Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1502: Dream air

Fang Qingshan was very happy with the law of increase.

First of all, it is the effect of this thing, there are no other disadvantages, no big requirements, whether you are a hybrid, immortal, or the emperor, you can bless.

的 The improvement of combat effectiveness, in general, can at least cross a large realm.

And there are not many sequelae, at most, after the war, you need to take a good rest.

But compared to other means of increase, this is undoubtedly much better.

As for the rule of increase, there will be an upper limit for the increase, but it is limited to the Emperor.

Not to mention, now Fang Qingshan Xiuwei is still far from reaching the level of the Emperor. Even if it is reached, I don't know if this thing will be promoted with the eternal Tianzhou promotion. Will it not break the bottleneck? Yes, this object Qingshan is ready to be incorporated into the eternal sky boat, although not now.

Now in the eternal sky boat, there are all kinds of unit weapons for defense, attack, map, sound wave, barracks, cover, etc., but there is no one of the increase type.

Integration into this treasure not only fills the gap in this area, it is very obvious for the eternal sky boat's combat effectiveness to improve.

If Fang Qingshan had this treasure before, then when dealing with Pombo, it would not have to be so difficult, let alone a tie.

And with the promotion of Tianzhou, it may not be possible in the future. When Tianzhou reaches the peak of ancient times, relying on this treasure, it is also possible to reverse the emperor.

In addition to the law of increase, the other one is also very good. That is the dreamy air that appeared when the heavens and boundless realms opened up and formed.

Although 不是 is not the first one, although it is not comparable to the heaven and earth and the yellowish air, it is too primitive and primitive, but it is also very good. Especially in the magic, this thing can be described as unique.

But when you see this thing, it looks like a butterfly, a colored butterfly, and a fantasy butterfly condensed by clouds and fog. Gorgeous and colorful. At first glance, it makes people feel that they must be completely immersed in it. It is difficult to distinguish between dreams, fantasy, reality, or truth or falsehood.

Ningdie Dream Zhuangzhou, Zhuangzhou Dream Butterfly.

If this thing is integrated into the eternal sky boat, first of all, with the dormant beads that Fang Qingshan has already decided to integrate, then one plus one is greater than two in hiding the secret and hiding. It can completely make up for the shortcomings in this regard.

Second, in the eternal sky boat, there are physical attacks, thundering flags, soul attacks, death sickles, sonic attacks, chaotic clocks, group attacks, maps, different treasures, falling treasure money ...

Although this dream butterfly is not as sharp as attacking these things, but the advantage of being silent and subtle is that it can make you win, invisible and intangible, like an illusion, but it is true and false when it is true Inaction has nowhere and nowhere. If you accidentally fall into it, even a person who is very powerful on the front may completely sink, completely fall into it, or even fall, which is also a treasure that wins over the weak. There are too many possibilities. ?


After experiencing the joy of getting the treasures he wanted, Fang Qingshan returned to God and sighed again.

Looking at the starry sky in front of him, looking at the high star like the center of the world, the only light star, Fang Qingshan still has a feeling of entering Baoshan empty-handed.

要 If this idea is known by others, I'm afraid he will be able to divide him into eight pieces.

Good guy, other people do n’t even have the qualification to enter here. He entered it and got three treasures, and it is the top treasure, but he is so dissatisfied. How can other people feel bad?

In fact, it is not that Fang Qingshan's heart is not enough, it is really that the temptation here is too great.

Although there are not many three-level peaks here, there are all kinds of things, they are bubbly, and they are suspended in the sky, there are still a hundred or so pieces deep in the starry sky. An eternal taste that is eternal and emanating from these stars.

Through these stars, you can see that there are countless lights and shadows appearing, like humans and beasts, swords and knives, spiritual treasures, spiritual roots, and spiritual materials. They all contain strong fluctuations and look extremely strange. It is the peak of the Emperor who will benefit a lot.

This is the essence of Taoism.

And it's not all, it's just four layers outside the emperor-level heritage.

This can be transferred at any time, not including those reserved places of the emperor.

Yan Fangqingshan's gaze swept over the stars with extreme fieryness. I licked some hot lips, rubbed my itchy palms, and wished to remove all the treasures here.

Unfortunately, this kind of thought can only be enjoyable in my mind.

Others don't say, at this moment, Fang Qingshan doesn't want to talk about taking treasures, but he feels a little difficult at every move. An invisible repulsive force appears out of thin air. The strength, extreme horror, and increase with the time, as if he does not want to Let Fang Qingshan stay in it.

Qi Fang Qingshan knew that this was the end of his authority, and he was rejected by the Xinglou Tower. If he didn't leave, he would be thrown out.

"It's nothing but being able to get these three treasures today is a blessing for heaven. Don't force it. Sometimes you have to have it in your life. You can't force it all the time."

As Fang Qingshan's heart moved, the force of repulsion suddenly increased, a white light radiated instantly, the light condensed in front of him, and turned into a light path. Then Fang Qingshan felt only a strong thrust behind him to push himself , Dou Zhuan Xing Zhuang, along the light path, left Zizhuang immediately.

"Okay, boy, come down!"

When I returned to God again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, a familiar voice sounded in my ear.

I opened my eyes, but it was Qianduodu. I didn't want to exclude them, so I went straight back to Duobao Pavilion.

"Thank you elders."

Qi Fang Qingshan cleared his mood and made a gift in front of Qian Duoduo and others.

"Stop, go!"

The other elders waved their hands. Fang Qingshan followed Qianduo to leave the third floor, but he didn't stay any longer, and returned to the reincarnation star.

Yes, reincarnation, not the island of life and death.

如今 He is now the true story, the Taoist door is on the mainland, the inner door is on the Luohai, and the true word is on the sky.

轮 This reincarnation star is a Taoist temple that Taoist Gate Tiangongtang specially designed for him. It is one of the benefits of truth.

相比 Compared with the island of life and death, this field is not only bigger, but also more suitable for him.

I returned to the stars, Fang Qingshan took a rest, went out for a walk, and found that everyone familiar was busy.

Jiang Bawang has closed his retreat to break through the Emperor. He raised his eyebrows to travel around the Quartet, and is ready to wait for the breakthrough to break through the late immortal period. Then he applies for the true trial. Jiang Mingyue has passed the immortal robbery, and is now being fixed. , The benefits of digestion are much greater.

"I have three priorities now."

After returning to the dojo, Fang Qingshan sorted out his thoughts.

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