vigorous.

Hundreds of thousands of swords of life and death are cut out like tidal currents. These swords do not seem to be randomly cut, but they contain a certain trajectory, which is cut out with basic swordsmanship, or cut or stabbed. Instantly distributed the void, turned into a sword gas storm, rushed directly to the emperor, of course, the landing point, still the place where the sickle of death and the thundering flag broke open.

Each condensed sword light slashed down, the void was cut open, and countless sword lights shone in the void. Enlarge the wound again.


This **** emperor is really going mad at this moment.

I want him to be dignified and attack a person in the immortal realm without success, even stealing chickens without eclipsing the rice, trapped by two juniors.

The previous seal is no more, in the end it is the handwriting of a character with him.

But Fang Qingshan's attack later made him very angry and frightened.

Anger is that he was actually hurt by a person of immortality and was forced to this point.

I was frightened by the means of Fang Qingshan, the peak of the immortal late stage, and the supreme eternal skycraft, which actually has this means ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This attack power is rare in the world and has been encountered by myself It is blood mold that has reached eight lives.

"Breakdown !!!"

After breaking three times in a row, the Emperor of God simply broke the seal and restraint as soon as possible at the expense of self-harm. Otherwise, if he was attacked in this way, he might really want to capsize the gutter.

The Emperor of God is the Emperor of God. Regardless of getting up together, the effect immediately appeared.

Click! Click!

But a crackling sound was heard.

Whether it is the seal that binds the emperor's seal, the magical power of the seal, the two maps covering him, or the imprisoned time and space, there is an overwhelming sound. It seems that the next moment, the emperor will be out of sleep Out.

Once he was released from the trap, it would not be so easy to deal with him, at least not as it is now, and let Fang Qingshan attack.

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