Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 154: Huang Zhong

"My son, how is it?"

I watched Fang Qingshan examine Huang Xu's body, and the woman asked tremblingly.

the more you hope, the harder you fall.

名 The number of famous doctors I have seen in these years is unknown, but in the end, there is no way.

Although looking at Fang Qingshan's appearance before, it seems very sure, but the woman is still afraid of a dream.

"Relax, you can treat!" Fang Qingshan said firmly.

"Really?" The woman heard the words and looked at Fang Qingshan almost unbelievably.

"Really!" Fang Qingshan affirmed again.

"Woohoo!" After getting the letter, the woman burst into tears.

When Fang Qingshan saw this, shrugged his shoulders, without comfort, he knew that the woman was crying with joy and it was releasing stress.

"Who dares to make trouble in my house!"

At this moment, Fang Qingshan suddenly heard a violent drink, followed by an arrow shooting meteor and shot towards himself like a moon.


Qi Fang Qingshan's eyes were condensed, his fingers flicked, and a sword shot.


A squeak sounded, and Fang Qingshan's sword air didn't stop the arrow, Fang Qingshan had to draw a sword air again.

"Good guy, so sharp arrow!"

Huang Zhong's arrival, Fang Qingshan naturally sensed it.

He didn't expect this to happen, and he was crying to catch up with his wife and children, but he was already making trouble by himself.

When you hit this arrow, you ignore space and time, not only fast, but also unrivalled.

This is Fang Qingshan, and Guan Yu, who is like Huang Zhong, is planted here by accident.

"What are you doing, master!"

Mrs. Huang was also stunned by the sight in front of her, followed by a scream, and flung towards Huang Zhong who entered the door.

But Fang Qingshan had the hope of treating his son, but was almost killed by Huang Zhong. How could this not keep her furious?

"Eh? This is?" At this moment, Huang Zhong couldn't figure out the situation.

He originally thought it was Fang Qingshan's trouble, but looking at his daughter-in-law, it seems not.

"You goddamn, this boy is able to heal the child, you almost killed the boy, and killed the boy."

Mrs. Huang slaps Huang Zhong like a madwoman.

"Can you save the children?" Huang Zhong looked at Fang Qingshan suspiciously.

The so-called hairless mouth is not fast enough. Fang Qingshan is too young. Although he was able to take an arrow without any damage, he still did not give Huang Zhong much confidence.

"Wait a moment and you will know." Fang Qingshan said lightly.

He waved his hand and thundered, and the five prison king Ding smashed down.

He followed the various auras out of Fang Qingshan's sleeve and fell into Dading.

Although Fang Qingshan didn't have any medical skills, he became a master, and he got a medical book of pure Yang, which happened to have a record of this situation in Huang Xu.

He also holds the World Tree and can collect various auras without searching for other medicines.

When Fang Qingshan's mana was urged, he stimulated the formation in Dading, and soon he trained a panacea.

With a flick of his fingers, he fell into Huang Xu's mouth.

"You ..." Huang Zhong saw this, and the hand holding the knife could not help but tighten.

Qi Fang Qingshan turned a blind eye and went to the side and sat down.

Time passed by one minute and one second, except for Fang Qingshan in the house, the Huang Zhongs were in seconds.

Huang Xun finally hummed on the bed and gave out a comfortable moan, followed by soberness, and turned up and sat up.

"How is my child?" Huang Zhong and his wife hurried to ask.

After Huang Jiu's illness was cured, Huang Zhong even held Huang Xu's hand carefully for examination.

"It's never been so comfortable." Huang Xu laughed with relief.

"God open your eyes!" After listening to Huang Xu's words, Mrs. Huang burst into tears again, followed by turning to kneel towards Fang Qingshan, "Thank you, son."

"Well, Madam don't need to be polite." Fang Qingshan waved his hand, held Madam Huang, and waved with a smile.

"Thank you, Grandson."

At this time, Huang Zhong also checked Huang Xu's condition and found that Huang Xu was really good, and his face was incredible.

However, he is also a man who can pick up and let go. He almost killed Fang Qingshan himself before, but Fang Qingshan still saved his life, regardless of his previous suspicion, so he pushed Jinshan down and worshiped.

"Han Sheng doesn't need to be courteous." Fang Qingshan also waved his hand, holding Huang Zhong with a mighty force, making him kneel down.

"My son saved the story, which saved me Huang Zhong. Huang Zhong's life will be my son in the future, despite the orders of the sword and mountains and seas." Huang Zhong saw that he could not kneel, and didn't insist, but he arched his hands and cut himself firmly Said.

"Haha, I was here to ask Han Sheng to help each other. I don't know what Han Sheng thinks?" Fang Qingshan opened the door and saw the invitation.

"Meet the Lord!"

Hearing the string sound knows elegance, Huang Zhong immediately kneels on one knee.

"Han Sheng please, I have Han Sheng, if there is a pavilion." Fang Qingshan did not stop this time, accepted Huang Zhong's worship, and then raised him with both hands.

Huang Zhong is attached, and now he has talents in acting, Guo Jia, Wu Guanyu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, I dare not say that counselors are like rain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mengjiangruyun, but they are all first-class Elite soldiers.

"Han Sheng, clean up, follow me to Dongrai County!"

Fang Qingshan ordered.

Huang Zhong naturally has to follow his own. Although Jingzhou is peaceful, after all, it is a troubled time. Naturally, it is not good to keep Huang Xu's mother and son here, or to take it to Donglai County for safety.


Huang Zhong naturally has no objection to this.

I conquered Huang Zhong. The task I came out this time was successfully completed. After so long a delay, it was time to go back. After all, the Yellow Turban Uprising was about to happen. As the principal, I should return to preside over the overall situation.

I waited for Huang Zhong's family to clean up, and Fang Qingshan offered Wuyun peach blossoms to wrap them, and drove straight to Yi County.

Halfway along the way, they also met Dian Wei's four people, so they brought them along.

At the speed of Wuyun Peach Blossom, coupled with a clear goal, Fang Qingshan soon returned to She County, Zhutianzhuang.

After a few months, I spent a few months and returned to Yi County again.

At this moment, Zhutianzhuang has changed a lot.

The gold and silver jewelry left by Zhuang in Zhuangzhong, plus the property of the Zhang family, was completely replaced by food by Zhang Fei and piled up like a mountain.

As for the first personal soldiers, with Zhang Fei Guan Yu's training, they are even more elite, especially the thousands of elite soldiers in the mountains. Under the leadership of Zhang Fei and the two, apart from the problems of experience, they are no worse than Bai Mayi. .

After all, Dunton eats meat and takes elixir. As an individual, he is still better than Bai Mayi.

Fang Qingshan called everyone together, let everyone see each other first, and then used the five prison king tripod to pack all things and people, followed by, non-stop toward his base, Donglai County .

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