Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1448: 2 defeats

? In fact, it is foreseeable that Tianzhou can't survive.

After all, it was an attack by the Emperor, and although he was mutated, he was still at the supreme level.

Didn't see those cracks on the Tianzhou itself, or even the eternal furnace furnace?

If it was normal, it would have been repaired long ago.

But at this moment, it is not that we do not want to repair it. On the one hand, it is too late;

Although Jureita devoured the power of infinite space and time into the eternal thunder pool. But in the end there are some shortfalls.

The thunderwater accumulated in the eternal thunder pool is almost only a thin layer left at this moment. It is conceivable how fierce the fighting between them is.

However, Fang Qingshan couldn't care less about it at this moment.

Success or failure is in one fell swoop.

As the chessboards fall into the eternal thunder pool.

In a hurry, Julei Tower seemed to be open and hung, and immediately threw out thunder water, constantly pouring into the eternal thunder pool, and then transported to all corners of the sky boat by the eternal thunder pool.

Followed, the heart moved, and the body shook. The eternal sky boat seemed to be like everything, and instantly hung like a piece of clothes in Fang Qingshan's body.


The next moment, Fang Qingshan, like the Emperor of God, could not help but swell up, and he became a giant in the sky.

What if the hero sees the same thing?

One blessed by heaven, and one man was one.

Seeing the Emperor's sword slashing, Fang Qingshan did not dodge, and punched in the past.

Taking a step forward, a punch was punched, and the horrifying air machine turned into a dragon shape, whistling from all directions, solidifying time and space.


A loud noise shook the mountains and rivers.

Click! Click!

The first thing that can't persist is this Fangdongfu world.

The power of his origins was absorbed by the Emperor of God to obtain seven hundred seventy-eight, and now there is no power to defend against the impact of this aftermath.

Just hearing a sob, the world broke up.

However, the sky and earth shattered, and the destruction of Dongfu was still second.

Centering on the collision point where Fang Qingshan fought, the tidal storm sound waves and the after waves scattered.

Nether drama shook like a chaotic world on both sides, as if I heard the bells of the previous Taoist Gate welcomed completely, and the waves of the waves swept the heavens and earth through the ages.

Countless Mars splashes, like billions of meteor showers, falling in all directions, setting off time and space, the waves of destiny, penetrating the broken time and space of one side.


Fang Qingshan's movements were so great that the entire Chixiao Realm fluctuated.

In the end, the Qixiao Realm has not been as good as before, especially because Chixiaomen was to build the emperor, and the source was drawn, just as the emperor had tried to deal with Fang Qingshan before, killing chickens and collecting eggs, although after years of repairs, they still Far from enough.

It was clear that their warfare would hurt the origin.

The elders who presided over the inside gates immediately performed immense magical powers and used the token to determine the world.

The next moment, I saw a mighty force soaring into the sky, like a spring breeze, which calmed down the aftermath of their battle.

Protected Tian Cai Di Bao and his disciples.


From the aftermath of the scattered waves to the passing of the elders to calm down, but the rabbit rises and falls, only between light and flint.

It didn't take long for all the attacks to be caught up in the space fault and attributed to nothingness. If it weren't for the mess at the scene, I didn't know it would be calm and nothing happened.

At this moment, looking at the field, the eternal sky boat almost disintegrated.

The Taixu God Armor broke directly, Qiankunding broke his foot, the chaos clock was full of cracks, and the red lotus was broken into three grades. This is an eternal sky boat.

It was Fang Qingshan himself, who also failed to please.

The protector's magical power was torn, the body comparable to the treasure was shattered, and the reincarnation mirror was also like cracked porcelain.

This battle was too terrible. Since Fang Qingshan practiced the path, it has never been so violent.

But Fang Qingshan, who looked miserable at this moment, his eyes were exceptionally energetic, and he was full of war. Even if he knew that he had reached the point where the oil was exhausted, no one dared to belittle him.

Although this war paid too much, the gains were also not small. Especially the experience of life and death battle with the Emperor of the Gods is that he won't change even if he takes the third level.

However, although he paid a heavy price, the Emperor himself was not good.

The sword in his hand completely became a broken wire, and his body was burning with raging fire at this moment. This was karma, but at this moment it could no longer be suppressed.

But in fact, he doesn't need karma, and he can't get better. All the body, flesh, skin, and even the internal organs are completely absent, all supported by a skeleton.

In addition to them, there are a group of people who are also miserable. They naturally explored with Fang Qingshan and helped Kang Chang and others in the early stage.

At this moment, they are not much better than Fang Qingshan. They are a blue beaver, with a breath of breath, and a beggar who is free.

At this moment, all of them, including Kang Chang, closed their eyes and closed the Six Senses. The reason for this is because of the scene where Fang Qingshan and the two played against each other. The sound wave was not something they could bear, just like listening The road is general and observing forcibly, not only can't gain anything, but it will seriously damage the will, and may even fall forever.

But outside their bodies, it is the bell that shrouds it, similar to the chaos bell, but it is a pure defense treasure, not under the karma red lotus.

Previously, relying on this treasure, even if the outside world was raging enough to allow them to be completely isolated from the aftermath of seven or eight deaths, various mysterious runes were looming on the bronze bell, like swaying lights that seemed to be extinguished at any time. In the slightest, he insisted on illuminating the Quartet and settling the land in the Fangyuan into a pure land.

However, at this moment Fang Qingshan could not take care of them.

Because the Emperor of God has not been destroyed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although it may seem to fall at any time, it is still like a tumbler. Before the heaviest fall, you must not take it lightly and watch yourself standing still alive. In front of him, but he himself is exhausted and has no power to fight back.

"Because of the mountain, it's a shortfall!"

Fang Qingshan sighed secretly, although it has been very rewarding, but entering Baoshan empty-handed, obviously also made him very upset.

"Do I want to shred the token?"

With the token in tight hands, at this time, the issue of chance has not been considered, but the issue of life-saving.

Although the opportunity is good, this time I missed it, and the next time, if the life is gone, it will be unfortunate to give him a resource of the emperor.

Although my mind was full of thoughts, on the surface, nothing was revealed.

From the outside, Fang Qingshan was so zealous, his back was upright, he still confronted the Emperor, and the court resisted the ceremony.

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