Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1539: Mutation

These gods are very powerful.

It is the chaos bell that has been promoted to the third level and the attack of the yehuo red lotus is far worse.

Seems to be more terrifying than the previous annihilation. Seems to be an upgraded version of the force of destruction, or not an upgraded version, but the most cohesive force of destruction.

Each ray of radiance is extremely sharp, tearing the void, sweeping over in all directions.

Good guy, if it is not the Zhou Tianxing array and the eternal Tianzhou suppression power, coupled with breaking the falling treasure money, it is not without damage.

This attack alone is enough to discourage people.

But even after several weakenings, his attack was still shocking.

The other side of the bridge, the passing water lamp, the death sickle, the Jiuqu Yellow River map, and so on, are once hit by this god.

The aura of the body is like the snow and ice in summer, and it disappears so easily. It was enough to look at it. Secretly trembling.


For a time, the sound of Huang Zhongda Lu was incessant to his ears, and the sound of bursting was heard all the time, like the void of the light of the last law, rolling freely. Every moment is changing, from time to time, storms are generated, and tides are generated, sweeping the surrounding area, and causing a lot of chaos directly.


The entire world of Zhou Tianxing is shaking, shaking the living lotus kingdom. After the flame moths pounce on the fire, in the face of this chaos, they are withered like blossoms.

At the same time, the stars above the sky, like the dust on their bodies, shook down.

puff! puff! puff!

Blood flowers splattered, and that was the eternal Taoist soldiers who arranged the star array of Zhou Tian. The masters of the mixed Yuan and even the immortal realm were crushed into powder by the stars almost instantly.

Click! Click! !! !!

The barriers of the entire world seemed to be overwhelmed, and a sour noise was issued, and the creaks were like a crack of a poisonous dragon spreading all over the starry sky.

As for refining the Eye of the Last Law, Qian Kunding is naturally the target of the Eye of the Last Law.

Because this thing has the effect of refining everything, the auxiliary refining is even more powerful.

Normally, the eyes of the last Fa naturally don't care.

But at this moment, it is very troublesome.

Therefore, under his specific aim, Qian Kun Ding was also broken, and the burning fire was so good that it didn't go out at once.

Huh! !!

Even Fang Qingshan, who had already glanced at the eyes of the last Dharma for a long time, was taking a breath on the spot,

"The terrible eyes of the last law are not only the great magical powers that can isolate the magical powers, but also the power of destroying and attacking is so powerful. Although it is not as good as Pangu's celestial axe, it is also special. It is indeed the supreme treasure bred in this secret place. "

Of course, although the Eye of the Last Law attacked Wushuang, it was not without damage that Fang Qingshan shot.

The first is that although he broke free from falling treasure, he also paid a small price.

At least more than the suppression of Zhou Tianxing's array.

Secondly, although the eternal Tianzhou did not attack in person, the repressive force was also not small. Cooperating with the power of heaven and earth, it directly weakened his two layers of power.

All kinds of power, the power of the last Dharma can exert up to seven layers.

Under Fang Qingshan's revolving blows, the eyes of the end of the Fa also stirred a hint of bright red, like blood, rendering the surroundings red.

Even cracks appeared in the eyes of the last Fa.

Of course, compared with the cracks in the void, these cracks are too small, and every time they appear, they are repaired in less than an hour and a half.

"Hey, I didn't expect to get here again."

Fang Qingshan shook his head in tears.

He did not expect that the current situation was once again deadlocked.

You cannot refine the eyes of the last law, nor can you escape the eyes of the last law, nor can you hurt yourself.

Fang Qingshan overestimated his abilities, and at the same time, the Eye of the Last Law also underestimated Fang Qingshan's ability.

So much so that it is now difficult for one party to withdraw.

Because it is like two people competing for internal force, once one party withdraws first, not to mention whether the other party will take the opportunity to secretly kill a poisoned hand.

Just in the premise of not defeating the opponent, a withdrawal must not only deal with the tide and undercurrent from the opponent, but also face the backlash of their own strength. The one who is not good is not only unable to escape smoothly, but also the abyss. With a little caution there is a danger of ridicule.

Therefore, their current situation is that unless it is Fang Qingshan who conquers the Eye of the Last Law, or the Eye of the Last Law defeats Fang Qingshan, or even kills them, or they both run out of power simultaneously.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan shook his head with a bitter smile.

This was the case before the battle with the Dragon Emperor. Now it is still the case to conquer the Eye of the Last Dharma. Finally, it depends on who has consumed it.

Of course, in the face of this situation, Fang Qingshan is considered to be familiar with it. The only trouble is that it is still the previous problem.

Although at this moment in immense void and few people, but in the end is not a place where thousands of birds flies and thousands of people disappear, who knows when someone will pass by.

Once an outsider appears, the trouble will be big, and he will not delay his treasure collection, and even his life may not be under his control.

In particular, he himself killed and killed Datong and others, and he still does not know whether Ji Wu Zong and the followers of these ghosts and evil spirits at Zimen Gate have any follow-up actions.

It ’s a pity that now there is no bow and arrow, and things have reached this point. No matter how worried you are, you can only stand still.

Otherwise, if other problems do not arise, they will be destroyed by the eyes of the last Fa. That's too wrong.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan is still good at this stalemate, and he has two treasures of the World Tree and the Eternal Thunder Pond, which can be replenished at any time and anywhere.

On the contrary, the eyes of the last Fa naturally became weaker.

So, stalemate, sooner or later, you will win the final victory.

Tick, tick

Time is like a drop of water under the eaves.

When devouring the power of destruction, Fang Qingshan hoped that time would be slower. At this moment, the desire to make time faster would be so urgent.

Quickly charge ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ lest night long dreams.

Good and bad spirits.

Blessings are not alone.

I don't know if the Eye of the Last Dharma is too outrageous. It seems that Tiandi doesn't want Fang Qingshan to take it in this way.

Just when he was about to fully refine the Eye of the Last Dharma, he had no time to reveal a little joy, and the mutation had happened.


Suddenly, there were no signs, and the entire world of Zhou Tianxing suddenly burst apart.

The eyes of the last Dharma, which was about to be refined by itself, seemed to see an opportunity, and it was like chicken blood, and then it broke out.

Domestic and foreign strikes, Fang Qingshan fell to mold.

. m.

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