Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1488: Holding

With the drop of the Taoism list, Qi Yun and others blessed Fang Qingshan and others, and at the same time, there were countless Taoisms.

Yes, it is not only the blessing of luck, but also the blessing of morals.

It was said earlier that the Taoist list is not only the treasure of Taoist Gate's suppression of luck, but also the general outline of Taoist practice.

This thing is in harmony with the Taoist gate, all glory and glory, all damage.

His growth grew with the growth of the Taoist Gate.

The Taoism Gate ’s luck has improved, and this treasure has also improved. Everyone in the Taoism Gate cultivates a Taoism, and a Taoism will be added to the Taoism list. Just like in the jade seal of the Dagan Empire, it is not just the luck of Dagan that is suppressed, but also the public opinion.

Because of this, the Taoist list is stored with blessings.

At the same time as the blessing of blessings, the Taoism also fell, just like the initiation.

However, it varies from person to person.

Those who have more luck will get more blessings and be more pure.

For example, the top one hundred people may get the blessings of ordinary gods, but Fang Qingshan, Pombo and others get the blessings of the gods.

On the other hand, different people who practice different Taoism will naturally get similar Taoism blessings.

What Zheng Xuan got was the literary Taoism, Jiang Shan got the imperial Taoism, Fang Qingshan got the reincarnation Taoism, and Pombo got the boxing Taoism.

With the fall of Qi Yun and Taoism, Fang Qingshan and others suddenly felt shocked, and each sat down. Tianmen Cave opened, Qingyun raised on his own, and a Tianzhu above his head penetrated the heaven and earth. On the list, Xia Lian knows the sea god, evolves everything in Zhou Tian, ​​and is strange.

Fang Qingshan's face was filled with joy, and the eyebrows were purple and green, intertwined with the lines, and mysterious.

Although, Fang Qingshan has experienced many times of luck.

However, every time, there are huge gains, especially as the cultivation becomes higher and higher, if you want to make progress, even the slightest improvement is commendable. Therefore, this opportunity to make yourself better is more rare and let Rejoicing myself.

Fang Qingshan is familiar with this situation, so as soon as he gets lucky, he is ready.

In order to make better use of this opportunity, Fang Qingshan, as usual, sacrificed the Bodhi tree of Enlightenment and sat on the futon of Enlightenment. The bell of the celestial spirit rang, and his mouth contained the mixed elemental spirit ..... .


With the blessing of luck, Fang Qingshan's Yuanshen was extraordinarily clear and endless. The endless thoughts instilled down, but the visions in Fang Qingshan's Yuanshen were no less than the previous visions appearing above the Taoist gate. Doudou's one-by-one Taoist writings, each with its own words, the stars glow, and the sun and the moon are in the same furnace. ?

Time and space alternate, and the universe has evolved from top to bottom. The universe from ancient times to the present has five elements of life and birth, laying the foundation of the world, manifestation of reincarnation, and dependence on life and death.

Around the body, thousands of auspicious light rose up and down, Qingyun Jingcong, purple qi swelled into a bead curtain, hang down the pearly jewel, the fragrance is fragrant, and the mysterious sound is clear. ?

Fang Qingshan held his breath and drew his mind into a state that he couldn't think of. He tried his best to develop this opportunity to the maximum effect. The Lingtai was clear and clear, but the whole person entered a state like awake but not awake, like sleeping but not sleeping. Listen Forever fortune, great sound. ?

Mysterious and mysterious, even better.

I do not know the years, do not distinguish between spring and autumn, forget the place, forget the whole body, the only thing that can be remembered is the operation of the Eternal Avenue. ?

There are pillows when I doze off. In other words, it ’s always the same time.

Fang Qingshan has now encountered the predicament of the mixed Yuan realm.

Xiuwei has reached the critical point, but the exercises in the next stage have not yet been formed. No, it cannot be said that there is no trace of it.

Although Fang Qingshan broke through the immortality, he couldn't hold back and reached the peak of the late immortality. And this time through the inside door comparison, go back to digest one or two, to reach the peak of immortality, it is simply not too easy.

In this way, the imperial emperor is about to be broken, but the imperial emperor of the heavens and sermons has not made any progress at all.

Originally, Fang Qingshan was still thinking about whether he could wait until the eternal Tianzhou was promoted.

No, now with this blessing of blessings, the ideology is inspiring, but this step plan has been implemented in advance.

Fang Qingshan was sitting on the cloud platform at the moment. In his mind, the Yuanshen was running wildly. It wasn't just him, the world tree clone, the mosquito Taoist, the two clones of Sanqing, all sitting on Qingyun, and evolved with him All kinds of wonderful methods. It was exactly the same as seeing the immortality.

If you learn something new, you can be a teacher.

Fang Qingshan has two things to do now.

The first is to learn from the old and to learn new things. This time, I have encountered this time since the start of the inside door comparison, and I have absorbed and absorbed the exquisite mysterious mystery of all the battles that I have seen in my heart.

Fang Qingshan found that even if he had cultivated the heavenly doctrine and Taoism, which is the most suitable for him, he did not weaken the supernatural powers, but he also borrowed the Taoism contained in various top natural treasures to cultivate the magic powers. Blessing and empowerment. However, when facing Zheng Xuan, Jiang Shan, Pombo, etc., their mana advantage really is not cheap.

Although he also knows that it is not just his own destiny, others have it. Although the eternal blessing is good, although it is top-notch, it may not be the only one. But he must know that this is the Tao of Taoism. What about those heavenly pride? From this we can see that my foundation is not as strong as I thought.

You must know that Fang Qingshan is thinking of the foundation of all generations. He soared into the sky and crushed the enemies with the power of heaven.

Now it seems that in the face of ordinary enemies, Tianjiao may be okay and not disadvantageous, but when it is stronger, not weaker, or even stronger than Tianjiao, it seems that it is a bit overwhelmed and stretched.

Therefore, seizing every opportunity and laying a solid foundation is something that cannot be relaxed at all.

Then there is the God Emperor who deduced the heavens and the Tao. UU Reading Book www.uukanshu.com

If this matter is placed before immortality, or even before the inside door is compared, I am afraid that it can only be a clever woman who cannot make rice. It can only be the same as when the eternal Tianzhou was promoted to the Supreme.

After all, if you want to play the God Emperor, you must at least be well-informed and have some knowledge of God Emperor's skills.

But before that, Fang Qingshan knew nothing about it.

The emperor cannot stand out, the emperor is the respect.

The Emperor of the Gods is considered a giant among the small forces and a mainstay among the great forces.

Therefore, the preciousness of the Emperor-level exercises can be imagined.

Even if there is no shortage of Taoist gates, in Tao Dao Palace, if you want to redeem a god-level practice, the required Taoism value is really huge, and the ten immortal-level exercises are difficult to compare with.

Even if it's free, at least you have to fix it first.

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