Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1517: Hole card


"Dragon Needle!"

"Lock the Dragon Tower!"

With three shouts, infinite changes suddenly occurred in the void.

First, a shovel appeared in midair.

With this guillotine, it looks like the whole body is red. The rectangular wood digging in the middle is forged with dragon wood. A cast iron knife with a short handle is inserted into the wooden groove to fix the tip of the knife. This knife is forged from the sun **** iron bathed with the blood of thousands of true dragons.

Above the trowel, the whole body is blood red, that is the blood of the true dragon, which has completely penetrated into it, and there are engraved images of the dragon family on the surface.

This is a guillotine, and it's still a faucet! !! ?

I can not only kill others, but also the nemesis of the dragons of the world. Naturally restrained, specializing in faucets.

I only saw the three white needles on the left side of the dragonhead. If I didn't take a closer look, I wouldn't have found it at all, as if fused with the void. Even if it is seen, it is no different from ordinary embroidery needles if it is ordinary.

针 This needle is called both the 诛 神针 and the Dragon's Needle.

The reason why Xun is called Xunshen Needle is because it is specifically aimed at the spirit soul and the Yuanshen. Like death sickle and reincarnation mirror.

The reason why it is called a dragon needle is because it has been modified on the basis of the **** needle. For example, the material for refining this needle is the same as the sun **** iron that made the sword. God.

If you say that the dragon head is a thing that is attacking directly, the Emperor Tang Dynasty, then the dragon needle is an assassination thing, unexpectedly.

Especially for the Dragon clan, it is really a pinch.

If the speed is fast, if you haven't responded, it will appear directly on your two eyelids and brows.

And don't look at the needle, it seems very subtle, but the force of breaking defense can not be underestimated.

The casual defense magic weapon could not defend his piercing at all.

The juxtaposition with the dragon head 铡 and the extermination of the dragon needle is a pagoda, which is somewhat similar to the gold exquisite pagoda in the hands of King Tota Lee.

The difference is that the dragons engraved on the tower are all dragons. The most important thing is that these dragons are bound by shackles, or they are struck by thunder, and various torture is blessed on them. It seems that survival is impossible, death is impossible.

I am a good guy, the fallen dragon that year was really more wrong than Dou E. Dou E was just a snowfall in June.

After his death, not only did the grievances persist, but the dragon beasts transformed into the dragon family, and they actually gave birth to such a peerless magical power dedicated to the dragon family.

These three supernatural powers are the existence of supernatural powers and spiritual treasures.

If you are dealing with the Dragons, these three supernatural powers are naturally invincible.

Unfortunately, Fang Qingshan is not a dragon clan, this targeting force has not much effect on him.

Fortunately, the reason why the three-headed dragon emperor exhibited these three supernatural powers dedicated to dealing with the dragon tribe was not to use this to restrain Fang Qingshan.

Their real purpose is just to use these magical powers to inspire the obsession of the fallen dragon and to summon the power of the world of dangerous places.

Yes, at this step, they have no other way of doing good, they can only use the power of heaven and earth.

Although they had previously enjoyed a geographical advantage, Fang Qingshan was suppressed by a certain amount of strength, but their strength has gone up.

But this suppression and blessing is limited.

Although the dangerous mystery is as big as the general world, the reason why it cannot be turned into a real world is because the world here is incomplete, and if there is no means, it cannot be inspired at all.

Fortunately, they also have other means.

Sure enough, as soon as these three magical powers came out, the whole mystery boiled.

It's worthy to remember the hatred that can't be forgotten until death. Even the secret place is about to be destroyed and the descendants are about to be killed.

However, at this moment, the three magical powers dedicated to the Dragons suddenly appeared, and it seemed that the obsession was activated. It seems that the time has come for revenge.

霎 Time. The void became dark, it was not dark clouds, not thunder clouds, but resentment, cursing, obsession.

Hey guys, just the grudges can blacken the whole world out of thin air. What a grudge, how unwilling, how strongly obsessed.

No wonder, the entire Dragon Beast family has completely evolved into the Demon Dragon Family.

The most terrifying thing was the surging thoughts of curses, which made the seemingly fragmented Meteorological Dragon's mystery look at the mountain but was more broken, as if it were the traces of porcelain rupture. Clearly visible and startling.

I followed, and saw that one was larger than the three-headed dragon emperor. The mighty, mighty dragon of the great shore manifested, and the sky of half of the meteorite's mystery was flooded.

物 This thing is not beside, it is the obsession of the fallen dragon that year.

At first glance, it looks like a phantom of a dragon, but when you look at it again, it looks like a phantom of other beings. It seems to be a tree, a grass, a flower, and a stone and a grain of sand. It is water, fire, wind, thunder, earth, everything, and everything.

As if there is no specific form, the essence is constantly changing.

实际上 But in fact, there is no change in the appearance of this dragon's devotion. The change is only the feeling of Fang Qingshan and others, or in other words, it is a unique ability of the virtual shadow itself.

In fact, there is nothing unexpected about this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Because this dragon obsession is in a sense the heavenly will of the meteorite's secret place.

Since it is heaven, then the dragon is him, and so is everything in heaven and earth.

Dude, this dragon is indeed the late emperor of the emperor, and it is still an elite from the dragon family. Even if it falls, even if it is only obsessive, Fang Qingshan feels a deep depth from it. The unpredictable force of the sea, that power, seems to be able to destroy the entire world if it erupts.

At the same time, the dragon opened his mouth and spit, a bright dragon ball flew out, and three obscure gray powers were shot in the dragon ball like three channels connected to the three-headed dragon emperor.

Raise, not a little bit of improvement, but an instant rise.

In a short time, the three-headed dragon emperor seemed to be hit by hormones, like a blown balloon, and involuntarily inflated.

Of course, it's not just body shape that changes, not just strength, but also cultivation and harmony.

Xiu Xiu said nothing, the three dragons broke through the middle of the emperor in almost an instant.

Sure enough, after the Emperor God, the gap between each small realm is also quite large.

The blessing of the fallen dragon of the late Emperor Emperor blessed the dragon emperor of the Three Emperor Emperor in the middle of the Emperor Emperor in an instant.

However, the understanding of Tao is not so easy to transform, but forcibly instilling the meaning of Tao in the three-headed dragon emperor, it is almost brewing into a storm, sweeping endlessly, and becoming increasingly domineering.

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