Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 152: Xi Zhicai


Before the Jingzhou Shuijing Mountain Villa became famous, Han Dynasty was the most famous place.

Bian Tiansheng Guo Fengxiao, heroes crowned heroes.

The one who laid Cao Cao on the third floor is here.

The king Wang Zuozhi's talent is comparable to Xiao He, so that Cao Cao has no worries.

He gave twelve wonderful strategies, and the strategy worked wonderfully. Also, Cao Cao's nephew, Gongda, was also here.

The introduction of the Jiuzhong Zhongzheng System, which affected Chen Qun throughout the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, is still here.

As for the others, no showy talents, what Zhong Yan and others will not show.

Here, there are many humanities, people and spirits. I dare not say that Wolong Chufeng has one person to win the world, but if you can recruit one person here, you can at least struggle for a few years or even ten years.

It is a pity that although there are many talents in Qichuan, those who can be regarded by Fang Qingshan and who have the opportunity to be recruited are only Guo Jia, in addition to Xizhicai.

Other people are not the family or the clan. These people, not to mention Fang Qingshan is still white, have bought an official, and they may not recognize the Lord. In this era, although there is not as much as the gatekeeper clan in the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties Serious, but it has already begun.

With Fang Qingshan and Dian Wei inquiring a little in the city of Xichuan, he knew where Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia lived.

虽然 Although the two of them have not yet come out of the mountain and their fame is not so great, they are already celebrities in Xichuan.

Guo Jia, who is able to associate with descendants of saints such as his family, and to interact with families such as Chen, Zhong, Han, and so on, is the virtuoso.

With Fang Qingshan and Dian Wei following the instructions of others, it was easy to find Xi Zhicai's residence.

But seeing three or two dilapidated cottages, it seems that the wind is about to fall.

"Master, is this where you say the wise men live?"

Seeing this, Dian Wei could not help flashing a little doubt.

"Mountains are not high, there are immortals but names, waters are not deep, and dragons are spirits."

Although Fang Qingshan was also a bit surprised, he was not surprised by this, because he knew that Xi Zhicai and Guo Jianai were cold, and it was because of this that he had the possibility of recruiting himself.

"A good mountain is not high, a fairy is a name, a water is not deep, a dragon is a spirit."

此时 At this moment, the people inside the house heard Fang Qingshan's words and pushed out the door.

However, I can see a scribe's clothes. Although thin and washed a little white, it does not diminish its style. Although it is weak, it gives people a sense of stinginess. Although they do n’t practice martial arts, their body is full of righteousness, which is Dian Wei. Not too high.

"Aoyama below, this is Dian Wei, compared with yours is Mr. Xi Zhicai, Jiu Wenming, come here today!"

When Fang Qingshan saw the man, his eyes flashed.

"A friend comes from afar and cares, please!"

Fang Qingshan is looking at Xi Zhicai, who is also looking at Fang Qingshan.

At first glance, Dian Wei was a shogun-like figure. Although Dian Wei had already converged because of entering Xichuan, it was only at a glance that Xizhi was a general-type talent. When placed in the army, he could at least or lead Captain.

As far as Fang Qingshan doesn't say anything else, just the two words he just said are enough to make the show look amazing.

Therefore, I just turned to let Fang Qingshan's house tell the story.

Otherwise, although Xizhi is a cold door, he now looks a little downcast, but it is not someone who comes to get his courtesy.

"Han She is humble, only one cup of white water, please forgive me."

Wu Xizhi welcomed Fang Qingshan to them, and laughed at the two bowls of boiling water.

"There, it is an honor for Mr. Noto to pour water, and there is no place for anyone to drink!"

Lai Fang Qingshan laughed.

After a while of chill, Xizhi asked with narrowed eyes,

"I wonder what happened to Brother Aoyama?"

"Specially invited Zhicai to come out of the mountain and conspiracy!" Fang Qingshan opened his eyes and said.

In this regard, Xizhi was not surprised, but did not say whether he agreed or disagreed. Instead, he asked, "I don't know what Brother Qingshan thinks of the world trend?"

The master chooses the minister, and the minister chooses the master.

Qi Fang Qingshan wanted to subdue Xizhi Cai. Xizhi looked at the two words that Fang Qingshan said earlier, and gave him a chance.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan was not surprised, and smiled slightly, "The world is in a good situation, and the time will be divided.

Wu Xizhi heard the words, his eyes flashed, but his tone was not fluctuated. "Where does chaos come from?"

"Taiping!" Fang Qingshan spit out two words.

"Brother Qingshan thinks that the Taiping Road can overthrow the Han Dynasty?" Only when the playmaker heard Fang Qingshan utter the word Taiping, his eyes suddenly opened, and he looked at Fang Qingshan vigorously and asked aggressively.

"No," Fang Qingshan looked at the road unabashedly. "But it is the fuse. Although the peace can't overthrow the court, it can push the crumbling court to the abyss, like the Dzexiang uprising in the late Qin and early Han Dynasty. general."

"What are you going to do?" Xi Zhi continued to ask.

"Building walls high, building up grains, slowly becoming king." Fang Qingshan said slowly and unhurriedly, "Let's touch the fish in the muddy waters of the Peace Road ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to consolidate the foundation and wait for the great changes to sweep the world with the power of destruction , Dingdingshanhe. "

"Where is the power to destroy the dead?"

"I have an elite soldier, which is comparable to Youzhou Gongsun Jibai Ma Yicong. There are thousands of soldiers in the county, who are collecting food and grass. There are several improperly brave generals like Dian Wei, and they send people to Luoyang to buy officials. With the help of Mr. De, after the Yellow Turban, why worry that there is no power to destroy it? "

I asked and answered, Fang Qingshan showed the atmosphere.

Fan Xizhi also heard a lot of colorful, there are elite soldiers, rich food, there are generals, well-planned, it is not bad to sweep the world.

"Only see the protagonist!"

With this in mind, it is only natural that Xizhi will no longer be constrained, even when he gets up and bows.

"Haha, I have to be a talented person. If the king of the king is too prince, Gaozu has to stay, as a tiger adds wings, a tiger adds wings!"

Fang Qingshan could not help laughing when he saw Xizhi before worshiping the Lord.

He came to Xichuan, but he did not have the attitude of being lucky and losing his life, but he did not expect that he actually conquered the show talent, which was an unexpected joy.

"Congratulations, congratulations!"

Wu Dianwei couldn't help but smile and congratulate.

Although Fang Qingshan was more happy to subscribe to the show than to subdue himself, Dian Wei was not dissatisfied.

At this time, although there is no such thing as saying that only reading is high, but since the Emperor Wuzhong Dong Zhongshu dismissed a hundred schools and esteemed Confucianism, the status of the scholars has significantly improved, and the drama is different from ordinary scholars. Zhicai is certainly not his opponent, but after opening the distance, people are not without a fight.

Moreover, the most powerful thing about drama is not combat power. Therefore, Dian Wei was not dissatisfied, but was glad that Fang Qingshan's power had improved again.

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