Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1510: 8 Leaders

Similar to Wanjushan, the meteor dragon secret realm, a dangerous place between the two levels is really tasteless to the average person, it is a pity to abandon it.

For those who are weaker, although there are many precious resources in the secret realm, it is obvious that the danger is too high. For them, it is easy to get in, but difficult to get out. A little carelessness is ten deaths. Raw.

Although it is said that the wealth is in danger, but at least you must die for a lifetime. You can see the way to life. You know that you must die. No matter how rich you are, no one is willing to take risks.

In the end, there are no resources. In other places, you can find them later. When a person dies, there are only a hundred and nothing.

危险 For those who are higher, danger is nothing to them.

But there are many resources inside, but the quality is not enough.

If this is the case, it is natural that not many people are willing to enter such a dangerous place.

However, this is exactly the opportunity of Fang Qingshan.

Xiu Xiu dare not to advance, Xiu Xiu down.

He is just right for him. His cultivation is enough to cope with danger, and the resources in it can meet his needs.

These are not mentioned for the time being, but it is said that Fang Qingshan let Dao Bing break out with all his strength, and he wanted to hit the dragon beasts by surprise, and naturally he would not only target these immortal beginnings and mid-term existence.

The so-called is to use the bow to make the strong, use the arrow to use the long, shoot the person first and the horse, the thief and the king first.

Their real purpose is actually aimed at those dragon beasts in the later period of immortality and even the peak of immortality.

These dragon beasts under the immortal period were just slain by the pond fish, who told them to stand in front of them. This was just what they did. Almost after clearing the cannon fodder dragon beasts in front of them, they followed in flight. Behind the back of the dragon beast, a fierce offensive was launched towards those dragon immortals and even the peak dragon beast.


"hand of God!"

"The heavens are coming!"

"Shake the stars!"

"Extreme Supreme!"

Uh ...

But I saw a burly man standing in the void instantly, holding a cyan tomahawk in his hand, breaking his drink, waving his arm, the cyan **** axe was raised high, and an axe waved out in a mysterious trajectory.

There is a big hand that seems to overwhelm the world. Each finger is as thick as a mountain, with a glorious and noble brilliance, and a pure and refined milky white holy light flooding between heaven and earth.

There is a chessboard falling, and each piece is a square world. Rather than a chessboard falling, it is better to say that there are hundreds of floods, and the chaotic world is suppressed.

Uh ...

In the face of this fierce wave of attacks, although unexpected, these dragon beasts are no better than the early and mid-term dragon beasts. They are not only improved to a higher level, they have stronger defenses, although they are attacked suddenly.

Except for the dragon beasts in the late immortal period, the existence of those immortal peaks is between inadmissible, and they reacted and hurriedly defended.

In fact, this is also normal, although the entire land where the dragon fell is affected by the resentment, so that the dragon beasts that are bred are generally like the beasts of the first calamity in the flood and the sky, only to know the killing and the wisdom.

But it is foreseeable that the higher the cultivation, the more the resentment will be eliminated, and the spiritual intelligence will naturally return to a normal level. After breaking through the Emperor of God, he was not affected at all.

And the higher the cultivation, the stronger the instinct will naturally be, the easier it is to whim and sense the crisis.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the immortal dragon beast can block the heavy blow of the soldiers between the light and flint.

However, in the end, it was rushed. Although it was not killed, they suffered a lot of injuries and fell into the downwind. If they were not thick and thick, I am afraid that they would be cut off.

Fortunately, they persevered and occupied a geographical advantage. The dragon beasts in other places behind the Dragon Meteor continuously came to help, but they gradually recovered the situation, especially with the arrival of the eight peak immortal dragon beasts. The momentum of the beast side seemed to hit chicken blood, and immediately rose up, instantly pressing the Dao soldiers in a large array.

The reason why this is so is not only because these eight-headed dragon beasts are so powerful, but also because of their status.

This is like a respected status in the mortal world, but the victorious general Hou Ye personally led the soldiers and horses to charge, and the morale encouragement was naturally huge.


But they saw the void separate the two sides like curtains, and eight big, five big and three thick, burly dragons came out. Eight sperm of qi, such as eight sky guns, suddenly plunged into the sky's lead cloud, and appeared for nine days, showing a deep starry sky.

Blood is like the sea, evil is like the tide. Breathy and majestic. Speaking of physical body cultivation alone, it is not indistinguishable from Fang Qingshan, and the strength of qi and blood is above Fang Qingshan.

Although is also the peak of immortality, the eight in front of them are clearly incomparable to the previous ones. This is equivalent to being the leader among them and the existence of princely rank.

It's as if the previous Immortal Dragon Beast was just a red title, but the leader now appears as a yellow title.

Therefore, as soon as they appeared, the momentum of the Dragon Beast was greatly stimulated.

Suddenly, the Dao Ping array was rushed by their momentum, but it suddenly seemed to be carrying Qingtian, and the cohesive human form seemed to have a faint sense of support.

"Damn outsiders, dare to slaughter my dragon family."

Because the fallen dragon was driven out of the dragon world at first, and there was resentment in my heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although I still thought of myself as a dragon, I did n’t want to be an orthodox dragon, but I set up another family, like the fallen angel Like angels.

"For many years, no outsider has been so unscrupulous, killing, not killing is not enough to vent anger."

Although these eight-headed dragon beasts have not completely abandoned the influence of resentment, they can also communicate normally and think. Because of this, they are even more angry, clamoring for the banner of Fang Qingshan and others to sacrifice their hearts. hate.


Fang Qingshan hummed, as if Huang Zhonglu was ringing, a sharp and magnificent sound, such as Jianming breaking through the air, wearing gold cracks, will instantly fight whether Taoist soldiers and dragon beasts, or eight heads The shouts of commanding Dragon Beasts were suppressed. The scene calmed down and the atmosphere changed.

The battle changed, either because the east wind overwhelmed the west wind, or the west wind overwhelmed the east wind.


At this moment, the eight-headed dragon beast suddenly changed his face. The so-called mule is a horse. When he pulled it out, he knew it. Although Fang Qingshan didn't take the shot, the eight-headed dragon hummed it. After thinking about Xiaoyan, she did not dare to go to Liangshan. Since she dared to kill in the unscrupulous realm of Dragon Meteor, she really had some means.

They can't see the depth of Fang Qingshan, but they feel a strong threat. If they didn't feel the breath of the exclusive emperor, they would directly summon the Dragon Emperor to go out.

.. m.

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