Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1500: Collect

This skeleton rack can be used as a spiritual theory to refine treasures. Or, according to Fang Qingshan's plan, as a keel, integrated into the eternal sky boat body, but it can greatly enhance the bottom of the sky boat.

However, in the end, this item level is too high, especially compared to the current eternal sky boat, even if it is to be integrated, I have to wait until the next time the eternal sky boat is upgraded.

Otherwise, Fang Qingshan already wanted to use this object to replace the Bliss Lotus.

Although the Bliss Lotus is inferior to this one, it is obviously more sustainable than the spiritual material. It can continuously cultivate new treasures, such as lotus seeds, lotus flowers, etc. , Into the sky boat, not to mention violent celestial objects, but to kill chickens and eggs, it is a pity, if there is no other way, just leave it, with the replacement, naturally replaced immediately.

Of course, the skeleton can also be used as Tiandi Lingbao, or it can be used as Tiancai Dibao.

Because engraved on the skeleton is the understanding of the reincarnation avenue by a big brother who has cultivated to the summit of the Emperor.

Refined these grammatical principles, not to mention the inheritance of this giant giant, but it is almost the same.

"it is good!"

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan could not help but cry out, this treasure is good, one is equivalent to two uses, not only can help himself to cultivate, but also can be used to make treasure, really kills two birds with one stone.

After it was determined that he was the baby he needed, Fang Qingshan immediately acted.


Fang Qingshan first offered the eternal sky boat.

Almost as soon as my thoughts moved, I immediately saw that in the body, the golden and glorious glazed and precious jade-like skyboat trembled suddenly and set off an endless storm in the sea.

The entire sky boat, following a connection in the deep, just disappeared without a flash.

Rumble! !!

Almost instantly, in the empty space above Fang Qingshan's head, an indescribable coercion was passed out like a tide, sweeping out in all directions, and in that coercion, a eternal breath was passed, as if it had been forever. , Eternal.

If it is placed in ordinary times, or elsewhere, under this atmosphere, I am afraid it will cause uproar.

It is a pity that here is in the Star Tower, and it is still deep in the starry sky. It is surrounded by three-level peaks, far exceeding the eternal sky boat's current level.

The most important thing is that he has been disturbed by the eternal Tao Yun before, so feeling the breath of the eternal sky boat is completely indifferent.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan didn't care about it at all, and if there was a riot, then he would feel better about himself.

After all, it is a bit reluctant to suppress a treasure. If everyone fights together, I am afraid that my plan will be defeated.

In the sacrifice of the eternal sky boat, Fang Qingshan again applied his skills, blessed the chess board of the heavens, and even contributed his own mana.

In this way, a breath far surpassing that day's Taiwan competition swept away.


The surrounding space is twisting, forming endless pressure, suppressing towards the skeleton.

The expected resistance occurred, and there was no weakness at all, and even an overwhelming coercion erupted from the skeleton. If it was not Fang Qingshan ’s sacred door, knowing that this is the Star Tower, there is another The old monster was guarding, and there was no sign of life, or even spirituality, from above. With only a little instinct, he thought that the skeleton was alive.

Although it was not the heyday, there was still a strong force, and the eternal sky boat was held up so that he could not fall at all.


The old man who just lay down was awakened by the movement in the picking star tower. When Yuanshen swept away, he immediately understood what was going on and shook his head.

"The human heart is not enough to swallow elephants, but they are still too young to be polished."

He originally had a good impression on the other side of Qingshan, whether it was the treasure brought by his own luck, or the eternal sky boat, eternal Qinglian's sake.

However, at this moment, when he saw that he wanted to collect the top three treasures, his impression was greatly reduced.

Human beings have a sense of self-knowledge. Only by knowing oneself, having the heart, not being high, and not being arrogant, can one be free and free.

Obviously, Fang Qingshan received the third level of treasure in the eyes of his elderly people.

When he wanted to come, Fang Qingshan should immediately select the three top-class treasures that were deceived by Eternal Daoyun, instead of taking the risk to collect the top three-class treasures. This is likely to result in a loss for the mountain and the river. In the end, the bamboo basket was drunk and the team was busy.

Unfortunately, the old man still didn't know Fang Qingshan.

If you change someone, you will be helpless, but Fang Qingshan is not an ordinary person. Since he dares to do so, he naturally has his reason.

Moreover, the soldiers who did not want to be generals were not good soldiers. There were more advanced treasures in front of them. They had the opportunity to collect them, but they were indifferent. This is obviously not Fang Qingshan's personality.

"Lost treasure money, go!"

With Fang Qingshan's amnesty, but he saw a dorsal double wing, and the copper coins inside the outer circle flew out. This copper coin was engraved with various mysterious Taoism on one side, exuding eternal flavor. On one side are engraved billowing red dust, ordinary men and women, emperor generals, immortal sacred Buddhas, demons and monsters, and the word "God" is written.


With Fang Qingshan a little farther away, the money falling from the treasure that seemed to be seen flew slowly and posted on the skeleton.

Followed, then saw the two rules of the chain from virtual to real, snapped on it.

One is the law of falling, falling down all spirits. This is also the original power of Luobao Money, which is a famous stunt. It relied on this method to shine in the gods.

One is the law of money, money can be a god, there is nothing that money cannot solve. This is because the original magical power of the money activated by Fang Qingshan after the development and refining of the magical power of money ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is just like the destiny of magical power.


The skeleton, which was stalemate or even occupies the upper hand, was posted by Luobao Money. It suddenly looked like a balloon that had been pierced, and instantly dried up and strengthened for a moment. After all, it seemed like it was rolled back by Luobao Money.

"Well? Good baby, good baby, but the old man looked down on him."

The old man who had already shook his head and lay down was awakened again.

Obviously, Fang Qingshan was beyond his expectation again. He had no idea that Fang Qingshan actually had such treasures as falling treasure money. This thing really has a unique effect in collecting treasures.

In the past, he could only collect spiritual treasures that were not higher than his own grade, and he could not receive the sword. However, the integration into the sky boat, whether it was because of the eternal Tao Yun or the opening of the magical money, had changed dramatically.

Now don't say that it is not higher than Luobao's money grade, it is no problem to be higher than him, and it is not limited to Lingbao, and there are almost no restrictions.

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