Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1537: Eternal power

Fang Qingshan couldn't help but shivered, fearing for a while.

This situation is terrible to think about.

If the previous three commanders, even if they did not have other hole cards, could not even summon the fourth-level Supreme Treasure Sword, but with this eye of the last law, it is well used, and it is really possible to bury yourself completely here. .

Even if you have the means to cope with this power of the end, but where is the time between warehouses?

However, after thinking about it, Fang Qingshan was happy again. This Lingbao was naturally a confidant in the hands of others, but in his own hands, he had another hole card in the future.

With this treasure, I dare not say anything about the emperor. The peak **** emperor, at least the late emperor, Fang Qingshan is not afraid. There is no special means to face this treasure, only to be beaten to death.

Even the higher the repair, the higher the quality of the treasure, saying that it may not become the eternal sky boat and the chess board and the reincarnation mirror in the hands of another ace.

Just the eternal sky boat and the heavens board. As for why it is behind the reincarnation mirror, it is because this treasure seems to be of little use, although Fang Qingshan basically does not use him.

But it is because once there is an eternal sky boat, other treasures naturally take less time.

What's more, the effect of reincarnation mirror is not an attack defense, but it is a bearing of its own avenue. Once it is damaged, the consequences are very serious and it will affect its own practice. Therefore, in general, less than a last resort, Fang Qingshan is not Will perform reincarnation.

But this does not mean that this thing is not important. To a certain extent, this thing is comparable to the chessboards of the heavens and the eternal skyboat.

Therefore, although the Eye of the Last Dharma is strange, it can only be ranked under him.

However, this is not the time to consider these.

The immediate imperative is to earnestly collect this treasure.

Because if you don't do it again, this treasure seems to be flying away by yourself, but looking for someone who belongs to him.

It is just that, before casting the treasure and the reincarnation bracelet, they did nothing, and if they want to conquer this treasure, it seems that they have to use it.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan has the treasure of the eternal sky boat, which is a treasure created by wonders that do not belong to the heavens and the world.

Although the Eye of the Last Law is powerful, it can't really make the Eternal Skyboat lose its effect.

Otherwise, unless Fang Qingshan cultivates to reach the peak of the blue title God Emperor, I am afraid I can only sigh with regret and can't do anything with this treasure.


Fang Qingshan sang aloud.

The next moment, the eternal sky boat suddenly bloomed with immeasurable clarity, and the sky was clear.

This light is not shining, as if the sun is shining, and it is not as desperate as the gloom of the eyes of the last law, but with a strong breath of life, I do not know it is the light of the source tree.

But at the same time, this light exudes a supreme, transcendent and eternal will.

This is the power of eternal Qinglian, the eternal divine power.

It is precisely because of this power that the Eye of the Last Dharma does not affect Fang Qingshan and the Eternal Skyboat at all, but at least the effect has been weakened by more than 95% and has become minimal.

"go with!"

Fang Qingshan's heart moved, and Zhou Tian's star array flew out.

Seeing the wind, the beards are transformed into a world that is no less than a secret place with the meteorite dragon, directly covering the eyes of the end.

Fang Qingshan decided to include the eyes of the last law in the world of stars, and first use the power of the world of the stars to weaken and suppress his third power.

Seeing Zhou Tianxing's map fall, Fang Qingshan seemed to see a trace of uncutness and teasing in the pupil of the Eye of the End.

Then, once again, a gloom of despair was emitted.

It is a pity that this time the glorious gloom has failed.

He was not able to stop the Zhou Tianxing array from falling, nor did he succeed in making the Zhou Tianxing array into waste paper.

The reason for this is because Zhou Tian's star array is covered with a thin layer of eternal divine light.

"Well, do you think I would be fooled a second time for the same trick?"

Fang Qingshan smirked as he saw the eyes of the last method.

learn from mistakes.

Now that he knew the power of the Eye of the Last Fa, since Fang Qingshan dared to take a shot, he had a lot of confidence, otherwise, at this time, he should turn and leave.


As the world of Zhou Tian's star array unfolded, two treasures of Chaos Bell and Yehuo Honglian also flew out.

Dangdang Dangdang! !! !!

The chaos bell was constantly ringing, and then merged with the sky.

Immediately after the karma red lotus bloomed, the infinite red lotus bloomed and spread, transforming the entire land into a country of lotus.

Zhou Tianxing's array is only a secondary quality, compared to the eyes of the last method is too low.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan incorporated Chaos Bell and Yehuo Honglian to stabilize the world.


Followed by, the eternal barracks flew out, a team of eternal soldiers rushed out.

After the baptism of destroying the Changhe River, these Tao soldiers have completed their transformation. Eighty-five percent of them have become mixed yuan, and 15 percent have become immortal.

These people took a step forward, integrated into the stars of Zhou Tian according to their previous experience, and operated the entire formation world.

With these hundreds of thousands of mixed Yuan immortal soldiers, with two tiers of three-level treasures, the Red Lotus and Chaos Clock, Zhou Tianxing's world has finally been completely stabilized.

An oppressive force that belongs to heaven and earth instantly weakened the power of the Eye of the Last Law.

Don't underestimate it is only one layer. In the end, the Eye of the Last Dharma is the third-grade middle-class top treasure, and it is still the best among the third-grade middle-class, which is not worse than some third-grade top-quality.

Although such treasures have no instrumental spirit, they have extraordinary spirituality.

It seemed to sense the danger, and knew that the great magical power of the end of the Fa had lost its corresponding effect.

Immediately, the Eye of the Last Dhamma changed his strategy, and another magical power came into play.

Although the Eye of the Last Dharma is named after the name of the Last Dharma, it is not only capable of performing the magical powers of the Last Dharma. At the same time, he is still an eye, so he also has other pupil techniques.


The next moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But when I saw the eyes of the end of Fa, closed and opened, a pale light that was quite different from the glorious light of the end of Fa Fa shot.

And wherever this pale light went, it was like the light of annihilation.

No matter it is the void, the rules, or the magical powers, Lingbao, encountering him is like snow and ice encountering the big day, all melting and disintegrating.

"Okay !!!!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan was not angry but happy.

As long as the Eye of the Last Fa is still under his control and his power is great, Fang Qingshan will naturally rejoice.

Although this annihilation and decomposing light is not as good as the end of the great magical powers, it is also a rare peerless magical powers.

"go with!"

Fang Qingshan was a little distant, and once again gave out the treasure money. ()

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