Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1547: Time and space nail

The preciousness of wormholes is well known.

Not only is it safe, it's fast, and it hasn't lost much.

The preciousness of wormhole beads is even more so. After all, a fixed wormhole is turned into a disposable pearl. Although it looks a bit violent, it is really useless for life.

Generally speaking, many escape magical powers, light beams, and spiritual treasures are easily interrupted when they are cast, but wormholes basically have no such concerns. Except for special means, they can basically escape as long as they are cast.

Therefore, the value of Wormhole Beads has always been high, and there is no market price.

Although this time I got an Eye of the Dharma, but to use a Wormhole Bead, this God Emperor still had some pain.

However, for safety and not to be exposed, he can only bite his head.

Squeeze hard,

In Russia, there are clear and whirlpools, and the sound of the waves of time and space can be heard. I don't know the distance, such as looking at flowers in the fog, misty and mysterious.

In a short time, a wormhole was formed, and then a pair of shots were fired and rolled toward the Emperor, and they were dragged into the vortex channel in an instant.

"Wormhole beads?"

Zhuge Jin was a little surprised, the strange sound sounded,

"I didn't expect you to have such a good thing in your hands. Unfortunately, even if there are wormhole beads, you don't want to leave today."

He was surprised that even if he didn't have such a good thing as Wormhole Bead, the value was not under some third-class top treasure.

The reason for the weirdness is because, by coincidence, a book is not made. Although this treasure is good, it is committed in its own hands.

It can only be said that people are unlucky to drink cold water and plug their teeth.

Generally speaking, with wormhole beads, it is enough to deal with most of the life and death crisis.

Because of this, the name of the Wormhole Bead is so big, precious, and so rare.

Unfortunately, Sheng Shengyu and He Shengliang, who told him to cast wormhole beads in front of Zhu Gejin?

Obviously, even if the life-saving means such as wormhole beads were used, they still did not escape Zhuge Jin's pursuit.

In fact, this is also his bad luck. Wormhole beads are indeed precious and a good way to save lives. For another person, maybe he escaped, but he met Zhuge Jin.

Zhuge Jin has a treasure in his hand, named Time Spike.

Although this object is named with time and space, it does not have any time and space means. Unlike chaotic beads, it does not want chaotic clocks. Its attack power is not strong and has no defense power, but it has a function.

That is to hold everything related to time and space.

It can be used to stabilize space tunnels, and can also be used to anchor space-time shifts.

Just like a sword, it is killing and saving, depending on how it is used.

At this moment, for Zhu Gejin, of course, it is used to fix the time and space shift, so that the enemy will not escape.

But when he heard a stop drinking, the light flashed in his hands, and suddenly, he could see that a finger-sized flash of gleam, as if the silvery white spikes flying around with empty fragments sometimes flew out.

Xu Xujian, who is good at facing the wind, has turned into a huge figure, and seems to contain some unique Tao charm.

It is not time and space, but the meaning of the fixed word.

Time flies, as if a wormhole, time and space can not help but stagnate in front of this space-time nail, as if encountering natural enemies, when even trembling violently.

Although this space-time nail seems to have only one, it is a set combination, similar to the kind of mother and daughter sword.

It can be differentiated into a total of 981, each of which has the ability to nail a space-time channel. One set can go down, and it can be arranged into a set of matrix methods.

It is rumored that at that time, someone made a set of four-level peaks of space-time nails in an attempt to hold the river of time and space up against the current.

Although it failed in the end, the power of time and space nails can be seen.

This spatio-temporal nail is an exotic treasure raised in nature, and was then re-sacrifice by Zhu Gejin with various time-space attributes and fixed-word attributes. The grade is not weaker than Babao Ruyi Umbrella, and it is very powerful.

For monks and other Lingbaos, they may not be able to cause fatal harm, but they are uniquely wonderful for the space-time tunnel.

This is the treasure born of the birth of time and space.

"Give me !!"

Zhuge Jin gave a light whistle, and the space-time nail in his hand evolved into 981 in an instant. Then, according to a certain mysterious trajectory, Ding Ding Ding made a sudden noise, and immediately disappeared into the wormhole.

In a moment, the whole wormhole suddenly made a wailing sound, and then the originally stable wormhole tunnel began to violently oscillate.

It can be seen that an invisible force of engulfing is radiated from the nails of time and space, and the force of time and space in the entire wormhole is swallowed and stripped.

The entire wormhole collapsed completely in less than a moment.

"Damn, time and space nail!"

At this moment, the **** emperor had witnessed all of this, and was almost crackled. His face was like the face of a bag of heizi with the ash in his pot, and it looked so dreary that it could drip water.

Originally, it was a bit painful to use treasures such as wormhole beads. Now the most important thing is that the use of it has no effect, and it is even more painful.

I really did not look at the yellow calendar when I went out.

Not only did he meet Zhuge Jin, but he also happened to have such a treasure in his time.

However, he forgot to collect the Eyes of the Last Dharma and almost killed Fang Qingshan.

It was just a painful heartache for his wormhole beads. In order to obtain this treasure, he took the effort of the boss, so he didn't lose his family. He wanted to be a life-saving hole card, but he didn't want to bloom yet. Some effects are wasted.

For a moment, his expression was cold with determination.

Now that he can't walk, he has done one game. Although he knows that he is not Zhuge Jin's opponent, he knows exactly how he played.

Moreover, he may not have no chance.

Thinking of this, a malicious look turned towards him, and he turned a blind eye to the incident outside the window, and only focused on Fang Qingshan's body.

Yes, since we cannot escape, there is only one way left.

Take Qingshan below ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is not that he wants to continue to kill Fang Qingshan with his tricks. He wants to take a personal back when he is dead, but he wants to be held hostage and let Zhuge Jin cast a jerk. The purpose of escape.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

If he takes a decisive shot when he finds out that Zhuge Jin is here, I am afraid there is still a glimmer of hope.

Now, all the figures of Zhu Gejin have appeared on the battlefield.


As soon as the sky was opened, the clear water light fell from the top, a huge amount of light was released, and tens of thousands of golden lights dangled and clanged.

For a time, if the blue sky is washed, the blue sky is thousands of miles away, the purple air is empty, and the light is hanging down.

Streamer knot Ruicai, thousands of lights.

The monotonous, obscure, infinite void suddenly brightened up.

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