Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1528: Self-explosion

The Dragon Emperor, who had launched a crazy attack on the other side of Qingshan, did not expect that it was just an instant, but he let the other two dragon emperors fall on the spot, and was extremely sad and angry for a while.

"You all **** it, all **** it!"

"Brother, brother, you wait for me, I'll be right here."

"Go on the road with me!"

The Long Emperor who mumbled with Fang Qingshan murmured to himself.

At this moment, he has completely lost his mind and plunged into his own spiritual world.

At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind, that is revenge, revenge for the other two dragon emperors.

I just want revenge, but it's not easy.

After all, the previous two dragon emperors have fallen completely under various means of others.

But the so-called horizontal afraid of 愣, who is afraid of death.

At this moment, he is dead.

Since the conventional method cannot avenge oneself, it can only kill eight hundred enemies and damage one thousand.

At this moment, Dragon King has completely forgotten that Fang Qingshan still exists.

As soon as the dragon tail swung, he immediately appeared in front of the leader and others.

Seeing this nervousness, it seems that there are already some abnormal dragon emperors. The big commander and others are also a little bit worried, and secretly guarded.

What a pity, before they had more preparation, the Dragon Emperor broke out.

"Dead, all die, you all die!"

"Burning !!"

The Dragon Emperor came to the place where the other two dragon emperors fell, his eyes flashed with madness, and he uttered a voice.

In fact, this is where Fang Qingshan added a fire.

Otherwise, although the Dragon Emperor is crazy, it is impossible to want such a disregard and a rapid self-explosion.

The so-called injurious heart must be indispensable, and the inhuman heart must be indispensable.

知道 Since knowing Ji Wuzong, after seeing the sword of Emperor Emperor, Fang Qingshan turned his thoughts and thought about how to break the game.

He knew that if the two commanders continued to sacrifice and summon the Emperor's Sword to deal with himself, he would have no resistance.

The best way is to make him unable to summon them, and then kill them all with a thunderbolt.

But, to do this, I seem to be a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, there is the Dragon Emperor in front of him, and the other two Dragon Emperors have fallen.

For myself, this can be described as dozing off with a pillow, which is in harmony with the people.

I didn't have much time to think about it. Almost at the same time I saw this scene, Fang Qingshan subconsciously secretly sacrificed the air of fantasy obtained from the secret storehouse of Taoism.

虽然 Although this object is ranked at the top three levels, Fang Qingshan did not cast it directly, just let him bloom. In addition, this thing is not an attack defense treasure, so it is not difficult to cast it.

Because this thing is imperceptible, if it is normal, Dragon Emperor will not be able to make a move, even if it is, it will not take effect in such a short time.

Fortunately, he fought against himself for so long without being conquered. He was anxious. Now that the world is broken, his descendants are dead and wounded, and even his two elder brothers are dead. The most important thing is that the enemy is intact.

Therefore, he was invaded by the air of fantasy and moved the karma in his heart.

I have this self-explosion.

Rumble! !!

With that voice falling down, I suddenly saw that this dragon emperor, and the other two dragon emperors who had been annihilated before and had their heads beheaded, passed on terrible fluctuations in an instant, One after another exploded, completely exploded, the speed was fast, and the destructive power of the explosion was shown to be several times dozens of times. Instantly turned into a tide of destruction.

The reason why, in addition to this self-exploding dragon emperor, the other two dragon emperors can also join the ranks of self-explosion, in fact, the reason is very simple.

After the death, the two-headed dragon emperor died, but his obsession was still there.

This is like the dragon that originally formed the meteorite mystery. Because the heart is unwilling, even if it is dead, obsession and dissatisfaction will not dissipate, but it will be even more fierce. Some horrible evil things.

The two dragon emperors are obviously unwilling.

He originally didn't put the big commander in their eyes, and the abacus was the same. He destroyed them first and was cleaning up Fang Qingshan.

However, Xun didn't expect to fight wild goose all day long. After all, he was pecked by the wild goose. They played pigs and eat tigers, and they had so many cards in their hands. As soon as they showed up, they had no resistance.

Twenty-two, not so much as they blew themselves up, it is better to say that the Dragon Emperor is igniting the will of the heavens and earth's origin.

The heaven and earth will will bless them at this moment, the heaven and earth will explode, naturally they can explode together.

The three Emperor Dragon Emperors in the middle period, plus the broken, but in the end is the will of one world.

The ripples of destruction formed by the maggots are simply unthinkable, at least Fang Qingshan's complexion changed.

Although all this was in his expectations, plans, and settings, he expected the beginning, and the subsequent development was not in his set track.

Fortunately, the heaven and earth of the meteoric dragon's mystery have been destroyed by them for a long time. The original will of the heaven and earth blessing the three-headed dragon emperor has already consumed a lot. The most important thing is that this destructive force is not directed at itself. Therefore, Fang Qingshan was not too worried.

Even, Fang Qingshan hoped that under the premise of keeping his own strength, the greater the strength, the better, and simply killed the leader and his party at once, and everything was fine.

一 As soon as his body moved, he avoided the center of the eruption far away ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ came to the edge of the world, and then the defense opened up.

Zhoutian star array map, Jiuqu Yellow River array map, yehuo red lotus, chaos clock, Taixu **** armor, Qiankunding, bridge on the other side, fading water lamp, Tianzhou body, chess board of the heavens ...

Chess reincarnation, five elements canopy, five elements atlas, blood dragon scales ...

All spirit treasures, magical powers, and combat skills that can play a defensive effect have been sacrificed by Fang Qingshan.

Even so, at this moment, he still seems to have encountered a stormy flat boat in the sea, following the waves, not knowing when the ship was destroyed.

However, they are already considered good. As the chief leader who bears the brunt, it is now the blood mold of eight lives.

They were close, unguardable, in the middle of the explosion, and the ripples of destruction hit them.

力量 This power, even a ray of aftermath, can completely shatter everything, and it is more terrible than any power. The power of pure destruction is that the Emperor of God may be directly killed if he has no defense.

Fortunately, they have another hole card.

"The treasure umbrella supports the sky and protects my whole body.

The three of them looked at each other, showing a trace of fear, a trace of fear, and a trace of luck.

I felt the destructive power bursting out of it. I didn't even want to think about it. The first time, the three stood in a trinity formation, and the light flickered among them, and a treasure umbrella opened instantly.

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