Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1557: Times

This time, Duan Wei was sent out.

Although the mission reward is very generous, it is so generous that even he is tempted.

And this is also one of the reasons for his dispatch. Once it is a sectarian request, then it is driven by interests.

But when he set off, he knew the situation was bad.

After all, who knew the situation at that time, the Taoist Gate had already been dispatched, and he was going there, and if it hit him, the consequences would naturally be self-evident.

Sure enough, the situation was as he expected, but it was worse.

Fortunately, he didn't do anything, and there was still a stream of water in front of him, so he was lucky.

I hope Zhuge Jin treats himself as a passerby and don't care about himself.

No matter what Duan Wei thought, at this time, no one knew, and no one cared. At this moment, everyone in the heavens and the world was shocked by the falling water of Changshui.

"Is this the emperor or the peak emperor? Has it fallen?"

"It should be the pinnacle of the Emperor God. If it is the fall of the Emperor, I am afraid that the movement will be greater, not just the wailing of the current roads, the blood and rain falling."

"Ah, it's an eventful autumn, and now the peak of the Emperor God has fallen, and I don't know how big this number will be."

"What happened, was it an accident, or wasn't it an accident?"

"Regardless of him, the soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil. Thinking so much, it is better to practice one or two."


The falling of the constantly flowing water has the induction and vibration of the whole world.

An invisible sense of urgency suddenly struck, and the atmosphere was suddenly suppressed somehow.

Others may not know what's going on, but this time the people who shot at Taoism quickly knew what was going on.

Others are just fine, but Qianqiumen and Wangutianmen are irritated, and some feel that stealing chickens will not eclipse the rice.

Peak God Emperor, even if it is not the title God Emperor, that is also the mainstay of the martial arts. It is so broken, it is a bad news for the whole Qianqiumen.

For Wangu Tianmen, it is a matter of face.

Knowing that Chang Liushui is a person from Qianqiumen, standing behind them is the Eternal Heaven Gate, and Taoist Gate is even sympathetic, which is obviously in the face.

According to the personality of Wangu Tianmen, it was supposed to come to the door.

It is a pity that this time it is not reasonable, and at this moment, the Taoist gate is also in that state of explosion. If you are not careful, the two factions may erupt into fighting.

Wangu Tianmen is not afraid of Taoism, but they don't want to compete for fishermen's profits, and they are cheap for others.

This point is the same as the Sambo Emperor, but it is similar to what the hero sees, and it can only be tolerated first.

It was for this reason that after the Taoist Gate was dispatched, everyone rushed to close it. Of course, it was also because their goals were not successfully achieved, but they had also completed 50%, and the sniper was successful.

It is also because of this that Zhuge Jin dare not take any action against Chang Liushui, and does not leave the Eight Treasure Ruyi Umbrella to the face of Wangu Tianmen and Sanbao Shenhuang.

"Okay, Qingshan, let's go back. You don't have to worry about it. Although your injury is serious this time, it's nothing. Even if it hurts the foundation, the martial arts have the treasure to help you repair it."

After experiencing Chang Liushui, Zhu Gejin's mood finally eased up, but thought that there was a series of things that needed to be dealt with, plus Qingshan's injury could not be delayed, so he turned around and said to the other side.

For Fang Qingshan's performance this time, Zhu Gejin was really not satisfied.

Good guy, with the strength of the immortal peak, the fighting power of the late Emperor Emperor broke out.

This time, if it was n’t bad luck, I met Chang Liushui, or people like Qian Qiu Men were too shameless, and sent the peak Emperor, I am afraid that he would be safe without any need for him.

However, the blessing of the blessing rests, and the blessing of the blessing lies.

Although the situation is in danger, the situation has finally turned into a bad one without causing much damage.

As he said, even if the foundation is damaged, Taoism has the treasure to help him repair it.

Once the restoration was completed and the experience of this incident was digested, Fang Qingshan's breakthrough in the Emperor was almost natural.

And a breakthrough is definitely the title of Emperor, and it is the title of Emperor Gaopin.

This is the biggest good news today.

"Thanks a lot to the elders for their help," Fang Qingshan said quickly and thanked him.

Back to the big tree for the cool.

If he was not a disciple of Taoism, who would come to save him this time, and even if someone rescued him, would he have this ability in the face of the peak emperor? After the injury, you can only slowly repair it by yourself.

Although it was only after joining the Taoist Gate, Fang Qingshan's sense of belonging to the Taoist Gate was not inferior to those of the disciples who were raised from childhood.

After all, the human heart is fleshy.

After joining the Taoist gate, he first got three top treasures in the secret library, but now he is in danger, and the elder Chuan Gong has taken pains to rescue him. How can he not be moved?

"Okay, let's go!"

Zhu Gejin's gratitude to Fang Qingshan is naturally felt. The smile on the face adds a bit. The person who is grateful is naturally liked by everyone. He grabbed Fang Qingshan and did not sacrifice any spiritual treasure. It is the kind of self-righteous, white-eyed wolf that thinks everything should be.

Take one step, but the speed is not slow at all. It seems that the court is walking in a hurry and is not sick, but in a blink of an eye, it is a heaven and earth.

Seeing the disappearance of Fang Qingshan and Zhu Gejin, Duan Wei was relieved, thinking that Zhu Gejin ignored himself and thought he had saved his life, but unfortunately the smile just hanged at the corner of his mouth, and the whole person became stiff. For sky-high fluorescence, it must be scattered and invisible. However, he is only in the late period of the Emperor God. After the fall ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ except where he is, there is not as much movement as constant flow of water.


Just as Zhu Gejin returned to Taoism with Fang Qingshan, elsewhere, Qian Duodu and others also returned with Pombo and others to Taoism.

It's just that some people return with their own, while others return empty-handed.

Obviously, although the Daoist gate was found in time and dispatched quickly, the far distance could not hydrolyze the near thirst, and some disciples still had no time to rescue and encountered poisonous hands, including many inside elites and even true transmission.

Fortunately, the last time he was promoted to Fang Qingshan's top ten disciples at the same time and became the eleven of the true story, they were all intact, which is also a blessing in misfortune.

Probably the lucky people have their own heavens, the luck is full of prosperity, the fierce luck turns into luck.

And to deal with other people, unlike Fang Qingshan, the good guy alone has three secret forces, and each has a deadly hole card. In the end, he sent the Emperor of God to want to kill, although it didn't come in handy, and in Had a life, but for another person, I'm afraid I have no such good luck.

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