Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1535: Eye of the Last Law

Dim light, endless dim light.

It seems to be able to absorb everything, and it can be horrifying.

It's a little bit the same as the Dementor's Light from the Death Scythe.

The difference is that this ghostly light seems to be attacked by the soul, but in fact it is not.

"Well? It seems something is wrong."

Fang Qingshan blinked, his doubts in his heart not only decreased, but even more.

Because from the previous induction and the momentum that Zhibao radiates now, this eye-like treasure should be ranked at the top three levels.

However, upon closer inspection, it seems that it is a bit wrong. It gives people a feeling of being strong and capable of doing things. It does not meet the standard of the third-class top treasure. On the contrary, it is similar to Sansheng Stone, which seems to have only the third-level intermediate quality.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan could not help but be greatly disappointed.

The so-called hope is, the greater the disappointment.

Although both are third-level, the third-level top and third-level intermediate are clearly different.

It's like the peak of the Emperor and the middle of the Emperor.

There are countless mid-term **** emperors, but each of the **** emperor peaks is the mainstay of one side.

Unless it is the true pride of heaven, similar to Pang Bo, Fang Qingshan, Tian Xiehou, or want to counterattack the peak of the emperor in the middle of the emperor is simply a dream.

After all, whoever can cultivate to the peak of God Emperor, who is not the proud of heaven? Which one doesn't have his own card?

Of course, if Fang Qingshan's mentality is known by others, he will definitely spray his face with saliva. He is really hungry and hungry.

Not satisfied with the third-grade Chinese products? Should n’t those **** emperors still using second-class treasures be ashamed to commit suicide?

Of course, Fang Qingshan didn't really look down on this treasure, but it was a gap from expectations and he felt a little lost.

In fact, the reason why this piece of Arcana exudes a breath like a third-level top Arcana.

But just because of the power of the destruction of heaven and earth, and the birth of this treasure, heaven and earth have their luck. Therefore, the momentum is like a rainbow, giving people the illusion. When this time elapses, the original appearance will be restored.

However, even if it is only a third-grade medium-quality product, it is well-deserved.

After all, this is the dying treasure that the world of Meteor Dragon's mystery destroys all living beings, materials, and laws.

Don't look at the meteoric dragon's mystery. It is only a mystery between the immortal and the emperor, but the true details are definitely not the case.

After all, his predecessor was a natural disaster that could destroy the late emperor and a dragon later.

Otherwise, how could three dragon emperors bless the will of the heavens and earth to break through the middle period of the emperor, and when they blew together, they could explode a full blow comparable to the late emperor?

And the reason why it did not reach the level of the secret realm of the late Emperor Shen.

It may be because the dragon and the natural disaster are not perfectly integrated, and they are still digesting.

This situation has not happened before.

After all, the level of the mystery is not a constant layer. After millions of years of change, some mysteries may be digested, or a deeper foundation may be accumulated. It is not uncommon to make a transition.

Therefore, it is not unthinkable to conceive a third-class Zhongpin Arcadia, but it is a bit low.

After all, if only the body of a late emperor dragon is enough to create a third-level late treasure, not to mention the source of natural disasters, and the treasure and hole cards of the dragon.

However, after Fang Qingshan felt the efficacy and power of this treasure, this idea was left behind.

But as soon as this piece of treasure was seen, the gloom splattered, as if the moon was empty, and the entire ruins of the meteorite dragon was shrouded in it.

There is no powerful attacking force, which makes people look like they are carrying their backs, like their throats.

There does not seem to be any defensive power. I can't feel the strength of immovable mountains.

But this gloom still made Fang Qingshan suddenly change color.

Because although he is not specifically a soul and a body, or even the existence of a spiritual treasure, once he is enveloped by him, the trouble is even greater than that of many higher treasures.

Unless it is a special magical power, spiritual treasure, secret method, combat skills, or the existence of a grade much higher than this treasure.

Otherwise, under the light, all of them will lose their due effect.

Eye of the Dharma!

Yes, this eye-like spirit treasure is not the eye of heaven, but the eye of the last law.

In the eyes, no law exists, but it has the power to suppress all the mysteries of heaven and earth.

Only saw that endless glory bloomed on that eyeball.

With the blink of an eye, it seemed as if the end of the Fa era had come.

Fang Qingshan experienced what was really the end of the French era.

There is no aura, immortal Buddha does not exist, there is no heavenly court, six reincarnations, and even saints, the heavenly path seems to be gone.

In such a place, it is like being trapped in the heavens and the five declining lives. Reiki failure, flesh failure, life failure ...

It is the real existence of Shou and Tian Qi, and there is only one way to die here.

Because there is no aura, the rules nourish, not to mention the magical combat skills, if you can't show them, life will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, the end of the Dharma era is the end of the era. It is the twilight of the Immortal Buddha. The heavens and the earth are not visible, the magical power is weak, the power of the Tao is weak, and any power must be attributed to nothingness.

This piece of Lingbao can be called terror.

Whether it's a group fight or a solo fight.

Think about it, it seems that two people, or two groups of people, are different, and even one side is better than the other.

However, at this time, one side exhibited the eyes of the last law, shrouded in gloom, and the other side suddenly could not perform the magical power, mana, law, and spiritual treasure, as if it had been revoked.

Other than that, just the panic is enough to make them fish on the board and let them be slaughtered.

"Awesome, really amazing!"

Fang Qingshan was excited, could not help but admire.

Although this is only a third-class middle-class treasure, but some third-class top grades and even top-level third-class top treasures can't compare ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At least in terms of value, Fang Qingshan got in the secret library of Taoism. Although the dreamy atmosphere of Qi is ranked at the top three levels, Fang Qingshan seems to be inferior to the eyes of this last law.

In addition, the pupils and eye spirits have the same effects as the ordinary ones except for their own special effects.

In other words, the eyes of the last law can not only be used to perform the great magical power of the last law, but also be used as the eye of the sky and radar.

This can be considered to make up another flaw of the eternal sky boat.

Although Fang Qingshan incorporated the Luoshu River map, these two treasures are more about deduction than exploration.

"This time really made a lot of money."

Fang Qingshan was trembling, so excited he couldn't help himself.

Originally, he had some regrets and distresses, because the battle with the three dragon emperors had left many of the heavenly treasures in the meteorite's secret realm too late to be collected, and they were affected by the aftermath of the battle, and they were wiped out. ()

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