Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1470: Keep challenging

Although Zheng Xuan, Jiang Shan, and others did not want to be faceless and want to use wheels to fight in battle, they consumed Fang Qingshan and Pombo.

But apparently, they don't want to make it too easy for the two to win, wouldn't it seem that they are too incompetent.

At the same time, I also want to see how big the gap between them and the two are, their hole cards, where the bottom line is.

As a result, Fang Qingshan and Pembo accepted three challenges each. As a dark horse, Zheng Xuan and others naturally challenged Pombo, and the original ten inner disciples challenged Fang Qingshan.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan responded to Shangguanjin, Li Mubai and Jiangshan.

Bloomberg dealt with Zheng Xuan, Yan Sha, and Xi Di.

Although their challenges did not cause much trouble for both Fang Qingshan, the other side's eyes were wide-opened.

In the end, he broke through immortality, and a breakthrough is the peak of late immortality. Although he has a solid foundation, he is not as precipitated in this realm as in the mixed Yuan period.

Sometimes cultivation is too fast, and it is not necessarily a good thing, at least not for every realm.

This is also the immortal version of Fang Qingshan's self-definition of the heavens, otherwise, he may not be able to control this power so quickly if he practices other exercises.

Although it is the peak of late immortality, the combat effectiveness that can be exerted is probably at most seven layers.

Fighting with others and observing others are the fastest way to help him understand and control this realm.

After qualifying from field to field, no matter who challenged him or watched it, whether it was the card summoning of Shang Guanjin, or the halo of Li Mubai, or the fist of Jiangshan, let him control his power more precisely, Although it did not improve the realm and did not improve much combat effectiveness, it also benefited a lot.

As for watching the battles of Pombo and others, he also gave him a clearer understanding of them.

Zheng Xuan's literary ethics, Yan Sha's kendo, the emperor's ghostly avenue, and even Pombo's pure boxing.

From time to time Fang Qingshan's eyes flashed a hint of light and comprehension.

Stones from other hills, can learn.

After seeing their methods, Fang Qingshan, especially the World Tree avatar, is more profitable.

The ranking of the top ten disciples was wonderful.

Although there were only two games, although Qin Shiyue and Fang Qingshan, Di Yi and Bloomberg were not equal in combat effectiveness, they still saw everyone fascinated.

Fang Qingshan and Pombo did not say much that their combat effectiveness was expected.

The outbreak of Qin Shiyue and Di Yi was unexpected.

Whether it is Qin Shiyue's magical power, heavenly condemned blood moon, third-level spiritual treasure's full moon heavenly condemned sword, diyi's incomplete fourth-level magical power beast fist, and the peak of the divine emperor, or even the half-step emperor's beast emperor Blood is an eye-opener for everyone.

This is the top ten disciple qualifying, and it is also a battle for fame.

Once you have done a good job on this, the carp will jump into the dragon gate, and the flying dragon will be in the sky. ? It depends on today.

The world is full of benefits, the world is full of benefits.

As long as the performance is good, the martial arts rewards and martial arts blessings are all great benefits.

As for the fame, let alone, this battle has performed well, entered the true biography, and competed for the head in the future. The elders of real power have extra points, and there are outsiders such as Piaoxue Palace. The reputation is not only among the gates. Spreading is spreading among the heavens and the world.

In the end, they are not small people. The weakest ones are the mid-immortal cultivation. Bloomberg, Fang Qingshan, and others are not far from the Emperor.

In the realm of the heavens, although the emperor is not in the minority, he basically does not move much in the void. Except for the sword emperor of the storm, he will open the mountain door every other time. Existence, basically no trace can be found, that is, those patriarchal families have Emperor Respect ancestors, idlers can not see. Therefore, God Emperor is the peak fighting power on the bright side.

The peak of the great emperor is a real figure, and it is not easy to shoot non-events. In the early period of the emperor, it is the real mainstay. In many small forces, the early period of the emperor is the ultimate combat power.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan and others are no longer trivial and insignificant. They do not say that they can already control the war situation, at least it will affect everyone's evaluation of Taoism.

Then again, the two challenges of Qin Shiyue and Di Yi opened the prelude to the whole qualifying match, which was a starter and inspired the fighting spirit of Zheng Xuan and others. Naturally, Fang Qingshan and others would not be beautiful. before. Even if you can't compete for the first place, as long as you perform well, there will still be gains.

"It's wonderful, and I'm not weaker than others."

In the field, after Di Yi and Pombo stepped down, Shang Guanjin sighed, walked out calmly, the sound of a clear voice, arched to the emperor,

"Master, dare you fight me?"

"About to learn!"

Even if Shangguan Jin didn't challenge, Emperor Di will open up to challenge, so without any hesitation, Emperor Di answered.

They also have some meanings. You can come and go with me and have a friendly discussion. The last game was the challenge of the top ten disciples, and the next game was the dark horse side. The two played alternately.

Their sleeves shook and they turned into two streamers and appeared on the ring.



The two held their fists and then shot at almost the same time.

They are different from Fang Qingshan and Pombo. They are strong in their own fighting ability and they must be modest to the other side.

The gap between them is not so big, and who knows what means are hidden.

If you fall into the wind because of your modesty and fail in the end, you will be ashamed.

The lion beats the rabbit with full strength.

So, as soon as they came on the court, they fired.



Two sounds of killing sound like the sound of golden stones ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ collided together.


But there was a flash of light in Shang Guanjin's hands. A card was shot like a dart, and he struck and killed the emperor with a thunderbolt.

Almost at the same time, but I saw the emperor breaking a drink, taking a step forward, banging, the sky door opened, and the next moment, a dark pagoda appeared on the top of his head, forty-nine layers high, the whole body of jade was fluorescent, The meaning of death, burial, and darkness burst forth.


When the emperor's heart moved, the immense black spiritual power turned into ripples as the pagoda swayed, sweeping in all directions.


The moment Emperor Emperor's black magnetic field swept eight wasteland Liuhe and collided with Shang Guanjin's card.

It can only be seen that Shangguanjin's card seems to have encountered a fierce fire, and Tian Lei slammed the ground fire, bursting into a burst, turning it into a prairie spark, and the fire was splashing and covering the sky.

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